NBC News
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NBC News
Madeleine Holcombe, Theresa Waldrop
To view 'Hetty Urma at Piedmont', go
Jo Yurcaba
NBC News
To view 'Interview with Alexis Paige', go
To view 'Glade Presents Hawaii's Foremost Female Impersonations Show', go
Caitlin Hu, Etant Dupain, Natalie Gallon, Matt Rivers
To view 'TVIC Journal', go
Madeleine Roberts
Esme Nicholson
Susan Dunlap
New Mexico Political Report
To view 'Alpha Zeta & A Rose Newsletter', go
Ella Lee
USA Today
To view 'Beauty Title Won by Boy', go
To hear 'Interview with Dr. Katie Spencer', go
To view 'Scrapbook #2', go
This is the second in a series of scrapbooks. Like the first, this is a seminal work. If you view just one, view this.
Jo Yurcaba
NBC News
Faith E. Pinho, Rachel Schnaltzer
Los Angeles Times
To view 'Sex-change operations have place in medicine', go
Andrea Holland
Kaiser Health News
Alessandra Young
ABC News
To view 'Ellis Glenn Just Can't Be Good', go
Taylor Inman
To find out more of Billy Tipton's life, you can find out on Wikipedia.