16 June 2017

Memo lays out Trump administration's approach to transgender students' civil rights cases

Emma Brown
Chicago Tribune

Credit:  http://shoebat.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/20150725_USD000_0-vi.jpg

Transgender Activists to Facebook: A Pride Month Button Isn’t Enough

Lisa Marie Segarra

Credit:  http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/06/29/18/2A1726F400000578-3143586-image-a-4_1435600185793.jpg

please press:  http://fortune.com

Transgender actors effective in teaching new doctors to provide respectful care

Science News

Credit:  http://medialib.aafp.org/content/dam/AAFP/images/ann/2016-December/HIP-Patient-Engagement_Senior.jpg.daijpg.380.jpg

14 June 2017

I make changes through words, protests, and votes... NOT bullets!!!

Credit:  https://vectortoons.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/women-public-speaking-collection-008.jpg

ezs note:  For those of you who haven't heard yet, Rep. Steve Scalise was shot today.  This is a DESPICABLE act.  Rep. Scalise, in spite of all the differences, I wish you well and a speedy recovery. 

Trump’s birthday celebrations marred by historically low approval rating (UK)

Fiona Keating
The Independent

Credit:  http://www.designbolts.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Funny-Donald-Trump-Birthday-Card.jpg

Reconstructing religion: West Philly transgender rabbi redefining roles in the Jewish faith

Timaree Schmit
philadelphia weekly

Credit:  http://www.nbta-uk.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/judaism-long.jpg


Michael Cuby

Danica Roem

Credit:  http://www.metroweekly.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Roem-e1483482648144.jpg

This Transgender Worker Is Suing McDonald's For Discrimination

Cora Lewis

Credit:  https://igx.4sqi.net/img/general/200x200/NUMUQU0LPOF3YLQKFT0HDA0M5UOXJMVC3MOCKLWP5WOCDLDW.jpg

please press:  https://www.buzzfeed.com

Nine Chinese gay, transgender couples to tie the knot on cruise ship (Switzerland)

Engen Tham and Damon Lin

Shanghai, China

Credit:  https://cdn.ek.aero/au/english/images/Shanghai_tcm276-2364302.jpg

please press:  https://www.swissinfo.ch

13 June 2017

Warriors consider snubbing US President Donald Trump (Australia)

Tyson Otto

Credit:  https://i.ytimg.com/vi/wlsOYZ6EGpw/maxresdefault.jpg

please press:  http://www.news.com.au

A Trans Teen Explains Why He Took His School to Court (and Won)

Mark Joseph Stern

Kenosha, WI

Credit:  http://midtowngreenway.org/files/mgc/flares/posts/9QDTcXPNec.jpg

please press:  http://www.slate.com

RI ACLU asks schools to create policies protecting transgender students

Linda Borg
Providence Journal

Credit:  http://www.50states.com/images/redesign/seals/ri-largeseal.png

American Medical Association Adopts Resolutions Opposing Policies that Harm Transgender People

Sarah McBride

Credit:  https://www.tsico.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/AMA_sig_RGB.gif

please press:  http://www.hrc.org

Group pushing to end Washington state transgender bathroom rule gets $50,000 boost

Nina Shapiro
The Seattle Times

Washington state

Credit:  http://www.commerce.wa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/business-services-economic-partnerships1.jpg

ezs note:  people of Washington state - if you are transgender, or have a friend, relative, or loved one who is, YOU can stop this idiotic bill.  If you have a little money, make a donation.  Talk to your friends and neighbors.  Write or e-write letters to the editor.  If you have a little talent (or even if you don't) produce something for the local public TV station.  Do something I haven't thought of (yet💆).  Whatever you do, DO IT!

Donald Trump, psychotic

Credit:  http://www.cartoonaday.com/images/cartoons/2015/12/donald-trump-presidential-clown-cartoon-598.jpg

ezs note:  If you (still) don't believe me, read THIS.

12 June 2017

Senator Chuck Schumer spoofs Donald Trump’s sad need for approval

Sam Barsanti
A.V. Club

Credit:  https://i1.wp.com/anewdomain.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/11-16-16.jpg?fit=720%2C552

please press:  http://www.avclub.com

Is the Political Climate Leading to More Violence Against LGBT People?

Ashley Dejean
Mother Jones

Credit:   http://instinctmagazine.com/sites/instinctmagazine.com/files/styles/large/public/images/blog_posts/Karim%20Shah/2016/11/09/violence-against-gays.jpg?itok=lfKWYOBZ

‘Rest in Power’: Gainesville Equality March honors victims of Pulse nightclub shooting and celebrates LGBTQ+ pride

David Hoffman and Catie Wegman
The Independent Florida Alligator

Pulse nightclub shooting - aftermath

Credit:  http://a.abcnews.com/images/US/gty_orlando_nightclub_shooting_03_jc_160615_12x5_1600.jpg

please press:  http://www.alligator.org

Hate Crime - Historic Sentencing for Gang Member who Killed Transgender Woman


Credit:  http://www.brodenmickelsen.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/revelriot_hatecrimes.jpg

please press:    https://www.fbi.gov

Group Attacks Transgender Women, Tells Them to 'Get off Their Block': Cops

4 New York (NBC)

Credit:  https://media.glassdoor.com/o/121512/bellevue-hospital-center-office.jpg

please press:  http://www.nbcnewyork.com

11 June 2017

Thank you, John Scagliotti!

John Scagliotti

Credit:  https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/530756983284977664/7c2sXyPk.jpeg

ezs note:  So, here I am, blogging out yet another version of Emily's Virtual Rocket.  It has been terribly satisfying work.  Yet, until yesterday, I wondered if my work was of truly significant import.

OK, let me explain.  Roughly a month ago, I saw an advertisement for the Connecticut LGBT Film Festival.  Among the films being shown was Before Homosexuals: The Prequel To Before Stonewall.  Wow - this really intrigued me.  In my spare time, I delved into the body of work by scholars who worked in the LGBT community. (and in  particular, transgender people)  Well, on Saturday, I decided to go this movie.  It really was a fine film.  On the way out, who was there but John Scagliotti!

I had to see him.

In my work, I had encountered the Café Zehner, a bar in Munich which was raided by the police in 1921.  I asked John if he had any information on this place.  He was very courteous and very informative, talking at length about the interwar Germany.  After the meeting broke up, John stopped and gave me some very helpful info about the German word Schwule, which might provide me some valuable information.  After a few moments, I was about to leave, but I said "You know, I have this blog, Emily's Virtual Rocket..." He had seen it already!  You could have knocked me over with a feather!

I know I said it before, John, but you made my day. Thanks!

Donald Trump ‘will not visit UK if it leads to large demos’ (Scotland)

Gavin Cordon
The Scotsman

Credit:  https://wrongologist.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/COW-Trump-Anger.jpg

please press:  http://www.scotsman.com

ezs note:  Uh, news flash, Donald - maybe you should be equally scared of Americans protesting. (Maybe you should try Saudi Arabia.  They'll love you there.)

Across US, thousands rallying and marching for LGBT rights

Carolyn Kaster and David Crary
New Haven Register

Credit:  http://cdn.c.photoshelter.com/img-get2/I0000.PW.EIJ4W7Q/fit=1000x750/National-Equality-March-20091011122023-7656.jpg

please press:  http://www.nhregister.com

Why I’m Marching In The Equality March

Dan Avery

Credit:  http://www.mcclatchy-wires.com/incoming/iimw53/picture155581609/alternates/FREE_640/LGBT_Marches_20502.jpg

please press:  http://www.newnownext.com

This trans acid attack survivor is finally receiving compensation (UK)

Meka Beresford
Pink News

Hyderabad, India

Credit:  https://www.skymetweather.com/content/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Rain-in-Hyderabad2-2.jpg

please press:  http://www.pinknews.co.uk

#ResistMarch 2017 live updates: Tens of thousands expected to pack Hollywood Blvd.

Los Angeles Times

Credit:  https://www.lapride.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/event-resistmarch.jpg

please press:  http://www.latimes.com

ezs note:  Can't find a way to LA?  That's OK. Just find your own way to PROTEST.

10 June 2017

Ponce, Puerto Rico

Credit:  http://islandsofpuertorico.com/images/playa-pelicano-puerto-rico-ponce.jpg

ezs note: Wow - these bills get around!  This time we're visiting Ponce, Puerto Rico!

09 June 2017


Rebecca Solnit
Literary Hub

Credit:  http://www.springfieldnewssun.com/rf/image_inline/Pub/p7/MyStatesman/2016/10/12/Images/photos.medleyphoto.11715276.jpg

please press:  http://lithub.com

Laws Can Reduce Bullying For Transgender Youth (Canada)

Kimberley Ens Manning and Elizabeth J. Meyer

Credit:   http://offcampus.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/464/2015/03/law.jpg

LGBT activists alarmed transgender molester facing tougher sentence than victim who attacked her with hatchet

Michael Gordon
New Hampshire Union Leader

Ralayzia Taylor 

ezs note:  Oy, what a mess.  On the one hand, Ralayzia Taylor sounds a wee bit suspect.   "She/he looked 18" just doesn't cut it - and nor should it.  On the other hand, those two cretins whacked her with a hatchet!  In most cases, I'm willing let minor criminals receive a lighter sentence - but not these two.  Their vile actions reach far beyond normal civility.

Sen. Tim Kaine Introduces Legislation to Protect LGBTQ People from Housing Discrimination

Stephen Peters

Sen. Tim Kaine

Credit:  http://media.npr.org/assets/img/2016/09/30/gettyimages-584738976_wide-7a47209fca4da0150d11e9d012b9a02c8ff9b40f-s900-c85.jpg

please press:  http://www.hrc.org

Services facing July 1 deadline ask for more time to develop transgender policy

Tom Vanden Brook
USA Today

Credit:  https://clipartion.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/snail-clip-art-830x338.png

please press:  https://www.usatoday.com

08 June 2017

Experts: Trump’s Comey Firing ‘Possibly Lawful, But Awful’

Alex Seitz-Wald and Ken Dilanian

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/3f/fc/d4/3ffcd45b39f0ee4995daac259ae1cddd.jpg

please press:  http://www.nbcnews.com

REVIEW | Eddie Izzard's 'Believe Me' is thoughtful, funny, and heartbreaking

Thomas Burns Scully

Eddie Izzard

Credit:  http://www.interviewmagazine.com/files/2014/05/20/img-eddie-izzard_092812173481.jpg

please press:  https://www.popdust.com

It's surprisingly easy to change your gender on a U.S. passport

Alex Orlov

Credit:  http://img03.deviantart.net/7151/i/2007/115/4/0/gender_change_by_shinzucub.png

please press:  https://mic.com

The Good Fight: Looking Beyond the Memorials

Chad Griffin

Credit:  https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/819333352058601473/JSmx876a.jpg

please press:  http://www.hrc.org

Retired Generals: Don't Delay Accepting Trans Troops

Trudy Ring

Credit:  https://static1.squarespace.com/static/548f810ce4b057b610535ef2/t/57757d042e69cf720ba27049/1467317511132/

please press:  http://www.advocate.com

07 June 2017

Job Fair!

Credit:  http://www.jobsparx.com/logos/job%20fair.jpg

ezs note:  This is a new feature for a transgender seeking new/better employment as a tool for better economic security.  A few tips: 1)  Dress professionally. If you need some pointers, Google here.  2)  Speak professionally.  Needless to say, no gum-chewing.  No matter how many butterflies you may have, speak and act confidently.  Need to speak proper English?  Google here .  3)  Do your freakin' homework.  Nothing is worse than going from a bad situation to an absolutely horrible one.  That goes double if you are transgender. Anyone can put 'LGBTs welcome' on a business card, but it's up to YOU to check it out.  If you can, talk to a few employees.  Check it out on Wikipedia.  If you are considering a mid to major corporation, see the HRC Corporate Equality Index.  

note: This is a random sampling of job fairs throughout US/Canada. To see more, type 'job fairs' under News.

Town/City: Calcasieu Parish LA
Location: Lake Charles Civic Center
Bor Du Lac Drive
Date:  Wednesday, July 12
Time(s): 9am - noon

note:  veterans given priority

please press:  http://www.katc.com

Donald Trump Had Better Be Under FBI Investigation Now

Brian Beutler
New Republic

Credit:  http://www.mercurynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/probetoon05.jpg?w=620

please press: https://newrepublic.com 

The United Methodist Church has appointed a transgender deacon

Julie Zauzmer
The Washington Post

Credit:  https://1saxj2i1vq934y49o1o3msw9lu-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/deaconemblem.gif

This Pride Month, Think About The Power Of Your Pronoun

Dr. Mary T. Bassett

Credit:  http://blog.writeathome.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/pronouns-300x232.jpg

To Be His 'Most Authentic Self,' Brookline Elementary School Principal Announces He's Transgender

Lisa Mullins and Lynn Jolicoeur

John D. Runkle School
(Brookline elementary schools)

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/9d/a5/09/9da509b2338584ae21899f5e2d670359.jpg

please press:  http://www.wbur.org

Bathrooms just the first of many barriers transgender youths face (Canada)

David Rider

Credit:  http://media.indiatimes.in/media/content/2016/May/blueberry-bathroom-partitions_1462429629_725x725.jpg

please press:  https://www.thestar.com

06 June 2017

Job Fair!

Credit:  http://www.melmark.org/stuff/contentmgr/files/1/89376fb42d3463df38a402502be2c4ba/files/career_sign.png

ezs note:  This is a new feature for a transgender seeking new/better employment as a tool for better economic security.  A few tips: 1)  Dress professionally. If you need some pointers, Google here.  2)  Speak professionally.  Needless to say, no gum-chewing.  No matter how many butterflies you may have, speak and act confidently.  Need to speak proper English?  Google here .  3)  Do your freakin' homework.  Nothing is worse than going from a bad situation to an absolutely horrible one.  That goes double if you are transgender. Anyone can put 'LGBTs welcome' on a business card, but it's up to YOU to check it out.  If you can, talk to a few employees.  Check it out on Wikipedia.  If you are considering a mid to major corporation, see the HRC Corporate Equality Index.  

note: This is a random sampling of job fairs throughout US/Canada. To see more, type 'job fairs' under News.

Town/City: Houston, TX
Location: 419 Crawford St. (approx.)
(where Houston Astros play)
Date:  Thursday, June 8
Time(s): 11 am - 3 pm

note:  only veterans, spouses, guardsmen, and reservists may attend
please press:  http://abc13.com

It's Time to Demand Donald Trump's Resignation

Jesse Berney
Rolling Stone

Credit:  http://bokbluster.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/160810kick.jpg

What My Transgender Boyfriend Taught Me About Relationships "Don’t make assumptions."

Raechel Tiffe

Credit:  http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1616529/images/o-RELATIONSHIP-facebook.jpg

please press:  http://www.teenvogue.com

LGBTQ Wellness: It’s All About The Data

LGBT Healthlink and Corey Prachniak-Rincón


Credit:  https://johntomsett.files.wordpress.com/2016/10/dataandcloudcomputing.jpg

ezs note:  To be better informed, press the hyperlink in the main article.

These 2 Important LGBTQ Protection Bills Are Now On Rauner's Desk

Stephen Gossett

Illinois governor's mansion

Credit:  http://rbrua3v80lj2rulsf7iqfnpmf.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/22505429E.jpg

please press:  http://chicagoist.com

ezs note:  Illinois residents - you can move transgender rights forward by having the governor sign YES on HB 1785. You can make this happen by calling the governor's mansion at 217-782-0244 or 312-814-2121 (Chicago area).