Showing posts with label ban. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ban. Show all posts

09 December 2015

A Portland University Wants Federal Permission to Ban Transgender Students

Dirk VanderHart
The Portland Mercury


ezs note:  Wow... how interesting.  I have no qualms with private colleges or universities instituting some strange and/or appalling codes...  but that's only if their funding remains totally private!  Note that the article said that Multnomah University accepted 1.1 million in federal funds!  Now, that's a different kettle of fish.  I do think that federal monies are a valuable resource, but if their hand remains out, certain standards have to be met.  Please urge your Congressperson if any money is to be doled out to a private institution, transgender people have to be welcomed.  (Thanks to Mr. VanderHart for your diligence.)

25 August 2015

Military transgender ban set to end next May

Tom Vanden Brook
USA Today


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15 July 2015

Other Views: Pentagon and transgender ban

Lubbock Avalanche-Journal


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13 July 2015

Pentagon Expected to Lift Transgender Ban

Lolita C. Baldor
US News and World Report


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19 June 2015

Lawmakers Push to End Military Transgender Ban

The New York Times


16 June 2015

Would a President Graham lift the transgender military ban?


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11 March 2015

Florida House bill would remove gay adoption ban from law

The Daytona Beach News-Journal

ezs note:  I made a mistake about Mr. Artiles view on adoption. I have pulled the cartoon.  My apologies, Mr. Artiles.

31 December 2014

Leelah Alcorn’s Transgender Suicide Sparks ‘Leelah’s Law’ Petition To Ban Conversion Therapy

International Business Times

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ezs note:  You can switch over to by accessing it in the first paragraph.  If you have not done so yet, please e-write the President, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid.  C'mon, it only takes a minute - and it may save a life.