Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts

18 March 2020

Donald Trump - The Putin Files: Michael McFaul (Frontline)

Michael McFaul

ezs note:  This is the second in a series where former Ambassador Michael McFaul is being interviewed by Frontline.

17 March 2020

Donald Trump - The Putin Files - Julia Ioffe (Frontline)

ezs note:  Wow... this is a shitload of valuable information.  For the next 29 (!) days, I will be delving deeply into how cozy Trump got with Putin.  Today, Frontline interviews Julia Ioffe.

09 March 2020

Donald Trump - Stephanie Grisham's stunningly bad answer about President Trump and coronavirus

Chris Cillizza

Stephanie Grisham

please press:

ezs note:  Having trouble finding that perfect job?  A few eensy-teensy flaws getting in your way?  Well, Stephanie Grisham had these problems - but she got in the White House!  Catch these problems:  

Following her divorce(s), Grisham was the spokeswoman for AAA Arizona in 2007,[15] but was fired within a year after being accused of cheating on expense reports.[16] Grisham was fired from a subsequent job at ad agency Mindspace over plagiarism charges, copying AAA material verbatim into her client's web page.[16]  (Wikipedia)

Hey, if Stephanie can do it, anybody can do it!  (and I do mean anybody... except for Mexican-Americans...)