In 2010, Wyoming had a population of 563,626.
During the same time, Washington DC had a population of 617,996.
Wyoming enjoys all the rights and liberties of a state. Washington DC does not.
Get it? Nah, neither do I.
I don't give a flying fart whether Washington DC residents are mostly Democratic, Republican, Green, independent, A Connecticut Party...whatever. They have the right to choose what any other American chooses. Period. Get this done. Now.
During the same time, Washington DC had a population of 617,996.
Wyoming enjoys all the rights and liberties of a state. Washington DC does not.
Get it? Nah, neither do I.
I don't give a flying fart whether Washington DC residents are mostly Democratic, Republican, Green, independent, A Connecticut Party...whatever. They have the right to choose what any other American chooses. Period. Get this done. Now.