26 October 2016

John Bel Edwards says he is confident he'll win LGBT lawsuit

Julia O'Donoghue
The Times-Picayune

Credit:  http://phraseologyproject.com/temp/imgsizer/assets/uploads/phrases/Justice-960x960.png

please press:  http://www.nola.com

25 October 2016

Uruguay, Argentina ranked most LGBT-friendly Latin American countries

Michael K. Lavers
Washington Blade

Uruguay flag

Credit:  http://flagpedia.net/data/flags/ultra/uy.png

Texas businesses push back against transgender bathroom bill

Lauren McGaughy
The Dallas Morning News

Credit:  http://theeverygirl.com/sites/default/files/articles/inlineimages/AUSTIN_KELLY%20RUCKER%20PHOTO-2.jpg

Education key for transgender acceptance, say advocates (Canada)

Rima Hamadi
CBC News

Credit:  http://1quotes.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Education-quotes-1.jpg

please press:  http://www.cbc.ca

The rest of the ticket

Credit:  http://www.canivote.org/New-Election-Day-2016jpg.gif

So far, I have covered the top of the ticket by selecting Hillary Clinton (D) over Donald Trump
(R), Gary Johnson (L) or Jill Stein (G).  Here is the rest of the ticket.

US Senator
Richard Blumenthal (D) over Dan Carter (R), Richard Lion (L) , or Jeffery Russell (G)

US Representative
John B. Larson (D) over Matthew M. Corey (R) or S. Michael DeRosa (G)

State Senator
Beth Bye (D) over Mark Merritt (R)

State Rep. (18)
Andrew Fleischmann (D) over Rob Levine (R) 

State Rep. (19)
Chris Barnes (R) over Derek Slap (D)

In the 20th State Rep. district (Joe Verrengia-D) and the Judge of Probate (Owen Eagan-D) both are unopposed. As far as the Registrar of Voters goes, hell, flip a coin - they both get in. 

24 October 2016

First transgender soldiers seek formal Army recognition

Lolita C. Baldor
The Seattle Times

Credit:  http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2292895.1436971818!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/pilot16n-2-web.jpg

23 October 2016

AAP National Conference: Dr. Dreyer: Keep supporting all children

Trisha Korioth
AAP Journal

Credit:  http://hrc-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/images/made/images/remote/http_hrc-assets.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/files/images/blog/SupportingCaringTransChildren-1600x900_800_450.jpg

Johns Hopkins Medicine will resume transgender surgeries after 40 years

Erin Rook
LGBTQ Nation

Credit:  http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/sebin/v/d/bucket3.jpg

Curt Schilling reportedly to host conservative radio show on Breitbart network (New Zealand)


Credit:  http://progressillinois.com/sites/progressillinois.com/files/styles/content_scale/public/pi-images/cartoon_of_the_day_4-29-16_-_curt_schilling.jpg?itok=uccYQg8H

please press:  http://www.sportal.co.nz

ezs note:  Wow... The Breitbart Times... isn't that just one step next to the rag the Ku Klux Klan puts out?

But hey, you go with that, Curt.  You go.

22 October 2016

84, and living in fear: Mexican LGBTQ residents still face backlash, even after reforms

Marisa Mazria Katz

Credit:  http://cdn.c.photoshelter.com/img-get/I0000HXANh2MWjCM/s/880/880/IMG-1873.jpg

please press:  http://www.salon.com

'We Won!': Trans Girl Can Now Use Girls' Bathroom at Military School

Dawn Ennis
NBC News

Credit:  http://www.moodiereport.com/images/ramstein_pentrade_01.jpg

please press:  http://www.nbcnews.com

Readers share their stories after article on transgender teen

Nina Shapiro
The Seattle Times

Credit:  http://img.ccrd.clearchannel.com/media/mlib/645/2016/04/default/seattle_times_logo_masthead_0_1460474458.png

Redmond, Washington

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/20/ef/56/20ef565438da0c0598382032fe777826.jpg

ezs note:  On we go to click on Redmond, Washington!

21 October 2016

Women, LGBT urged to fight bigotry (Philippines)

Llanesca T. Panti
The Manila Times

Credit:  https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhosyuBQH_3t19chgdGtHeA3YFJZ7fB6E_Y83_TmxarQwYOy7m6G-oKq1f2F2wOkc6QvmIlnDPmpsP-Pxrf2x456ss1kkMBPj82bP3zZXdtXTohQa1y8BNom2oDZK3hXhjAV_6f27jKZ6m3/s1600/Balanga+City+Hall.jpg

4 More Things to Know About Transgender Rights in the Workplace

Marisa Rosen
Jdsupra Business Advisor

Credit:  http://www.transequality.org/sites/default/files/styles/issues_270x170/public/images/issues/131105081113-sutter-enda-story-top_0.jpg?itok=Pgq59Wid

please press:  http://www.jdsupra.com

Wisconsin voter ID may disenfranchise 1,000 transgender people

Wisconsin Gazette

Credit:  http://all-len-all.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/voter-suppression-button.jpg

ezs note:  Especially in Wisconsin, but really anywhere, you can find out information about fighting voter suppression by clicking www.transequality.org/issues/voting-rights or www.866ourvote.org.  Thanks.

20 October 2016

Obama appeals Texas transgender bathroom case to 5th Circuit

Lauren Mcgaughy
The Dallas Morning News

Credit:  https://lintvwwlp.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/nc_immigrationsuit0217001_mezzn.jpg?w=640

please press:  http://www.dallasnews.com

Best of Gay D.C. 2016: PEOPLE

Washington Blade

Credit:  http://www.capitalpride.org/wp-content/uploads/Capital-Pride-2015-Sponsors-Blade-500x321.jpg

Raped Trans Inmate Has Case Against Guards

Brandi Buchman
Courthouse News Service

Credit:  http://transgenderindia.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Rape-Laws-in-transgender-bill-india-1.jpg

please press:  http://www.courthousenews.com  

19 October 2016

Illinois judge recommends denial of transgender-access injunction

Timothy McLaughlin

Credit:  https://iln.isba.org/sites/default/files/imagecache/image_gallery_lightbox/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/illinois-supreme-court-exterior.jpg

please press:  http://news.trust.org

The A.C.L.U., on Transgender Students

Joshua Block
The New York Times

Credit:  http://www.noblenet.org/owhl/wp-content/uploads/New-York-Times-Logo1.jpg

please press:  http://www.nytimes.com

Voter Suppression and the Transgender Vote

Sean McShee

Credit:  http://www.bjdesign.com/html/images/directory/USAMap50StatesMapNames.gif 

ezs note:  If you live in either a blue or red state, (click to find out) the time for you to approach city/town hall is now, not tomorrow or worse yet, on Election Day.  Don't procrastinate!  

Judge: transgender bathroom injunction is nationwide

Cindy George

Credit:  http://noethics.net/News/images/stories/loserville.jpg

please press:  http://www.chron.com

Stephen Florian resigns as University lecturer following outrage over transgender comments


Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a2/Malta-halfar-containers-nov2009.jpg

18 October 2016

Trost says he's being gagged, again (Canada)

Janice Dickson

Credit:  https://decollins1969.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/whine.jpg

please press:  https://ipolitics.ca

Transgender inmate sues DOC over denial of medical care

My Plainview

Credit:  https://news-images.vice.com/images/articles/meta/2015/09/25/prisons-treat-transgender-inmates-like-shit-this-lawsuit-could-change-that-1443205236.jpg?crop=1xw:0.6047197640117994xh;0xw,0.3687315634218289xh&resize=1200:*&output-format=image/jpeg&output-quality=75

He Said No One Would Care if He Shot Transgender Women. He Was Wrong.

Katie Zavadski
The Daily Beast

Credit:  http://media.al.com/news_birmingham_impact/photo/denzell-thomaspng-bb141623431493ba.png

ezs note:  Let's just hope that Mr. Thomas is sent away for a long, long, long time.  My sincere condolences to the families.

16 October 2016

TransNation Festival announces film and celebrity lineup

Steve Lee
LGBT Weekly

Credit:  https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/741286671849795584/uyCZBk9y.jpg

please press:  http://lgbtweekly.com

Police ask for public's help in ID'ing pedestrian


Credit:  http://www.jessupborough.com/s/cc_images/cache_572465204.jpg?t=1362610301

please press:  http://www.abc2news.com

ezs note:  If you have any information about the unknown transgender woman, please call the Jessup, Maryland police at 570-489-0411.  Thanks.

Govt Called to Tackle Hate Crimes After Transgender Woman Stabbed in Tbilisi (Georgia [Eurasia])


Credit:  http://wac.450f.edgecastcdn.net/80450F/mix97fm.com/files/2015/06/stabbing.jpg

please press:  http://www.civil.ge

Air Force releases guidance on transgender airmen

Stephen Losey
Air Force Times

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/23/Seal_of_the_US_Air_Force.svg/2000px-Seal_of_the_US_Air_Force.svg.png

15 October 2016

Transgender woman found dead in Cleveland misgendered in early reports (UK)

Meka Beresford
Pink News

Brandi Bledsoe

please press:  http://www.pinknews.co.uk

ezs note:  Please, if you travel in or reside in the Cleveland area, and you have any information on Brandi Bledsoe's murder, call the Cleveland police department at 216-623-5000.

Rest in peace, Brandi...

17 People Who Kicked Down The Closet Door This Year (So Far)

The Good Men Project

Credit:  http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/star-and-the-forces-of-evil/images/3/33/S1E23_Star_Kicking_Door_Open.png/revision/latest?cb=20151225025203

please press:  https://goodmenproject.com  

For Our Communities, HIV Is Too Important to Ignore

Brent A. Wilkes and Mary Beth Maxwell

Credit:  http://www.advocate.com/sites/advocate.com/files/2016/03/14/raffi-freedman-gurspan-x750.jpg

please press:  http://www.advocate.com

ezs note:  Please, if you haven't had your HIV test, or it's been some time since you've had one (one year or more) go and have one now.  You'll be glad you did!

Is It Time to Desegregate the Sexes?

Judith Shulevitz
The New York Times

Credit:  http://www.amust.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/P11Desegregation-890x395_c.jpg

please press:  http://www.nytimes.com

Updated: Maltese ‘patriots’ target transgender protestor with offensive remarks (Malta)

Gabriel Schembri
Malta Independent Online

Credit:  http://thecommonwealth.org/sites/default/files/styles/sidebar/public/images/country/Malta-052_8.png?itok=3-LC9OmT

Letchworth, Hertford, UK

Credit:  http://www.letchworthvillage.info/assets/images/burnt1.jpg

ezs note:  So, are you off to Letchworth?  Well, click on down!

14 October 2016

Bristol Church Invites Transgender Pastor To Give Sermon

Hartford Courant

Credit:  http://taggmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/gay-churches-in-dc-tagg-magazine.jpg

please press:  http://www.courant.com

Treating and Preventing HIV with Trauma-Informed Care

Laurie Saloman
Contagion Live

Credit:  https://aidsinfo.nih.gov/images/factsheet/HIV-virus-03.jpg

Wave of Violence Targets Transsexuals in Mexico (Mexico)


Alessa Flores

Credit:  http://www.telesurtv.net/__export/1476464985775/sites/telesur/img/news/2016/10/14/alessa_alessa_flores.jpg_1718483346.jpg

please press:  http://www.telesurtv.net

Transgender rights: France scraps sterilisation in status law (UK)


Credit:  http://image.shutterstock.com/z/stock-photo-paris-flag-of-france-and-eiffel-tower-glossy-button-56254201.jpg

please press:  http://www.bbc.com

13 October 2016

Texas Jailers Make Crude Remarks About Transgender Inmate Online

Meagan Flynn

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/69/f0/19/69f019d5f8c35356ab00d58ecc27ef56.jpg

Iowa’s first transgender high school athlete found his truth on the track

Courtney Crowder
USA Today

Cedar Falls, Iowa

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/f8/8b/5e/f88b5e4b3622466ad759cfea4c864a0f.jpg

please press:  http://www.usatoday.com

12 October 2016

Transgender muses highlight UFO basketball league (Philippines)

Junhan B. Todino
Marianas Variety

Credit:  https://conceptdraw.com/a2210c3/p1/preview/640/pict--basketball-court-vector-illustration-basketball-courts-vector-stencils-library

please press:  http://www.mvariety.com

Providing Transgender-Inclusive Health Care

Vincenzo Carannante, Joan Feldman, Stephanie Gomes-Ganhao, and William Rob
JD Supra Business Advisor

Credit:  http://membershipexpert.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/lawbook.jpg

please press:  http://www.jdsupra.com

11 October 2016

Frontline examination of transgender

Credit:  http://www-tc.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/press/2301_outreach/FRONTLINE_logo.jpg

ezs note:  This is almost an hour and a half coverage by Frontline regarding transgender children and adolescents.  See it yourself and show it to your family and friends.  Click https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-19bQ3b4nA

Here's Your Chance To Make Sure These Twelve States Don't Get Away With This

Brianna Wu

Credit:  http://chrislaney.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/your-vote_002.jpg

please press:  https://www.bustle.com

ezs note:  If you live in Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, or Washington DC, this is your last day to vote!!!  Register to vote NOW!!

On National Coming Out Day, I celebrate my birthday

Darren Arquero
Berkeley News

Credit:  http://www.trazeetravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Sunset-over-the-Golden-Gate-Bridge-and-Berkeley-California-%C2%A9-Dexchao-Dreamstime-33099889-e1427383224182-1000x399.jpg

please press:  http://news.berkeley.edu