30 November 2019

Now let me see...

As you might know, Emily's Virtual Rocket has been around a while.  You'd think that  I  would get some fabulous clothes.  Uh, not really.  I get clothing, but it's male clothing.

I am not asking for a handout.  What I would like is if you see an article that really moves or inspires you, sending an article of clothing would be a way of saying "thank you".  Just send one item.  It doesn't have to be from Saks or Cartier.  In fact, sending a good lightly used item would be just as appreciated.  I am very large (280 pounds/127 kilograms), but I am following one item Weight Watchers diligently. Here's what I'm looking for:
  • tops (not too loud or flashy)
  • wig (medium to dark brown)
  • slacks
  •  skirt (knee length) 
  • panties (new only, cotton preferable)
  • bra (new only)
  • nylons (new only)
  • socks (extra-large please)
  • insert into bra (C cup, no larger)
  • sweater
  • coat
  • inexpensive necklace (long)
  • inexpensive perfume
For three of the items which I specify as new, I am not calling for expense or extravagance.  Family Dollar, Target, or Wal-Mart, for example, will do nicely.  Here's the address:

Emily's Virtual Rocket
60 Starkel Road 
Apartment 60, #110

Brazil/USA - Transgender Woman Killed In Brazil Honored With Tribeca Sculpture

Sydney Pereira

Fortaleza, Brazil

please press:  patch.com

civil rights - On transgender rights, where does Penn really stand?

Sean Bender, Rebecca Wallace
The Daily Pennsylvanian

Charter of Penn University
Philadelphia, PA

please press:  www.thedp.com

Virginia - Equality Virginia kicks off “Ask a Trans Person” series at Central Library

Rich Griset
Chesterfield Observer

Chesterfield County, VA

lead story - A bill meant to protect India’s transgender community instead leaves them angry and aggrieved

Niha Masih
The Washington Post

Bangalore, India

please press:  www.washingtonpost.com

Donald Trump - It’s a good bet Trump pardons his felon allies. Here’s when that’s most likely.

Colbert I. King
The Washington Post

please press:  www.washingtonpost.com

29 November 2019

Barbados - Study finds progress in treating HIV in the Caribbean 'tenuous'

Jamaica Observer

Bridgetown, Barbados

please press:  www.jamaicaobserver.com

civil rights - Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair Launches Campaign for Stronger Municipal Protections for LGBTQ Community

Iowa - Iowa GOP lawmaker calls flying of trans flag above Capitol an act of the 'Rainbow Jihad'

Morgan Gstatler
The Hill

Rep. Skyler Wheeler (R-IA)

please press:  thehill.com

ezs note:  4th district of Iowa (most of Sioux County) - Ah, Skyler.  Dont'cha just love him?  No? Then may I suggest organizing the Democratic party with the goal of ousting Skyler.  Did I say it was easy? Nope.  Never said it would be.  But ousting Skyler - doesn't that sound good?  

lead story - Raoul signs onto amicus brief in support of transgender rights

The State-Journal Register

Illinois AG Kwame Raoul

please press:  www.sj-r.com

Donald Trump - House GOP members are 'absolutely disgusted and exhausted' by Trump's behavior, former GOP congressman says

27 November 2019

The Gambia (and others) - Rape Prosecution Must Drive the New Rohingya Genocide Court Case

Susan Hutchinson

Banjul, The Gambia
(President and Mrs. Obama visiting)

please press:  www.passblue.com

ezs note:  It's about halfway down, but transgender people are being harassed.

civil rights - Civil rights agency slams Trump admin over LGBTQ policies

Julie Moreau
NBC News

Lyndon Johnson signs the Kerner Commission report

please press: www.nbcnews.com

ezs note: One of the most important hotlinks is Are Rights A Reality?  Obviously, a 600-plus page tome is too much for a single reading, but it's really important. Give it a half-hour to an hour.  Thanks.

Nevada - AG Ford: Transgender inmate case could force changes in Nevada prisons

Miranda Willson
Las Vegas Sun

Las Vegas, NV
(yes, there is beauty outside the casinos)

lead story - Woman sues Philadelphia pharmacy for outing her as transgender, HIV-positive

Donald Trump - Impeachment inquiry live updates: White House faces Sunday deadline on participating in Judiciary Committee hearing

John Wagner
The Washington Post

please press:  www.washingtonpost.com

26 November 2019

*** SPECIAL *** - Trump met with ex-Clinton pollster Mark Penn to discuss impeachment

Jeremy Diamond

(oh, gawd, I hope so!)

please press:  www.cnn.com

Wyoming - Wyoming Hate Watch shines needed spotlight on bigotry

Kerry Drake

Casper, WY

please press:  www.wyofile.com

ezs note: Wyomingites - Today, I picked up on a very worthy guy, one who uses his computer to find out various types of cretin.  Then he shines the light on them. HARD.  Please go to Wyoming Hate Watch if you see racism, sexism or any type of foul deed.  Thanks.

lead story - Scarlett Johansson says she 'mishandled' controversy over transgender role in 'Rub & Tug'

Donald Trump - What the latest impeachment polls really tell us

Jennifer Rubin
The Washington Post

please press:  www.washingtonpost.com

25 November 2019

Taiwan - Taiwan’s Historic Pride Parade Is Celebration For Asia And Reminder That The Fight Isn’t Over

Nick Aspinwall

Presidential Office
Taipei, Taiwan

please press:  supchina.com

civil rights - DOJ workers call out Barr over Supreme Court arguments against LGBT protections

Harper Neidig
The Hill

RFK Justice Building
Washington DC

please press:  thehill.com

Ohio - Transgender individuals in central Ohio have hard time finding work

lead story - First transgender Rhodes scholar named in diverse 2020 class

The Guardian

University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN
(Hera Jay Brown's home university)

please press:  www.theguardian.com

ezs note:  Congratulations, Hera!

Donald Trump - House impeachment investigators reportedly have secret recordings of Trump and Rudy Giuliani, given to them by Giuliani's associate Lev Parnas

24 November 2019

Now let me see...

As you might know, Emily's Virtual Rocket has been around a while.  You'd think that  I  would get some fabulous clothes.  Uh, not really.  I get clothing, but it's male clothing.

I am not asking for a handout.  What I would like is if you see an article that really moves or inspires you, sending an article of clothing would be a way of saying "thank you".  Just send one item.  It doesn't have to be from Saks or Cartier.  In fact, sending a good lightly used item would be just as appreciated.  I am very large (280 pounds/127 kilograms), but I am following one item Weight Watchers diligently. Here's what I'm looking for:
  • tops (not too loud or flashy)
  • wig (medium to dark brown)
  • slacks
  •  skirt (knee length) 
  • panties (new only, cotton preferable)
  • bra (new only)
  • nylons (new only)
  • socks (extra-large please)
  • insert into bra (C cup, no larger)
  • sweater
  • coat
  • inexpensive necklace (long)
  • inexpensive perfume
For three of the items which I specify as new, I am not calling for expense or extravagance.  Family Dollar, Target, or Wal-Mart, for example, will do nicely.  Here's the address:

Emily's Virtual Rocket
60 Starkel Road 
Apartment 60, #110

civil rights - South Carolina wants to ban lifesaving medical treatments for trans kids

Anna North

Francis Marion Forest

please press:  www.vox.com

Maryland - Can Cummings’ successor continue his pro-LGBTQ legacy?

Philip van Slooten
Washington Blade

Ellicott City, MD

please press:  www.washingtonblade.com

lead story - Transgender women inmates sue Colorado, claiming harassment, violence

Dennis Romero
NBC News

Ordway, CO
Arkansas Valley Correctional Facility

please press:  www.nbcnews.com

Donald Trump - Impeachment or not, Trump could hurt these N.J. Dems in 2020. And Dems are saying this.

Jonathan D. Salant

Manasquan Borough, NJ 
(part of New Jersey's 4th district)

please press:  www.nj.com

22 November 2019

Florida - Wednesday vigil at Cascades Park aims to ensure transgender lives lost aren't forgotten

lead story - Outcry as Japanese TV Show Mocks Transgender Woman

Kanae Doi, Kyle Knight
Human Rights Watch

Tokyo, Japan

please press:  www.hrw.org 

Donald Trump - Fiona Hill nails the Democrats' case

Stephen Collinson

please press:  www.cnn.com

ezs note:  Now that the House Intelligence Committee has pretty much finished its business, it now goes to the Rules Committee to prepare a final draft.  Then the whole House takes its vote.  It's quite a dramatic thing in itself - impeachment votes are a rarity - but then the Senate takes over.  If you live in a state in which there are one or two Republican  Senators, ya gotta call, email, snail-mail, (not really recommended unless there is no other choice)  or visit directly when she/he comes to town, and urge her/him to vote YES to oust Trump.  Be polite but firm.  Bullet points are great, 3 to 5 should suffice.  If you're talking more than a minute, you're talking too long.  Others may not agree with you, but let others have their say.  If you are uncertain about whether your Senators (there are two)  are Republican, Democrat, or other, go to senate.govThanks.

20 November 2019

civil rights - Marginalizing transgender Americans is wrong, and dangerous

Bangor Daily News

head of Statue Of Liberty (1885)

please press:  bangordailynews.com

Donald Trump (2) - David Hale and Laura Cooper's testimony before House Intelligence Committee - C-SPAN3

Missouri - LGBTQ legislation passes in City Hall

Elizabeth Orosco
Northeast News

Kansas City, MO

please press:  northeastnews.net

lead story - Transgender Day of Remembrance: At least 22 trans people killed in 2019

Tim Fitzsimons
NBC News

please press:  www.nbcnews.com

Donald Trump - Gordon Sondland's live testimony to the House Judiciary Committee - C-SPAN3

19 November 2019

civil rights - For Trans Activists, Recent Setbacks Temper Long-Term Hopes

The New York Times

please press:  www.nytimes.com

Donald Trump (2) - Testimony by Amb.Kurt Volker and Tim Morrison by C-SPAN3 - House Intelligence Committee

New Hampshire - Rochester elects first openly transgender person to a New Hampshire city council


Rochester, NH

please press:  wgme.com

ezs note:  Yay, Rochester!

lead story - New Michigan rules allow transgender people to easily change gender on driver's license

Tresa Baldas, Kristen Jordan Shamus
Detroit Free Press

please press:  www.freep.com

Donald Trump - Live coverage of Lt. Col. Vindman and Jennifer Williams on CBSN