19 May 2018

civil rights - 'Live Free or Die' motto often invoked, with mixed results

Holly Ramer
Hastings Tribune

Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8d/Lake_Winnipesaukee_and_the_Ossipee_Mountains.jpg

please press:  www.hastingstribune.com 

California - Saddleback College continues to investigate submitted transgender student complaints

Ashley Hern

Saddleback College

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/87/Saddlebackcollege.jpg

please press:  lariatnews.com

lead story - Belgian transgender ballet film wins Cannes Queer Palme

Johnny Cotton

Jacques Brel, Belgium

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a7/TV-uitzending_Domino_Jacques_Brel_tijdens_de_opname_in_Amsterdam%2C_Marcanti%2C_Bestanddeelnr_914-8399.jpg

please press:  www.reuters.com 

18 May 2018

Middletown, Delaware

estimated transgender population:  121*
(rounded down)

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bb/Middletown_DE.jpg

 ezs note:  Wow! So that's where Dead Poets Society was filmed!  Middletown, Delaware is home to St. Andrews School, a private co-ed boarding school.  In the movies, boarding schools are starchy, stuffy places, (especially in the fifties) but St. Andrews is fortunately different.  They have a Gender and Sexuality Alliance - good for them!

Donald Trump - Trump personally pushed postmaster general to double rates on Amazon, other firms

Damian Patella, Josh Dawsey
The Washington Post

Credit:  http://blogforarizona.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Cartoon_45.jpg

please press:  www.washingtonpost.com

Chile - Chile LGBT Group Blasts Campaign against Transgender Actress

Latin American Herald Tribune

Santiago, Chile

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/94/Munisantiago.jpg

please press:  www.laht.com

civil rights - This transgender graduate will make history at Pass High. And he's only 16.

Jeff Clark

Pass Christian, Mississippi

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c6/FEMA_-_37538_-_Pass_Christian_Harbor_with_docked_boats_in_Mississippi.jpg

please press:  www.sunherald.com

Illinois - Pride Action Tank report and project address issues concerning LGBT older adults

Windy City Times

Chicago, IL (Wicker Park)

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/86/Six_Corners_-_Wicker_Park%2C_Chicago.jpg

please press:  www.windycitymediagroup.com

lead story - GOP Candidate Films Herself Harassing A Transgender Woman

Andrea González-Ramírez

Jazmina Saavedra (R-CA)

Credit:  http://www.dumpaday.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/crazy-women.jpg

please press:  www.refinery29.com

17 May 2018

Donald Trump - Senate Transcripts Suggest Trump, Jr., Was Willing to Collude with Russians

John Cassidy
The New Yorker

Credit:  https://rationalmadness.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/cartoon22.jpg

please press:  www.newyorker.com

Ukraine - Ukraine: Radical Groups Disrupt LGBTI Event

Human Rights Watch

Donetsk, Ukraine

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/05/2014-04-17%D0%9C%D1%96%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B3_%D1%83_%D0%94%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%86%D1%8C%D0%BA%D1%83_10.jpg

please press:  www.hrw.org

civil rights - Longtime gay-rights opponent Tony Perkins named to U.S. religious freedom panel

Julie Moreau
NBC News

Credit:  http://thedamienzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/deniro-sucks1.jpg

please press:  www.nbcnews.com

Arkansas - Arkansas middle school student, 12, donates money from sales to charity

Rachel O'Neal

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d2/First_Place_Blue_Ribbon.png

please press:  www.arkansasonline.com

lead story - The gay, transgender and bisexual men on Manus are forced into silence

Behrouz Boochani
The Guardian

Manus Island regional processing center

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/19/Manus_Island_regional_processing_facility_2012.jpg

please press:  www.theguardian.com

16 May 2018

Donald Trump - TESTIMONY - Donald Trump Jr. testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee

Donald Trump Jr. (testifying)
Senate Judiciary Committee

Senate Judiciary Committee

please press:  www.judiciary.senate.gov

ezs note: Yeah, yeah, I know.   This is a L-O-N-G piece.  Read the whole thing - you'll be rewarded.

Turkey: Banned Pride march must be allowed to take place in peace

Amnesty International

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/25/S%C3%A3o_Paulo_LGBT_Pride_Parade_2014_%2814108541924%29.jpg

please press:  www.amnesty.org

ezs note:  Hey, if it can take place in São Paulo, it can place in Ankara.  PERIOD.

civil rights - LGBTQ teens face widespread feelings of fear and rejection, survey finds

Amy Ellis Nutt
Chicago Tribune

Guido Reni, Massacre of the Innocents

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1a/Guido_Reni_-_Massacre_of_the_Innocents_detail3_-_Pinacoteca_Nazionale_Bologna.jpg

please press:  www.chicagotribune.com  

Illinois - Experts say large health disparities exist between Chicago LGBTQs

Jesse Arnholz
Windy City Times

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1f/Global_physician_density_map_-_WHO_2010.png

please press:  www.windycitymediagroup.com

lead story - 2 transgender women have turned up dead in Dallas in the last week

Matthew Martinez
The Sacramento Bee

Vincent van Gogh, Sorrow

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5e/Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Sorrow_%281882%29.jpg

please press:  www.sacbee.com

ezs note:  Unfortunately, two transgender women have been found murdered in Dallas, TX in a short period of time. The first, mentioned previously, was Carla Patricia Flores-Pavon.  The second is unidentified.  She was a black transgender woman, 5 feet 3 inches tall, 130 pounds.  If you have information about either one of these murders, please call the Dallas police at 214-283-4856. Thanks.   

VIDEO - Trump's 20 Worst Broken Promises

Credit:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHG7appJ6Io

15 May 2018


Bess Levin
Vanity Fair

Credit:  http://mycartoonthing.com/wp-content/uploads/image/Apple%20for%20the%20teacher%20cartoon.jpg

please press:  www.vanityfair.com

Greece - Greece will allow same-sex couples to foster children

Matt Moore
Gay Times

ruins of Angelokastro, Greece 

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0a/Angelokastro_%28Corfu%29.jpg

please press:  www.gaytimes.co.uk

civil rights - Lexington delegation stands up for transgender rights

Wicked Local Lexington

Munroe Cemetery, Lexington, MA

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cf/Munroe_Cemetery%2C_Lexington_MA.jpg

please press:  lexington.wickedlocal.com

Utah - ‘Queer Prom’ gives Utah teens a space where they can express their true selves

The Salt Lake Tribune

Credit: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8d/a3/1c/8da31c96bcc2e48f803aee11fa6015a6.jpg

please press:  www.sltrib.com

lead story - Schools pulled into row over helping transgender children

Kim Thomas
The Guardian


Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/26/Touwtrekken.jpg

please press:  www.theguardian.com

VIDEO - Robert Reich: Truth as a Common Good with Robert Reich

Credit:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Axkvo0PHIa0

14 May 2018

Donald Trump - President’s aides believe Donald Trump, Jr. and Jared Kushner could be indicted: report

Travis Gettys

Home sweet home!  😆

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/13/Old_capitol_prison_2.jpg

please press:  www.salon.com

ezs note:  Uh, when isn't Trump mad?  (in both senses of the word)

Zimbabwe - Sex workers get exhibition stand at Zimbabwe’s international trade fair event

Mildred Europa Taylor

market at Harare, Zimbabwe

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/01/2010_market_Harare_Zimbabwe_5866074969.jpg

please press:  face2faceafrica.com 

New Jersey - Some parts of NJ not as accepting of LGBT residents

David Matthau

Cape May, New Jersey

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9a/Cape_may.jpg

please press:  nj1015.com

civil rights - Every Lesbian, Bisexual, Queer And/Or Trans Woman Running for US Office in 2018

Laura Mandanas

Credit:  http://wineforcures.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/volunteer-green-logo1.jpg

please press:  www.autostraddle.com

ezs note:  Okay... this is important.  Whether you live in a town, city, district, or state or not, get to know the candidate a bit.  If she/he/hir suits your fancy, volunteer!  I can't make any guarantees - but if you work hard, you'll have a friend for life - and maybe an important one. 

lead story - Colombia’s indigenous transgender women find refuge, freedom working on coffee farms

Kenneth Dickerman
The Washington Post

Coffea canephora

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/64/Coffea_canephora_at_Aanakkulam.jpg

please press:  www.washingtonpost.com

ezs note:  Wow! Here I am in Connecticut, enjoying my coffee, when I find out about the hard, industrious work of the pickers!  You are to be commended!  I hope that my work makes life a bit better for all of us.  

13 May 2018

Donald Trump - Donald Trump Praises His 'Incredible' Mom on Mother's Day — But Doesn't Mention Melania

Maria Pasquini

Credit:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VuoWYmTdSg

please press:  people.com

Brazil - Genderqueer Student Murdered and Burnt in Rio Favela


Credit:  http://www.collindemocrats.org/wp-content/uploads/SHAMEFUL-BEST.png

please press:  www.telesurtv.net

civil rights - New Trans Military Ban Filing Would Accelerate Ruling to Permanently Stop the Trump Ban

The Rainbow Times

US Army

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3c/BarawalaKalay.jpg

please press:  www.therainbowtimesmass.com

Montana - Free & Fair Coalition launches campaign to oppose proposed discriminatory ballot initiative

Char-Kootsa News

Pablo, MT

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0c/Pablo%2C_Montana_blue_water_tower_July_2013.JPG

please press:  www.charkoosta.com

lead story - Transgender children’s mothers work to uphold protection law

Jessica Heslam
Boston Herald

Boston, MA

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0f/USA_Massachusetts_Boston_Foliage.jpg

please press:  www.bostonherald.com 

Hey Mom - Happy Mother's Day!

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bb/Ink_96645mm_happy_mothers_day.jpg 

12 May 2018

Haubstadt, Indiana

estimated transgender population:  9*
(rounded down)

Haubstadt, IN (1924)

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fd/Haubstadt1924.JPG

ezs note:  For such a tiny town, Haubstadt, Indiana certainly has built up quite a name for itself.  The Log Inn was a resting spot for Abraham Lincoln and a place on the Underground Railroad - and it's still open!

Donald Trump - Michael Cohen is 'in business'. But just what sort of business is he in?

Richard Wolffe
The Guardian

Credit:  https://i.pinimg.com/originals/40/3b/ff/403bff91d0748398519fc5f2372e77f8.jpg

 please press:  www.theguardian.com

Indonesia - ‘Dark forces’ of intolerance spreading in Indonesia, say parliamentarians

Max Walden
Asian Correspondent

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/00/Religious_map_of_Indonesia.jpg

please press:  asiancorrespondent.com

civil rights - Trump’s HHS secretary dodges question on trans health care

Chris Johnson
Washington Blade

Credit:  https://nlmhmd.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/figure-1-ed-and-his-wife-marion-meet-clyde-the-dodgy-car-mechanic.png

please press:  www.washingtonblade.com

Delaware - Delaware legislators propose equal rights amendment to the state constitution


woodcut of Delaware (previously New Sweden) 

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/57/NouvSuede.jpg

please press:  www.wmdt.

ezs note:  Opponents of the bill said that it would have granted us transgender people "special rights".  Y'know, like housing, voting, and speaking at meetings.  Oh, we're such a burden. 

lead story - U.S. rolls back protections for transgender prison inmates


Credit:  https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7f/26/93/7f2693248d3912225917271f8e74b6bf.jpg

please press:  www.reuters.com

11 May 2018

Donald Trump - White House official mocked 'dying' McCain at internal meeting

Jonathan Easley, Jordan Fabian
The Hill

Credit:  https://maniacosporfilme.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/the-demented.jpg

please press:  thehill.com

Kenya - Kenya bans lesbian love story film 'Rafiki' set to open at Cannes

Maggie Fick

Lamu door, Kenya

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c1/Lamu_door.jpg

please press:  www.reuters.com

civil rights - Banning Transgender Soldiers Will Damage National Security

Jenny Hall
The Cipher Brief

Credit:  https://www.prlog.org/11663900-silhouetteyelp.jpg

please press:  www.thecipherbrief.com

Texas - (transgender) Woman, 26, Murdered In North Dallas Apartment

Payton Potter
Dallas Patch

Credit:  http://www.dainiknepal.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Kutpit.jpg

please press:  patch.com

ezs note:  Dallas/Fort Worth area - please, if you know anything regarding the murder of Carla Patricia Flores-Pavon, call the police at 214-283-4856. Thanks.

lead story - Beyond glitz and glamour, Lebanese transgender model breaks taboos

Heba Kanso
Thomson Reuters Foundation

Siege of Tripoli, 1289 CE
(artist unknown)

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/59/Siege_of_Tripoli_Painting_%281289%29.jpg

please press:  news.trust.org