01 November 2017

America's Victim-in-Chief

Conor Friedersdorf
The Atlantic

Credit:  https://g8fip1kplyr33r3krz5b97d1-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/donald-trump-ivanka-clothes-cartoon-1024x722.jpg

please press:  www.theatlantic.com

ezs note:  If you happen to be in Burlington, Vermont on November 9, perhaps you would like to check things out here.

Egypt - Egypt Doesn’t Speak for Africa on LGBT Issues

Graeme Reid
Human Rights Watch

Cairo, Egypt

Credit:  https://files.foreignaffairs.com/styles/large-crop-landscape/s3/taxonomy-images/region-egypt.jpg?itok=X9K8Mmj-

please press:  www.hrw.org

U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin, Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney lead congressional Amicus Brief in Masterpiece Cakeshop case

Steve Lee
LGBT Weekly

Credit:  https://i.ytimg.com/vi/q98HAE2Tk-c/maxresdefault.jpg

please press:  lgbtweekly.com

Greenville's Proud Mary Theatre dedicated to telling LGBT stories

Donna Isbell Walker
Greenville News

Unitarian Universalist Church of Spartanburg

Credit:  https://s3-media4.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/Y4rQI-Bh0IpAIEeNtmRw3g/l.jpg

please press:  www.greenvilleonline.com

World Rugby’s transgender policies are discriminatory, and this student is fighting to change them

Lindsay Gibbs

Credit:  https://pulse-static-files.s3.amazonaws.com/worldrugby/photo/2016/06/03/b3a802e3-42d4-4edf-baca-d61b60785d25/twickenham2.jpg

please press:  thinkprogress.org

31 October 2017

The business world hates chaos. Enter Donald Trump.

Helaine Olen
The Washington Post


Credit:  http://www.eastbaytimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/trumptoon112.jpg?w=620

please press:  www.washingtonpost.com

ezs note:  If you are planning to be in Lebanon, Pennsylvania on November 7, you might want to check out here. (Don't forget to vote first though!) 

Barbados - Row over rainbow colours

Tre Greaves
Nation News

Credit:  https://www.cheapcaribbean.com/content/cheapcaribbean/en/destinations/Barbados/277/jcr%3Acontent/par/map/default.img.gif/1383667962058.gif

please press:  www.nationnews.com

Out for votes: Battle over rights inspires more U.S. transgender candidates

Letitia Stein

Credit:  http://thecolu.mn/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/22548770_1891316217854012_6161884811357673230_o.png

please press:  www.reuters.com

ezs note:  Whether or not you are lucky enough to vote for one of the transgender candidates, you are lucky enough to make your voice heard - if you are registered.  If you live in one of the states where you still can, please do so immediately. Election Day is Tuesday, November 7. 

Church Program Offers Frank Lessons on Sexuality

EmmaJean Holley
Valley News

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Flag_of_New_Hampshire.svg/1200px-Flag_of_New_Hampshire.svg.pn

please press:  www.vnews.com

Who are California’s transgender adults? New study finds some surprises

Kevin Fagan

Credit:  http://geology.com/state-map/maps/california-county-map.gif

please press:  www.sfgate.com

Happy Halloween!

Credit:  https://img.clipartxtras.com/e42657f19b40d1b5f90c3407410b205f_snoopy-happy-halloween-clipart-china-cps-peanuts-halloween-clipart_348-365.jpeg

30 October 2017

Watchdog urges probe of whether Zinke campaign benefited friend, family

Esther Whieldon

Credit:  https://cdn.indiancountrymedianetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/marty-Two-Bulls-Cartoon-The-Tall-Tales-of-Nominee-Ryan-Zinke.jpg

please press:  www.politico.com

ezs note:  If you are making plans to visit Cleveland, Ohio on November 6, perhaps you should check things out here.

Philippines - A public health emergency


Credit:  https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rqWH2RUdZHA/maxresdefault.jpg

please press:  businessmirror.com.ph

Hillary Clinton slams Trump administration's record on LGBT issues

Steven Overly

Hillary Clinton

Credit:  https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/6f9e30456f515c3c3242e14341112b2f7307de41/c=117-0-4239-3099&r=x404&c=534x401/local/-/media/2017/06/01/USATODAY/USATODAY/636319446270433704-EPA-USA-HILLARY-CLINTON.jpg

please press:  www.politico.com

Night of the Living Drag Show raises funds for conference, entertains

John Reel
The Daily Nebraskan

University of Nebraska -  Lincoln

Credit:  https://www.unl.edu/ssd/images/ssd_homepage.jpg

please press:  www.dailynebraskan.com

Federal Judge Blocks Trump's Ban On Transgender Service Members

Camila Domonoske

Credit:  https://fm.cnbc.com/applications/cnbc.com/resources/img/editorial/2017/04/13/104402888-5ED2-BL-Judge-041317.1910x1000.jpg

please press:  www.npr.org

ezs note:  If you want to read a more detailed Memorandum Opinion of Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, the transcript is about halfway down.  

Indictment - USA v. Manafort and Gates

Credit:  http://www.inkfreenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Grand-Jury-Indictment-Icon.jpg

please press:  www.justice.gov

28 October 2017

Jeff Sessions Is in Charge of a Bribery Prosecution Involving Two of His Top Donors

Russ Choma, Nick Schwellenbach
Mother Jones

Credit:  https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f4/95/32/f495327418ae560baef34504e401b44f.jpg

please press:  www.motherjones.com

ezs note:  If you plan on being in Portsmouth, New Hampshire on November 4, perhaps you should check out here.

Mexico - Muxes: gender-fluid lives in a small Mexican town

The Guardian

Credit:  https://d36tnp772eyphs.cloudfront.net/blogs/1/2016/04/MUXE-Miho-Hagino-940x627.jpg

please press:  www.theguardian.com 

Transgender rights to be discussed at Fitchburg State

Sentinel & Enterprise

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8e/Fitchburg_State_University_Sign.JPG/220px-Fitchburg_State_University_Sign.JPG

Oregon Councilman attacks Hawaii filmmaker

Paul Drewes

Credit:  http://www.quickbase.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/05/A-Measure-of-Your-Team%E2%80%99s-Health-How-You-Treat-Your-Idiot.jpg

please press:  www.kitv.com

Transgender at BYU: Living Lives Despite Unclear Policies

Braley Dodson
US News & World Report

Irving, Texas

estimated transgender population:  1326* (rounded down)

Credit:  https://www.roadsnacks.net/images/2015/11/ghetto-texas/5.jpg

ezs note:  Home of the Dallas Cowboys! And home to poverty-stricken areas surrounding it!  Yee-haw!  Anyway, visit Irving, Texas.

27 October 2017

Donald Trump ‘Dishonored’ with Plaque Marking the Spot Where He Boasted About Grabbing Women

Tierney McAfee

Credit:  https://content.newsinc.com/jpg/838/31519541/45074297.jpg?t=1476720360

please press:  people.com

ezs note:  If you are going to be in Pittsfield, Massachusetts on November 4, you might want to look at this.

UK/Northern Ireland - PSNI to hold recruitment events for LGBT community

Vincent Kearney

Belfast, Northern Ireland

Credit: http://www.nationsonline.org/gallery/UK/Belfast-City-Hall-and-Big-Wheel.jpg

please press:  www.bbc.com

Ex-AG Holder honored for advancing gay, transgender rights


Former AG Eric Holder

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6a/Eric_Holder_official_portrait.jpg/220px-Eric_Holder_official_portrait.jpg

please press:  www.sfgate.com

Madison diocese advice to priests on LGBT funerals causes grief

Lisa Neff
Wisconsin Gazette

Credit:  https://www.cagle.com/working/100405/billday.jpg

please press:  www.wisconsingazette.com

Pier school committee introduces transgender policy

Philip Cozzolino
The Narragansett Times

Narragansett, RI

Credit:  http://www.getawaymavens.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/The-Break-Hotel-neighborhood-in-winter-Narragansett-RI.jpg

please press:  www.ricentral.com

26 October 2017

Last general standing

Thomas L. Friedman
Rutland Herald

Credit:  http://media.cleveland.com/darcy/photo/04darcy-tweeter2jpg-e0d00b7fb8b095d3.jpg

please press:  www.rutlandherald.com

ezs note:  If you are going to be in Lakewood, Ohio on November 2, check out the info here.

Switzerland - ‘People need to understand that normality doesn’t exist’

Stefania Summermatter

La Motte, Switzerland

Credit:  https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3026/2333645354_23e7f2b777_m.jpg

please press:  www.swissinfo.ch

Political tussle over gender surgery for trans kids may delay health care for low-income kids in Pa.

Rita Giordano
Daily Inquirer

State Capitol
Harrisburg, PA

Credit:  http://www.pacapitol.com/Resources/Images/Capitol-from-River.jpg

please press:  www.philly.com

Man Pleads Not Guilty to Charges in Transgender Teen's Death

US News & World Report

Thayer, MO

Credit:  http://picproxy.topixcdn.com/gallery/up-KUL7B0T3P1LC4DUP.jpg

please press:  www.usnews.com

The Challenges of Being Transgender in Restaurant Kitchens

Alex Di Francesco

Credit: http://www.lsgskychefs.com/app/uploads/2015/01/Group-of-chefs-600x255.jpg

please press:  www.eater.com

25 October 2017

National anthem protests are becoming more popular. You can thank Donald Trump.

John Sides
The Washington Post

Credit:  http://www.denverpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/trump-nfl-national-anthem-cartoon-heller.jpg?w=620

please press:  www.washingtonpost.com

ezs note: Anyone who plans on being in Boston, Massachusetts on November 1, check out the event here.

Chilliwack school trustee: Allowing children to 'change gender is nothing short of child abuse' (Canada)

Cathy Kearney

Credit:  https://www.toonpool.com/user/589/files/idiot_wanted_967265.jpg

please press:  www.cbc.ca

Westford School Committee approves transgender policy amid pushback

Susanna Wood
Wicked Local Westford

Credit:  http://summervillagewestford.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/long-sought-for-postcard.jpg

please press:  westford.wickedlocal.com

Dana Beyer Confirms Run Against Del. Waldstreicher For District 18 Senate Opening

Louis Peck
Bethesda Beat

Dana Beyer

Credit:  http://danabeyer.com/img/headshot200.png

please press:  www.bethesdamagazine.com

Report Highlights Experiences of Latino/a Transgender People in U.S.

John Paul Bramer
NBC News

Credit:  https://candyshopsf.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/celia-4.jpg

please press:  www.nbcnews.com

ezs poetry

I dreamt of the camiciola
white dots touching
his hand, lowering

© 2017

24 October 2017

Donald Trump ‘a danger to democracy’, Republican Senator Jeff Flake says in brutal stepping down speech (UK)

Ben Riley-Smith
The Telegraph

Credit:  https://i.pinimg.com/736x/44/0e/fe/440efe52cf65b47068a8818c93bbf2f7--editorial-cartooning-big-thing.jpg

please press:  www.telegraph.co.uk

ezs note:  If you are going to be around Buffalo, New York, you might want to show up November 1 here.

Human Rights Committee Considers The Report Of Mauritius


Credit: http://www.mauritiusinsideout.co

please press:  www.cnbcafrica.com

Transgender inmate settles lawsuit with Oregon over medical treatment

Gillian Flaccus

Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution
Pendleton, OR

Credit:  http://www.newslincolncounty.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/prison.eastern.oregon.wiki_.2.jpg

please press:  kval.com

How LGBTQ-friendly are Iowa cities?

Mackenzie Elmer, Andy Davis, Kim Norvell
The Des Moines Register

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Credit:  https://www.gocedarrapids.com/images/made/images/remote/https_cedar-rapids.s3.amazonaws.com/CMS/2031/cedar_rapids_night-052_3_4-1_480_270auto_c1.jpg

My worst moment: 'Transparent' co-star Alexandra Billings confronts transgender negativity

Nina Metz
Chicago Tribune

'Transparent' cast

Credit:  http://img2.tvtome.com/i/u/2ee7b26e5e8c47bfc7a0595c47d84df4.jpg

please press:  www.chicagotribune.com

23 October 2017

Myeshia Johnson Stands Up to Donald Trump

Amy Davidson Sorkin
The New Yorker

Credit:  https://i.pinimg.com/736x/17/95/d5/1795d5cc1ecbeace83072374b08c074b--january--political-satire.jpg

please press:  www.newyorker.com

ezs note:  If you live in the vicinity of North Cape May, New Jersey , you can attend the event planned here.

Trans activist from El Salvador seeks refuge in Ireland

Ernesto Valle - translated by Michael K. Lavers
Washington Blade

Credit:  http://d2z7bzwflv7old.cloudfront.net/cdn_image/exW_1200/images/maps/en/es/es-area.gif

please press:  www.washingtonblade.com

The Christian right’s new strategy: Divide and conquer the LGBT community

Jeff Taylor
LGBTQ Nation

Credit:  http://wolvoman80.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/divide-and-conquer.jpg

please press:  www.lgbtqnation.com

ezs note: One book which you may find useful is From Diversity To Unity - Creating Energy of Connection.  Whether you get a sampling off the computer or get it from the library or bookstore, it contains some valuable tips.

Pravin Visakan: Ending LGBTQ discrimination begins with more inclusive education

Pravin Visakan
Daily Bruin

Credit:  https://lgbtrc.usc.edu/files/2015/05/Trojan_Pride-Parade.jpg

please press:  dailybruin.com