23 October 2017

ezs poetry

we sing our odes to the trees
barren life around the axils
sheeted clouds
bear witness to the death of nigh November

© 2017

22 October 2017

Donald Trump Started Rush-Delivering Families’ Condolence Letters to Cover His Ass

Luke Darby

Credit:  https://www.usnews.com/dims4/USNEWS/49f8a70/2147483647/resize/1200x%3E/quality/85/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.beam.usnews.com%2F31%2F8f%2Fb52fa4e645b5a42bc838e3a9fec2%2Fthumb-2.jpg

please press:  www.gq.com

Tanzanian authorities jail 13 activists for 'promoting homosexuality'

James Besanville
Gay Star News

Credit:  https://www.lhl.no/globalassets/lhl-internasjonal/bilder/kart-2015/tanzania.kart.1200x.jpg

please press:  www.gaystarnews.com

ezs note:  You can make a difference in these people's lives!  All you do is press the button and fill out the form on the right side.  That's it!

UK Government to press UN to stop using term ‘pregnant women’ (UK)

Joseph Patrick McDonald
Pink News

House of Commons, London

Credit:  https://assets3.parliament.uk/iv/main-large//ImageVault/Images/id_23302/scope_0/ImageVaultHandler.aspx.jpg

please press:  www.pinknews.co.uk

Danica Roem: Policy wonk in a rainbow headscarf

Antonio Olivo
The Spokesman-Review

Credit:  https://video-images.vice.com/_uncategorized/1496333539750-IMG_4016.jpeg

please press:  www.spokesman.com

Dead Body Of Transgender Person Found In Peshawar

RadioFreeEurope - RadioLiberty

Peshawar, Pakistan

Credit:  https://pukhtoogle.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/peshawar-fog.jpg

please press:  

21 October 2017

101 Facts About Donald Trump / Video

Credit:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p95BQyp5TM

ezs note:  If you are going to be in Washington, DC on December 3, get more info here.

Russian anti-gay MP horrified by Playboy's first-ever transgender cover model


MP Vitaly Milonov

Credit:  http://markgillespieauthor.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/knuckledragger.jpg

please press: www.pravdareport.com

ezs note:  Oh. grow. up.
If. that's. possible. 

Gender becomes a flashpoint for this college generation

Vanessa McCray, Nelson Helm
LaCrosse Tribune

Credit:  http://cdn-image.travelandleisure.com/sites/default/files/styles/1600x1000/public/201109-w-college-campus-berry-college.jpg?itok=K9-W0CAA

please press:  lacrossetribune.com

LGBT national group gives Columbia perfect score

Columbia Daily Tribune

Credit:  http://premierbusinessbrokers.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/ColumbiaMO.jpg

please press:  www.columbiatribune.com

Transgender Activists Fight Historical Mental Health Diagnosis

Boris Dittrich
Human Rights Watch

Credit:  https://jerbearinsantafe.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/wpid-1184911_255132147944848_118821725_n1920034795.jpg?w=350&h=200&crop=1

please press:  www.hrw.org

Brunswick, Georgia

estimated transgender population:  95* (rounded up)

Credit:  http://www.goldenisles.com/files/photos/gi_page/00428h.jpg

ezs note:  The southernmost major port in the United States, Brunswick, Georgia was a major supplier of Liberty ships during World War II.  Come on down and see!

20 October 2017

Is Donald Trump Turning Liberals Into Radicals?

Sarah Leonard
The New York Times

Credit:  https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgQckKZr0ksfzB6QzxnX3qUcX-jgCBsNsRfLRRoE2ydY7b3u3TDcM3S5sCAsVeud5pzAf9tG67RztuA3EWwESiSJDd9ki8-aGF5gUkag6Q4TdUN0trJC6l6ihzzG8VyqrCDhmasmtqtd5s/s1600/trump-toilet-paper.png

please press:  www.nytimes.com

ezs note:  To find out a protest you can participate in from Grand Rapids, Michigan, find out more here.

'The woman I was truly meant to be': Gov't employee thankful for support during transition (Canada)

Rachel Zelniker
CBC News

Regina, Saskatchewan

Credit:  https://i.cbc.ca/1.4187719.1498942502!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/living-flag-regina.jpg

please press:  www.cbc.ca

ACLU takes legal action defending rights of Maryland transgender students

Steve Lee
LGBT Weekly

Credit:  https://previews.123rf.com/images/chrisdorney/chrisdorney1411/chrisdorney141100063/33563199-LEGAL-ACTION-red-Rubber-Stamp-over-a-white-background--Stock-Photo.jpg

please press:  lgbtweekly.com

ezs note:  If you've ever wondered how you can join the ACLU, well, here's your chance!

Judge moves trial for man charged in slaying of transgender Iowa teen


Keokuk, Iowa

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ca/Keokuk_Iowa_Power_Plant.jpg

please press:  www.kcci.com

Man pleads not guilty in transgender pepper-spray attack in Asbury Park

Kathleen Jenkins, Jean Mikle

Credit:  https://i.pinimg.com/474x/59/3f/72/593f721548e482b530c4317e09f76f73--awesome-words-college-boys.jpg

please press:  www.app.com

ezs poetry







19 October 2017

George W. Bush blasts Donald Trump: “Bigotry seems emboldened”

Jarrett Lyons

Credit:  https://dearkitty1.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/3ef64-racist2bgarbage.gif

please press:  www.salon.com

In Africa, LGBT rights activists worry about Trump’s impact

Carley Petesch
Pittsburgh Courier

Goree, Senegal

Credit:  https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/624/cpsprodpb/5BBB/production/_87238432_senegal_goree_g.jpg

How Long Island's former 'Tupperware queen' came out as her true self

Meghan Kelly, Adam Rivera

Bay Shore, NY

Credit:  https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/0e/f2/dd/26/kayak-event-near-fire.jpg

please press:  abcnews.go.com

Jersey City recieves a perfect 100 on 2017 HRC equality index

Out In Jersey

Credit:  http://www.equalitymarch2017.org/wp-content/uploads/Equality-March-2017-Logo-Larger.png

please press:  outinjersey.net 

Transgender woman not allowed to enter Busch Gardens theme park

Brian Lisi
New York Daily News

Busch Gardens, Williamsburg, VA

Credit:  https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-o/01/86/df/12/griffon.jpg

please press:  www.nydailynews.com

ezs poetry

with the late October sky
the black man enjoys a siesta
and the sun tags along


18 October 2017

Trump, Dem congresswoman feud over his remarks to widow of fallen soldier

Maegan Vazquez

Credit:  https://i.pinimg.com/736x/a2/4d/27/a24d27e423e936faa5f758e44a0caa2c--political-cartoons-american-history.jpg

please press:  www.cnn.com 

Greece passes gender-change law opposed by Orthodox church (UK)

Helena Smith
The Guardian

Greek capitol (interior)

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/61/Greek_Parliament_swearing-in_ceremony_2009Oct14.jpg/220px-Greek_Parliament_swearing-in_ceremony_2009Oct14.jpg

please press:  www.theguardian.com

Inside The Fight For Transgender Americans In The Mountains Of North Carolina

James Michael Nichols

Credit:  https://photos.zillowstatic.com/p_c/ISq16nnutypuxs1000000000.jpg

please press:  www.huffingtonpost.com

ezs note:  Please also note the podcast, "I'm Still Here".  It lasts a little than 40 minutes.

Rural LGBTQ community comes together for two-day summit

The Commons Online

Brattleboro, VT

Credit:  https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5553/14848334832_cfa9c5ca85_b.jpg

please press:  www.commonsnews.org

CT Transgender Activist Fran Fried Loses On 'Jeopardy!'

Susan Dunne
Hartford Courant

Credit:  https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/videogames/detail-page/B003S2JI82.02.lg.jpg

please press:  www.courant.com

ezs poetry

driving an overtopped van
beneath the strain of traffic
the men and women sit, some placidly
some wheelchaired

one sits
gazing at cracked
bare branches
and he traces
the tree
the sky


17 October 2017

One Nation After Trump - Norman J. Ornstein, E.J. Dionne, Thomas Mann

Credit:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDxJexspBJw

C-SPAN/Politics And Prose

Transgender footballer told she cannot play for Australia's national women's team sparking uproar (UK)

Ian Ransom

Sydney,  Australia

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7c/Sydney_Opera_House_-_Dec_2008.jpg

please press:  www.mirror.co.uk

State of South Dakota sued over transgender health policy

Jonathan Ellis
Argus Leader

Credit:  http://www.blackhillsknowledgenetwork.org/media/k2/items/cache/b3eb68a775b4ff5e495d75f3ab55b74c_XL.jpg

please press:  www.argusleader.com

Macklemore Slams Trump At Arizona Concert


Phoenix, AZ

Credit:  http://www.beautyschoolsdirectory.com/sites/default/files/2017-03/Phoenix%2C%20AZ.jpg

please press:  www.noise11.com

‘Govt clinics not transgender-friendly’ (India)

The Hindu

Credit:  http://www.railprofessional.com/wp-content/uploads/Kochi-1.jpg

please press:  www.thehindu.com

ezs poetry

she slips
into the coral kimono
and steps into the whitened sand

© 2017

Credit:  https://media.cntraveler.com/photos/58acc05a29676a553e60ced1/master/pass/dreamland-bali-GettyImages-544489350.jpg

16 October 2017

Keith Olbermann - The Resistance - Donald Trump Is The Harvey Weinstein Of Washington

Credit:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upjd311FT7g

Gay pride party next weekend (Botswana)

Keamogetse Motone

Credit:  http://www.operationworld.org/files/ow/maps/lgmap/bots-MMAP-md.png

please press:  www.weekendpost.co.bw

CT Transgender Activist To Be On 'Jeopardy!'

Susan Dunne
Hartford Courant

Credit:  https://www.jeopardy.com/Assets/jeopardy/images/_facebook/fb_profile.jpg

please press:  www.courant.com

Queer Community at CC Celebrates LGBTQIA+ History Month

Logan Coleman
The Catalyst

Credit:  https://res.cloudinary.com/hud9ala09/image/upload/v1462379319/xq5xo7cntfv5u0c5ogea.png

please press: catalystnewspaper.com

Connecticut Joins Legal Battle Over Trump's Ban On Transgender Troops

Russell Blair
Hartford Courant

Connecticut state capitol

Credit:  http://static.panoramio.com/photos/large/68051083.jpg

please press:  www.courant.com

ezs poetry

The sky, a mullet gray
whips my face as I ride along
not too cool
the weatherman says
but  I feel it
I feel it

finally I enter
as I go to my favored seat
I pick up a book
Ginsberg, some twenty years' dead
whispers into my ear

He speaks to me of Paterson
ruined citystate
where his mother died
poor tattered madwoman

and he sat there
not knowing how to reach her.


15 October 2017

Trump re-election campaign raised $10 million in third quarter, spent $1.1 million on legal fees


Credit:  http://www.mercurynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/trumpbantoon07.jpg?w=620

please press:  www.cnbc.com

Patients risk being left behind as foreign donors pull the plug on HIV/AIDS in Vietnam (Vietnam)

Lam Le
VN Express International

Credit:  https://www.mapsofworld.com/vietnam/maps/vietnam-map.gif

please press:  e.vnexpress.net

ezs note:  This is, by far, the most fascinating story about Vietnam has reported.  Y'see, it's not entirely Vietnam's fault.  A certain agency, PEPFAR, has, until recently, provided a large sum of the funds necessary to combat HIV/AIDS.  PEPFAR stands for U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief.  And guess who's in charge of that after January 20?

I don't even want to say it...

Please, call your Representative and both Senators and ask that PEPFAR be fully funded.

Sessions sending top DOJ lawyer to prosecute transgender murder case: report

Brandon Carter
The Hill

Jeff Sessions

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b9/Jeff_Sessions_official_portrait.jpg

please press:  thehill.com

19 years after Matthew Shepard's death, his family is still fighting for LGBTI rights

Rafella Gunz
Gay Star News

murder site of Matthew Shepard
(Laramie, WY)

Credit:  https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiz2TW45Z2DDZcUtw3M8QgSynRbgL6BZzElosNj6BHLIuTGRs4_dI_2V2zBuSlKFoijNinqu1hBLTlAfMwssaIWCuk1FHlNCy4ORsGNRcqI9_P20WDmCzIgpnQbTgCIuAev6LUEcB2jTdaY/s1600/4785071547_7da7d2ebc1_b.jpg

please press:  www.gaystarnews.com

Christian printer 'refused to make business cards' for transgender woman (UK)

Jeff Farrell

Credit:  https://i.pinimg.com/736x/6d/33/40/6d3340e0787da00659acd792eb9d74d2--political-economy-political-satire.jpg

please press:  www.independent.co.uk

To Quote A Queer - ed. John Lessard

Jesse Monteagudo

Credit:  http://bilerico.lgbtqnation.com/mt-static/support/assets_c/2012/11/jesse-bio-thumb-300x300-28625.jpg

"If there was anything that characterized the men and women of the 'Rubyfruit Generation,' it was our innocence and our idealism.  We really believed that we could make things better, for ourselves and for our brothers and sisters." 

14 October 2017