10 September 2015

OMV will not change ID policies, but will allow transgender people to appear as themselves in photos

Maya Lau
The Acadiana Advocate

Credit:  http://media.nola.com/nola_river_baton_rouge_news/photo/alexandra-glover-30d13b768f36c7f3.png

please press:  http://theadvocate.com

The UK's first transgender 'confidence consultancy' is Born (UK)

Sian Ranscombe
The Telegraph

Credit:  http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/03435/Kate-and-Grace-esc_3435541f.jpg

N.B. health minister meets with Transgender Health Network for the first time (Canada)

CTV News Atlantic

Credit:  http://i.cbc.ca/1.3169732.1438032104!/fileImage/httpImage/image.JPG_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/gloria-halvorsen.JPG

Massachusetts’ Mayors Call on Legislature, Governor to Support Transgender Rights

Maureen McCarty

Credit:  http://hrc-assets.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com//files/images/blog/poa_logo_263x197.png

please press: http://www.hrc.org

ezs note:  If you do live in one of the Massachusetts cities that are petitioning for equality, be sure to e-write your thanks.  If not, ask them why the hell not!

Nursing home sued for allegedly discriminating, firing transgender woman

Haley Townsend

Credit:  http://croninfirm.com/c1/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/nursing-home-accident.jpg

please press:  http://wiat.com

WATCH: Ellen and Cait Team-Up to Help Trans Nursing Student

Cleis Abeni

Blossom Brown

Credit:  http://www.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2015710/rs_600x600-150810082015-600.blossum-brown.cm.81015.jpg

please press:  http://www.advocate.com

Dallas Trans Activists, Allies, Plant Seeds of Remembrance for ‘Miss Shade’

John Wright
Texas Observer

Credit:  http://www.pghlesbian.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Schuler-300x300.jpg

08 September 2015

O Canada, my home and native land...

Credit:  https://ondeadline.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/timthumb-php.jpg

I may have been placed in the United States, but I love Canada.  Even with a Conservative government, you're still miles ahead of us in championing progressive principles.  Which is why I urge you to get out the vote on October 19, 2015.  You can do it!

Janet Mock On Global Poverty, Beyoncé & Texting Oprah

Ben Reininga

Credit:  http://s3.amazonaws.com/helloflo-wp/app/uploads/2015/04/05191213/jm15-redefining-realness-1.jpg

please press:  http://www.refinery29.com

MSU sorority opens doors to transgender women

Claudette Riley
Springfield News-Leader

Credit:  https://missouristate.collegiatelink.net/images/native/0/noshadow/General/6217724a08bb4a87923f0cf2b4df1f5b.jpg

Eddie Redmayne on Transgender Rights and Finding ‘The Danish Girl’

Ramin Setoodeh

Eddie Redmayne

Credit:  http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/03209/eddie_3209740c.jpg

please press:  http://variety.com

Law allows transgender people to get updated birth certs (Ireland)

Sarah Bardon
The Irish Times

Credit:  http://www.cliparthut.com/clip-arts/351/irish-cartoon-clip-art-351740.jpg

please press:  http://www.irishtimes.com

School board promises more accepting environment for transgender students and staff (Canada)

Roger Belgrave

Credit: http://www.marketvision.ca/images/uploaded/BramptonCtyHall%20web.jpg

07 September 2015

Russia's Transgender Community Struggles for Acceptance (Russia)

Elizaveta Vereykina
The Russia Times

Credit:  http://www.independent.co.uk/incoming/article9968871.ece/alternates/w620/Russia-homphobia.jpg

Report: NYPD still abusing rights of transgender people

Bob Knudsen

Credit:  http://www.gaylaxymag.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/cop_assault.jpg

please press:  http://www.examiner.com

Few rules govern treatment of transgender prisoners in Costa Rica (Costa Rica)

Zach Dyer
The Tico Times

Credit:  http://qcostarica.com/wp-content/themes/stylebook-v8/timthumb.php?src=http%3A%2F%2Fqcostarica.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2013%2F06%2Fpolice-jail-prison.jpg&q=90&w=795&h=470&zc=1

please press:  http://www.ticotimes.ne

St. Pete Officers to be Trained on Transgender Issues

6 South Florida NBC

Credit:  http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2301369!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_635/clarke23n-3-web.jpg

please press:  http://www.nbcmiami.com

06 September 2015

Out Boulder seeks to 'change hearts and minds' with transgender ad campaign on RTD buses

Natalie Munio and Daniel Krum
Daily Camera

Credit:  http://extras.mnginteractive.com/live/media/site21/2015/0905/20150905__07DCATRAw~1.jpg

Transgender SA prisoner Krista Richards says future inmates will suffer if tribunal dismisses her equal opportunities case (Australia)

Sean Fewster
The Daily Telegraph

Credit:  http://cdn.newsapi.com.au/image/v1/2d6c100e77c170bde51cb450fc55ab02

Conference Countdown 2015: Transgender and intersex health charter (UK)

Caron Lindsay
Liberal Democrat Voice

Credit:  http://cache2.asset-cache.net/gc/468198520-the-liberal-democrats-campaign-bus-arrives-gettyimages.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=GkZZ8bf5zL1ZiijUmxa7QQbd7Uy%2BcXSPZmfaO1E8w55M7xELHtcTo%2B9ohpGBAXgBhnUxSThq9r8PQydn%2BDhbOg%3D%3D

Transgender woman fights to get into nursing school

Allie Ware

Blossom Brown

Credit:  http://www.cdispatch.com/images/articles/l_sphvo8112015105353AM.jpg

please press:  http://www.wapt.com

Federal Court Protects Transgender Immigrant from Deportation to Mexico Based on Anti-Torture Rules

Steve Straehley

Credit:  https://www.immigrationequality.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/IMG_3685-1000x661.jpg

please press:  http://www.allgov.com

Dayton, Ohio

Credit: http://blog.themarketingformula.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Dayton-Abandoned.jpg 

05 September 2015

ezs comment...

Credit:  http://theflounce.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/article-header-326x235.png

On occasion, when a person reviews your blog, you are intrigued by what he or she says.  I recently had an e-conversation with Ray Soulard regarding my thoughts in print.  As I told Ray, the conversations that I had were spare indeed.  I really don't like to blow my horn that much.  However, he said that I might have  valuable dialogue to engage in.  I thought about it, and, after some consideration, I decided it would be best to give it a try.

The one  that I chose to comment on was in The New York Times piece "Who Gets the Transgender Part",  by Brooks Barnes.  In the article, he starts by drawing a comparison between casting of transgender persons and those of African-American, Egyptian and Native American persons. It certainly is an alluring concept; unfortunately, it's also a fallacious one.

We live in times which are both promising and precipitous.  As we look forward, despite all the crap that goes on around us, things look so promising. At the forefront, Laverne Cox is playing Sophia Burset  in Netflix's "Orange Is the New Black".  Janet Mock is certainly out there fightin'; she is a transgender rights activist and a MSNBC fill-in anchor.  

However, what do we do if things start to fall apart?  What do we do if Laverne Cox is given her walking papers?  As much as I commiserate with our African-American, Egyptian, and Native American friends, there are stark differences.  Chief among them is the relative newness of the struggles.
*            *           *

Hollywood has a tried but true method for choosing its actors; get as much money as you can and then spend the bulk of it on the stars.  And it kinda works.  Once in a great while the accomplished actor/actress agrees to union wages, but this is such a rarity it's hardly worth mentioning.   Because the Hollywood stars are such a rare bird, they get the big bucks.  And such is the case of Eddie Redmayne.  If by chance you were in a cave, he starred in the title role "The Theory of Everything". Now, next came "The Danish Girl".  If you were the director, and you had a chance to get Mr. Redmayne to play the title role, would you do it?

Well... it's not as easy as originally thought.  If you were the director and one who had strong thoughts regarding authenticity in the movies, perhaps your choices would be different.  I respect that.

I can only speak for myself.  Yes, I am a transgender woman, but I also am a crazy movie buff, and thus I have certain expectations of the director.  Chief among these is providing the actress/actor's professionalism.  And to put it quite bluntly, Mr. Redmayne is a damn fine actress.  And when we see "The Danish Girl", we all win.


04 September 2015

03 September 2015

Transgender Women's Lives: A Family Matter

Laurin Mayeno
The Huffington Post

Credit:  http://www.advocate.com/sites/advocate.com/files/2015/02/WomensColleges_1-x633.jpg

Who Gets to Play the Transgender Part?

Brooks Barnes
The New York Times

Eddie Redmayne as Lili Elbe

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/be/fa/b4/befab4060b52f737ab423826751c710f.jpg

please press:  http://www.nytimes.com

'I hope you're happy because I'm miserable': Transgender teens speak to themselves ten years from now and share heartbreaking struggles for acceptance and hopes for a better future (UK)

Erica Tempesta

Credit:  http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.1377772!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_970/boy-beauty-queen.jpg

Government Proposes Protecting Transgender People in Health Care System

Maggie Fox

Credit:  http://www.glaad.org/sites/default/files/health%20care%20is%20a%20right%20not.jpg

please press:  http://www.nbcnews.com

02 September 2015

01 September 2015

TransTech Helps Transgender People Get Jobs In Tech And, Soon, The White House

Megan Rose Dickey

Credit:  http://dy9vm183k170z.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/alg_transgender_protest-1022x576-550x300.jpg

please press:  http://techcrunch.com

Parents Usher In New School Year With Bigoted Attacks On Transgender Students

Zack Ford
Think Progress

Credit:  http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/system/files/u6664/military-domestic-violence.jpg

please press:  http://thinkprogress.org

Fearing for my black, transgender child's life

Louis Porter II
The Washington Post

Credit:  http://upw-prod-images.global.ssl.fastly.net/nugget/557f46d8303539000cbf0300/attachments/quote-7f673028b44f57a98e14be040f458abd.jpg

It's time! Register! Vote!

Credit:  https://ebonymompolitics.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/ballot-box-cartoon.png

I understand. Many of you are thinking, "Ahh, what's the use? I'm less than a drop in a bucket."  Well... I'll give you a reason.  Better yet, I'll give you eighteen good reasons:

1. Papi Edwards
2. Lamia Beard
3. Ty Underwood
4. Yasmin Vash Payne
5. Taja Gabrielle DeJesus
6. Penny Proud
7. Kristina Grant Infiniti
8. London Chanel
9. Mercedes Williamson
10. Ashton O'Hara
11. Amber Monroe
12. India Clarke
13. K.C. Haggard
14. Shade Schuler
15. Kandis Capri
16. Elisha Walker
17. Tamara Dominguez
18. Keyshia Blige

These women can't speak any more.  They were murdered. And these names are only those that we know about.

Register. Vote. Pick up the fallen flag in your own community.

30 August 2015

WATCH: Antigay Ky. Clerk Inadvertently Married This Queer Couple

Sunnivie Brydum

Credit:  http://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ltyiogTXuk1qghfy5o1_500.jpg

please press:  http://www.advocate.com/

Politician wants to ‘examine’ teenagers’ genitals before sporting events (UK)

Joseph Patrick McCormick
Pink News

Credit:  http://forum.mazda6club.com/attachments/lounge/37668d1102626404-hippo-swallows-dwarf-elephant.jpg

ezs note:  Dumb da da DUMB!  I've finally found the Asshole of the Year!!!  Congratulations, Roger Hunt(R-SD).  Nobody deserves this award more than you.

By the way, when you mention the term "culture", does yours originally come from Russia?  Just askin'...

29 August 2015

Trapped in detention, transgender immigrants face new traumas

Adam Frankel and Christina Fialho


please press:  http://www.msnbc.com

Once a Pariah, Now a Judge: The Early Transgender Journey of Phyllis Frye

Susan Sontag
The New York Times

Judge Phyllis Frye

Credit:  http://www.dallasvoice.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/PhyllisFrye.jpg

please press:  http://www.nytimes.com

ezs note:  Wanna be a judge? A lawyer? A Congressperson? A CEO? You can--- if you are willing to put in the hard, hard work.  It's not gonna happen next week.  Read Phyllis Frye's story.

Nairobi, Kenya

Credit:  https://twistedsifter.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/giraffe-manor-hotel-nairobi-kenya-africa-safari-9.jpg?w=800&h=534

28 August 2015

Stigma, discrimination, lack of laws hamper transgender employees in US (Bangladesh)


Credit:  http://www.hamptonroadspride.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/64_tumblrml3hj5noa51qaqb7yo1r1500.jpg

please press:  

Do the New APA Guidelines for Transgender-Affirmative Care Go Far Enough?

David S. Byers and Joel Coburn

Credit:  http://blog.efpsa.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Keep-calm-and-use-APA-style2.jpg

please press:  http://www.slate.com

ezs note:  This can be a daunting task, especially if all the hyperlinks are read.  However, this can be an invaluable tool.  Please read this document!

Survey: Majority of Americans Back Up Open Transgender Military Service

Rainbow Times

Credit:  http://i0.wp.com/fusiondotnet.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/150310-trans-military.png?resize=480%2C270&quality=80&strip=all

Transgender student, volleyball program draw big crowd to Hillsboro R-3 board meeting

Kevin Carbery
Leader Publication

Credit:  http://graystarsports.com/wp-content/uploads/MG_3154.jpg

ezs note:  If you a resident of Hillsboro, Arkansas and the BOE is planning another meeting on this subject, please be sure to show up and say your peace in FAVOR of this transgender girl's participation in this valuable sport.  Sure, your knees may knock a bit... but you'll get over it.

27 August 2015