06 January 2017

Jeffrey Tambor Had To Overcome Serious Nerves For ‘Transparent’ Role

JamesMichael Nichols
The Huffington Post

Jeffrey Tambor

Credit:  https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNzQxMzA3NzQzM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTQxMDc3MQ@@._V1_UY317_CR4,0,214,317_AL_.jpg

California funds 1st US inmate sex reassignment surgery

Don Thompson

Credit:  http://www.trbimg.com/img-5448f2d7/turbine/la-me-ln-california-prisons-race-policy-inmate-violence-20141023

please press:  http://www.scpr.org

Transgender Community Faces 'Attacks on Humanity' in Six More States

Deidre Fulton

Credit:  http://eurofolkradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/constitution-burning.jpg

Coroner releases official cause of death for transgender woman killed in Madison Co.

Waverly McCarthy and Mary Grace Brantley

Credit:  https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/styles/article_small/public/thumbnails/image/2017/01/06/11/mesha-caldwell.jpg

please press:  http://www.wdam.com

ezs note:  This is an updated blog concerning the murder of Mesha Caldwell. There is a good Google map of the location.  If you have any information, please contact the Madison County police department. Thanks.
To the Caldwell family and friends, I offer my sincere condolences.  Please know you are in my thoughts.

05 January 2017

Donald Trump has no interest in the Fourth Amendment

Lucy Steigerwald

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/d7/2b/99/d72b9985243e9e42446dc1ff5274de34.jpg

please press:  http://rare.us

Best-selling author says she is “attacked” for being straight and white

Graham Gremore

Credit:  http://toonclips.com/600/cartoon-black-and-white-line-drawing-of-a-crazy-lady-in-a-straight-jacket-by-ron-leishman-11036.jpg

please press:  https://www.queerty.com

Nation’s first transgender killing of 2017 is in Mississippi

Therese Apel

Credit:  https://thumbs.mic.com/NjFjYTBjNTQ4NSMvYmdXWTRYbmNUWW1QMHVWUFVZWjJqeUFMTnJRPS8xNngyMzo3MDR4NTE2LzYyMXg0NDUvZmlsdGVyczpxdWFsaXR5KDcwKS9odHRwOi8vczMuYW1hem9uYXdzLmNvbS9wb2xpY3ltaWMtaW1hZ2VzLzFpbHA3anNsYW5leHN0NzY2bW5rZnhkbGZpdnhjbXV3cW1yMHpiYWJja2QxbG9yZzB0Nmt5Mm5uendoeHplcGsuanBn.jpg

please press:  http://www.sunherald.com

Transgender Totowa Man Sues Hospital For Denying Hysterectomy

Cecelia Levine
Teaneck Daily Voice

Totowa, New Jersey

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/55/7b/38/557b3840df7bd07da3eea069abcc4c17.jpg

Transgender woman found dead in cell at Doncaster prison (UK)

Josh Halliday
The Guardian

Credit:  https://prisonwatchuk.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/screen-shot-2016-03-30-at-21-28-02.png?w=601&h=291

ezs note:  Please, before doing anything drastic, call one of these numbers.  They CAN help.

UK- 116 123
US- 1-800-273-8255
Australia- 13 11 14

04 January 2017

Virginia GOP Targets Transgender Community in HB2-Style Bill

Tim Peacock
Peacock Panache

Credit:  http://virginiazoo.org/wp-content/themes/vazoo-adaptive/images/logo.gif

If you live in Virginia, please contact your state representative AND senator that they should give this stupid bill a resounding NO.

Why Is It So Hard For Transgender Americans To Find Work?

Adam Salandra

Credit:  https://fusiondotnet.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/awjr_reported-workplace-harassment-by-transgender-workers.png

please press:  http://www.newnownext.com

03 January 2017

Donald Trump’s Disastrous Example

Frank Bruni
The New York Times

Credit:  https://i0.wp.com/ultraculture.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/donald-trump-acid.jpg?fit=740%2C400

please press:  http://www.nytimes.com

Transgender journalist announces run for Virginia House of Delegates

John Riley

Credit:  http://delegatetyler.com/images/delegate-seal.png

Lambda Legal holds transgender empowerment and passport clinic


Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/b/b1/Lambda_Legal_logo.svg/1280px-Lambda_Legal_logo.svg.png

Transgender advocates ready to fight another bathroom bill

Brandon Macz
Capitol Hill Times

Credit:  https://northwestphotos.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/14.jpg

Chinese transgender man wins landmark wrongful dismissal case

Benjamin Haas
The Guardian

Credit:  http://www.timeforkids.com/files/styles/tfk_rect_large/public/2011-07/china_ss5.jpg?itok=-BOQZlru

02 January 2017

Bruce Springsteen Questions Donald Trump's Competency on 'WTF'

Daniel Kreps
Rolling Stone

Credit:  http://nomoreextremes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/19925981996_39141c0325_b.jpg

Transgender Man Was Unfairly Fired, but Bias Not Proved, Chinese Court Says

Vanessa Piao
The New York Times

Credit:  http://www.chinatoday.com/city/MAP_0000.JPG

please press:  http://www.nytimes.com

Funeral services today for missing transgender teen found dead over the weekend

Alex Fisher
Kern Golden Empire.com

Jai Bornstein

Credit:  http://media.turnto23.com/photo/2016/12/31/IMG_4613_1483222984650_52405910_ver1.0_640_480.JPG

ezs note:  If you feel hopeless - even if it's only passing - contact the Trans Lifeline.

My condolences to the entire Bornstein family and friends.

Juvenile detention centers struggle with transgender inmates

Marina Villeneuve
LGBTQ Nation

Credit:  http://www.dlrgroup.com/media/424949/30-02105-00_marquee-03.jpg

Being transgender is no longer a mental illness in Denmark (Australia)

Out In Perth

Credit:  http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/content/dam/kids/photos/Countries/A-G/denmark-copenhagen-canal.jpg.adapt.945.1.jpg

please press:  http://www.outinperth.com

01 January 2017

Schiff Warns of 'Vigorous' Response by Congress If Trump Reverses Russia Sanctions

Nicki Rossoll

Credit:  http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1024/cpsprodpb/676D/production/_89477462_p03sf90d.jpg

please press:  https://abc7news.com

New Year, New You? (UK)

LJ Ferris
Huffpost Lifestyle UK

Credit:  https://www.timeanddate.com/gfx/cd/fb/new-year.png

LGBT Chamber initiative encourages corporate activism

Out & About Nashville

Credit:  https://www.outandaboutnashville.com/sites/default/files/styles/header_image/public/featured_image/lgbt%20chamber%20initiative%20for%20web.jpg?itok=4MOKHl1j

Transgender people demand govt to establish separate public toilets (Pakistan)

Kashif Hussain
Daily Times

Credit:  http://www.pakru.ru/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/paki-people.jpg

please press:  http://dailytimes.com.pk

Texas Judge Halts Federal Transgender Health Protections

Paul J. Weber

Credit:  http://gavel-club.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Court-Gavel.jpg

please press:  http://abcnews.go.com

ezs note:  Well, I do see one solution here.  Don't go to a conservative "Christian" doctor... for any reason.  

Happy New Year 2017! (maybe they'll get it right this time...)

Credit:  https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhA-7wELZ8Z-UYHWqrnA0IFqtbSWVqX1JakRaj4hcDpc263olGNOrnARRSQ6YWypbToh050_XK6Uhl5gOvfmVLpQ-PNXom8KCcjMC_xkdw_8rnX-RCzCOyLDyfgYWAtvaXYXjd6DRkI-2c/s1600/the_grumpy_cat__happy_new_year_____d_by_cartoonrockfan93-d709aa5.jpg

31 December 2016

No, Donald Trump Wishing Happy New Year To His ‘Many Enemies’ Is In No Way the Same As Hillary Clinton’s ‘Basket Of Deplorables’

Michael Darer
The Huffington Post

Credit:  http://www.toonsonline.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/14-4.jpg

ezs note:  And Happy New Year to you, f%&@face!


Daniel Wenger
The New Yorker

Credit:  http://cbsnews1.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/2016/11/22/2397d6fd-8a08-4a76-8dec-9fb489084079/gettyimages-625084028.jpg

please press:  http://www.newyorker.com

N.C Judge Temporarily Blocks GOP Power Grab

Dan McCue
Courthouse News Service

Credit:  http://www.whatnowtoons.com/images/gop-power-grab-what-now-333.jpg

please press:  http://courthousenews.com

How a slain street vendor became a Brazilian hero for LGBTQ and homeless communities

Kiratiana Freelon

Credit:  http://www.abc.net.au/reslib/200808/r285753_1217832.jpg

please press:  http://fusion.net

ezs note:  Rest in peace, Mr. Ruas.  Please know that you are a hero not only for Brazil, but for the entire world.

20 advertisers that made 2016 gayer than ever

Mike Wilke

Credit:  https://jaroeducation.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/quang-cao-hay-khong-quang-cao-de-ban-san-pham-tot-hon-large.jpg

please press:  https://www.queerty.com

Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Credit:  http://www.canada-rail.com/galleries/ontario/sudbury20.jpg

ezs note: Hey, it's time to visit Sudbury!  Just click on up!

30 December 2016

Addressing the Trump Conflict Issues

Laurence Tribe and Mark Green
The New York Times

Credit:  https://grondamorin.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/donald-trump-bus-photo0bf0a962015dde54815e8c72ac1f6d69-908-476-trumprevealed_social_real_tstmp_1471004928.png?w=723&h=379

please press:  http://www.nytimes.com

SDGLN's top local news stories of 2016

George Vernon

Credit:  http://previews.123rf.com/images/casaalmare/casaalmare0807/casaalmare080700098/3337658-top-news-on-a-newspaper-page-Stock-Photo.jpg

please press:  http://sdgln.com

LIFE OF AGONY's 'A Place Where There's No Pain' To Arrive In April


Credit:  http://assets.blabbermouth.net.s3.amazonaws.com/media/lifeofagonyplacecd2016_638.jpg

10 ways transgender service members led the fight for equality in 2016

Fiona Dawson
LGBTQ Nation

Credit:  http://www.nathanmagnuson.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Top-10.jpg

India’s first transgender school opens in Kerala (India)

Kiran Gangadharan
The Indian Express

Credit:  http://www.advocate.com/sites/advocate.com/files/2014/08/10/India-Third-Gender-x400_0.jpg

please press:  http://indianexpress.com

29 December 2016

Professor Olga Cox called Donald Trump's victory an 'act of terrorism', now she fears for her life (Australia)

Peter Holley
The Sydney Morning Herald

Credit:  https://goodolewoody.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/media-fear-166603_600.jpg?w=474

please press:  http://www.smh.com.au

Bristol Palin Lambastes Elton John and Other "Sissies" Who Won't Perform for Trump

Trudy Ring

Credit:  http://danzigercartoons.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/dancart4380.jpg

please press:  http://www.advocate.com

ezs note:  Bristol, I know I've told you this before, but being conservative has nothing to do with their performing.  However, Trump's knuckle-dragging, petulant, racist, behavior just might  have something  to do with it, doncha' think???

2016 Wasn't Totally Awful—17 Sources of Queer Joy in a Terrible Year

June Thomas and J. Bryan Lowder

Credit:  https://yt3.ggpht.com/-SBBH4ySaliw/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/F5PBpBJYbTo/s900-c-k-no-mo-rj-c0xffffff/photo.jpg

please press:  http://www.slate.com

India’s first transgender Principal resigns (St. Lucia)

St. Lucia Times

Manabi Bandopadhyay

Credit:  http://images.indianexpress.com/2015/06/manabi_transgender_759.jpg

please press:  https://stluciatimes.com

Transgender Cub Scout kicked out of pack gets support from all over the world


Credit:  http://cdn.topdocumentaryfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/whole-world-watching.jpg

28 December 2016

Does Racism Explain Donald Trump’s Victory?

Joyce Denn
The New York Times

Credit:  https://i.ytimg.com/vi/86gbVJV1p2M/hqdefault.jpg

please press:  http://www.nytimes.com

The top 10 transgender stories of 2016

Dawn Ennis
LGBTQ Nation

Credit:  http://cbslocal-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/anv-iupl/463/010/4630103C4F894BD290DD8316D26D5608

ezs note:  Of the the ten listed here, please take special note of the nitwit at number 2.  Gawd, this cuckoobird belongs in a rubber room, not a state legislature!

Potty parade: Toilets lined up outside N.C. official’s house create amusing mystery

Ann Doss Helms
Charlotte Observer

Credit:  https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/angry-toilet-cartoon-vector-illustration-47958376.jpg

ezs note:  Toilets of the world, unite!  You have nothing to lose but your poop!

Kansas school’s libraries offer students pronoun pins

The Seattle Times

Credit:  https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BwEtb80CEAEkuNc.jpg:large

"Nashville" returns with transgender actress, new plot lines

Kristin M. Hall