24 October 2015

Review: 'Becoming Nicole: The Transformation of an American Family,' by Amy Ellis Nutt

Kurtis Scaletta
Star Tribune

Amy Ellis Nutt

Credit:  http://media.nj.com/times_opinions/photo/9496652-large.jpg

Christina Kahrl, transgender pioneer long before Caitlyn Jenner, says passion for talking, writing baseball transcends differences

Michael O'Keefe
New York Daily News

Credit:  https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/527742774523617281/90aFrqXf_400x400.jpeg

Viewpoint: October is Transgender Awareness Month

Michaela Bishop

Ravalli Republic

Credit:  http://www.8screensavers.com/screensavers/preview/r/a/ravalli-county-montana-places-1-screensaver.jpg

Education needed on inclusion of transgender students

Margeaux Mutz
Tallahassee Democrat

Margeaux Mutz

Credit:  http://transgender.familytreecenter.org/files/2013/08/Margeaux-first-pics-with-new-camera-012-crop3.jpg

Chicago-area school district defies government on transgender access

Fiona Ortiz

Credit:  http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/83/640x829_14530_The_Night_Chicago_Died_3d_cartoon_chicago_gangster_bull_picture_image_digital_art.jpg

please press:  http://www.reuters.com

Dayton, Ohio

Credit:  http://thumbs.trulia-cdn.com/pictures/thumbs_5/ps.75/7/1/1/c/picture-uh=54386b56daee127552d88ba76a794-ps=711cf79e8fa78c381c74aa15d42abdc0-623-Hickory-St-Dayton-OH-45410.jpg

23 October 2015

Petition urges Cardiff University to cancel Germaine Greer lecture (UK)

Ben Quinn
The Guardian

Germaine Greer

Credit:  http://www.russcook.co.uk/images/GERMAINE_GREER_Russ_Cook_caricature_feminist_author_Female_Eunuch_drawing_sketch_pencil_funny_portrait_cartoon_Russell_illustration.png

Tony Perkins: Trans People Will Try To Go To Jail For 'Free Surgery'

Isabel Carter-Kahn
Right Wing Watch

Credit:  https://dummidumbwit.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/tony-perkins-rights2-300x235.jpg?w=640

In Kolkata, smashing the sex barrier (India)

Shamik Bag
Live Mint

Kolkata, India

Credit:  http://images.skymetweather.com/content/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/kolkata-rain.jpg

please press:  http://www.livemint.com

22 October 2015


Credit:  http://www.politusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/vote-angry-cartoon-election.jpg

First to Canada:  Congratulations!  You made the difference by kicking Conservatives to the curb! Yay!

Next, to the US:  Yeah, I know voting can get a bit discouraging at times.  But, please, look at our friends to the north.  They voted, and they won.  I'll be straight with you.  There are no ironclad guarantees in voting.  But it provides you with the only way in which you have a real voice.  Throw your vote away, and you've thrown your voice away.

PS:  Check to see if you have a ballot initiative as well.  Please don't forget these as well as candidates.

'Gentlemen only' barbers accused of refusing to cut transgender teenager's hair (UK)

Josh Parry
The Mirror

Credit:  https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-prn2/v/t1.0-1/p160x160/10710630_1530840600491481_3786414136470040066_n.jpg?oh=72e77970e0c7b146aaa670699f50e41d&oe=56BDE109&__gda__=1451617786_59ae283e54873ed000e65842de54982a

please press:  http://www.mirror.co.uk

ezs note:  Come on, Evander, we're only being lighthearted.

Uh... we are, aren't we?

LGBT Veteran Activist Stephen Snyder-Hill to Speak at UC

Rachel Richardson
University of Cincinnati 

Credit:  http://www.uc.edu/content/dam/uc/foundation/images/downloadables/UC_wallpaper1_1600x1024.jpg

please press:  http://www.uc.edu

Laverne Cox to take on iconic ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’ role

Adam Howard

Credit:  http://instinctmagazine.com/sites/instinctmagazine.com/files/images/blog_posts/Nigel%20Campbell/2015/10/21/rocky%20horror.jpg

please press:  http://www.msnbc.com

Know the facts behind Houston’s HERO fight

Cece Cox
The Dallas Morning News

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/86/Dallas_Texas_Skyline_bei_Nacht.jpg

ezs note:  In Houston - and in cities and towns around the country - there are ballot measures around the country.  Don't overlook them!  In Houston, it is being referred to as the HERO measure.  Please vote YES on this measure.  And better yet, bring a friend!

Cuomo Planning Discrimination Protections for Transgender New Yorkers

Jesse McKinley
The New York Times

Credit:  http://www.msnbc.com/sites/msnbc/files/2013/05/ap549511955200_1.jpg

please press:  http://www.nytimes.com

19 October 2015

Transgender woman's final message (New Zealand)


Credit:  http://images.huffingtonpost.com/2013-10-28-shamepointing_4-thumb.png

please press:  http://www.nzherald.co.nz

ezs note:  Crap... on the one hand, I feel so badly for Ashley's friends and family.  On the other hand, if I had gotten to her in time, I would have said there's hope.  There's always hope.

I can't do anything for Ashley now, but I can do something for you.  If you live in New Zealand, there's a whole host of people you can call. They are listed at the end of the article. If you live in the United States, you can call Trevor Lifeline at 866-488-7386.  If you live in another country, type in "suicide hotline". Look first for a government agency - this way, you won't be duped by a "conversion therapy" line.  (Yeah, these are quacks.)

If you feel despair, get help!!!

Iowa community college offers transgender student housing


Credit:  http://www.iwcc.edu/academic_programs/images//gen18.jpg

please press:  http://www.thonline.com  

2016 Ujjain Kumbh: Separate akhada comes up to cater to eunuchs (India)

The Statesman

Credit:  http://ercotravels.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/simhatha-kumbh-mela-2016-4.jpg

Cape Air announces support for transgender anti-discrimination legislation

Cape Cod Today

Credit:  https://img.planespotters.net/photo/211000/original/n68391-cape-air-cessna-402c_PlanespottersNet_211863.jpg

Gay conversion therapy harms young people, report says

Tia Ghose

Credit:  https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiPK9xwx04aiTFFFAIBFKnvDHID9CnR6w6u5BRgwBzxhxShKlp5J32Wsdlen7v9Rwyn7Mx6U1kcQWyClkY736kMSSZUkujZ9hNVM54dp_9iQAmLiGTJN6HojmKRepOGqP27X7fRhyphenhyphentSQY92/s1600/Haggard+comic.gif

  please press:  http://www.cbsnews.com

18 October 2015

Transgender students at Cal State Long Beach to choose names for IDs, class rosters

Josh Dulaney

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c3/Walter_Pyramid.jpg

Transgender Canadians Speak Out On Federal Election Issues (Canada)

Al Donato
Huffington Post Canada

Credit:  http://i.cbc.ca/1.3137504.1435951347!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/hamilton-elliott-and-michaelia-drever.jpg

Indiana governor discusses division on LGBT protections

Daily Herald

Credit:  http://www.elkharttruth.com/image/2014/04/17/800x_b0_z/Cartoonist-Gary-Varvel-Indiana-Gov-Pence-missile-shield-and-Reagan.jpg

With release of new book, transgender Maine teen finds her voice

Eric Russell
Portland Press Herald

Credit:  http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51Nxl1SGRsL._SX336_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg

17 October 2015

Renee's Story: Once Upon a Time

Pamela Valentine
Chicago Now

Credit:  http://40.media.tumblr.com/8e5f5f01d5b6dde2c05b98a3f1f44a7a/tumblr_nj2aioFHis1u7vihyo1_1280.png

please press:  http://www.chicagonow.com

A Brief History Of Memoirs By Trans Women: Lives Beyond Our Identities

Meredith Talusan

Credit:  http://www.glbtrt.ala.org/reviews/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Cronn-Mills-Transgender-lives.png

please press:  http://www.buzzfeed.com

Gay People In Myanmar Can't Live Openly. Here's Why

Dominique Mosbergen
The World Post/The Huffington Post/Berggruen Institute

Credit:  http://cache3.asset-cache.net/gc/175115512-zaw-moe-a-medium-in-a-ceremonial-dress-gettyimages.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=GkZZ8bf5zL1ZiijUmxa7QcH%2Fo00sfF5YIZx2geF5SCr8UbDxE6kaDUKtdX1q792lKk9%2Fs4XfKfMbdpISZWZXoA%3D%3D

Hillary Clinton: TSA Dropping 'Anomaly' Is a 'Good Move'

Daniel Reynolds

Credit:  https://nyppagesix.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/20150726_zaf_ce6_001_113931901.jpg

please press: http://www.advocate.com

Man arrested in transgender woman’s death in Montgomery County


Rico Hector Leblond

Credit:  http://cdn.tegna-tv.com/-mm-/aa6b8c0198c7fcef471a18fb60004ba56c1f4a35/c=29-0-254-300&r=183&c=0-0-180-240/local/-/media/2015/10/17/WUSA/WUSA/635806665198585729-Rico.jpg

please press:  http://wtop.com

Lima, Peru

Credit:  http://theholidaze.com/images/countries/peru/lima-beach.jpg

16 October 2015

Bengali Durga Puja all set to dazzle

iFree Press

Credit:  http://www.kolkata24x7.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/transgender1-655x360.jpg

please press:  http://www.ifreepress.com

Edmonton Catholic School Board dysfunction could lead to 'dissolution', says expert (Canada)

Paige Parsons
Edmonton Journal

Credit:  http://i.ytimg.com/vi/iZUQ6hKmwkI/hqdefault.jpg

Buffalo bolsters anti-discrimination laws to better protect transgender people

Susan Schulman
The Buffalo News

Credit:  http://www.buffalospree.com/images/cache/cache_3/cache_9/cache_9/GBLT-b769d993.jpeg?ver=1415391898&aspectratio=1.3341067285383

Transgender woman dies after being shot between Montgomery County shopping centers

Daily Reporter

Credit:  http://i.embed.ly/1/display/resize?key=1e6a1a1efdb011df84894040444cdc60&url=https%3A%2F%2Fscontent.cdninstagram.com%2Fhphotos-xaf1%2Ft51.2885-15%2Fe15%2F11328262_1520186078271514_838120669_n.jpg&width=810

please press:  http://www.greenfieldreporter.com

ezs note: Please, if you have any information regarding this killing, and you live or travel through Montgomery County, contact the police at 1-866-411-TIPS(8477) immediately!!!

Rest in peace, Zella...

Canada's Girl Guides say all transgender girls are welcome

Michelle Toh
The Christian Science Monitor

Credit:  http://www.meaford.com/town/girlguide_logo.gif

please press:  http://www.csmonitor.com

Please, no excuses!

Credit:  http://ktvn.images.worldnow.com/images/5421498_G.jpg

Okay... I know it's a bit early, but I had to tell you.  Seems that there was this guy who was a bit disgusted.  He couldn't stand Hillary or Bernie.  (Never mind that there were three other candidates he could choose from.) So he wouldn't vote.  I tried to reason with the man; I tried to tell him that what the founders intended was a "more perfect" union, not an "absolutely perfect" union.  But he wouldn't budge.  What could I do?  Hey, I disagreed with the guy, but I do respect him.

Now... to my friends:  Please, don't let this dimwitted, shit-for-brains, asshole, dumb as dirt, nitwitted, troglodyte, moron get you down.  Vote anyways.

Election Day is Tuesday, November 3.


15 October 2015

Trans Woman Alleges Harassment, Unjust Firing by Walmart

Trudy Ring

Credit:  http://www.brandchannel.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/christopher-weyant-new-yorker-cartoon-still-this-beats-my-old-job-working-at-wal-mart-new-yorker-cartoon.jpg

please press:  http://www.advocate.com

14 October 2015

How my daughter became my son (New Zealand)

Victoria Lambert

Credit:  https://store.feedthemachine.com/images/Product/large/211.jpg

please press:  http://www.nzherald.co.nz

Bernie (no, not that Bernie!) school board approves transgender student policy

Derrion Henderson

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/c6/1b/fc/c61bfc97a4a0d8cf2c8d095e84ab32c6.jpg

please press:  http://www.kfvs12.com

Transgender Rights Didn't Come Up In The First Democratic Presidential Debate, And It Was A Big Oversight

Mari Brighe

Credit:  https://thenypost.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/clinton-sanders-2.jpg

please press:  http://www.bustle.com

Outcry over the killing of three transgender women in Argentina (Singapore)


Credit:  http://xpatnation.co/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Transgender-flag.jpg

ezs note:  Word came from Buenos Aires, Argentina the sad news that three transgender women were murdered.  The most recent one was Diana Sacayan. Whether you live in Buenos Aires or travel there, please contact the Buenos Aires police immediately!!!

Rest in peace, Diana...


Credit:  https://jesswanderin.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/jess-vote-04-03a.jpg

Kinda says it all, doesn't it?


13 October 2015

ezs comment #4

Credit:  http://theflounce.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/article-header-326x235.png

Sometimes, everything just works, y'know?

Last night, I was surfing the Net, when my good friend of the ethers Steve Shives was having an extended conversation with his pal Crocoduck.  Well, they were bantering back and  forth, when Steve used a word which made me pause: intersectionality.  He was arguing that rather than putting the people around the feminist campfire and another around the atheist campfire, they should be brought together..

Now, about Shives' remarks, I see good and bad in them.  Granted, the majority of feminists go hand-in-hand with the atheists, but what about those who are either devout, or those who are simply uncertain?  A good example of this would be Malala Yousafzai.  Does she get kicked to the curb (along with her Nobel medal) simply because of her belief in Islam?

Then the next day came along.  It's fascinating when a particular word comes along and reminds you.  This time it was through How 4 Black Lives Matter activists handle queerness and trans issues.  This was a rather long essay, an interview with Kleaver Cruz, Elle Hearns, Arielle Newton and Kei Williams.  What struck me was how this most ingenious of words, intersectionality, came through on such diverse essays.  Deron Dalton uses it in their introduction, as well as Elle Hearns.

Oddly enough, the one place where I saw intersectionality most at force was at Liberty University.  (Yeah, that's the one where Jerry Falwell made his name.  Oy.)  On this morning though, Bernie Sanders, as left as left can be - in the House or Senate - stood at Liberty's podium.  In his opening paragraph, he made clear the differences the two of them would face, abortion and gay rights.  But then he got on with those areas that they would agree, namely the stilted state of our economy.  Now, could you imagine the Occupy movement standing arm-in-arm with Liberty University students?

It's not as farfetched as you might think.

What was fascinating was watching the opening five minutes of Bernie's speech.  My rough estimate would be 10 to 25  percent gave Bernie a warm welcome.  But this wasn't merely polite applause.  This was raucous cheering.  The loudest cheering was equal rights for women.


I don't think the men quite got it.

Clearly, the fault lines were being drawn, mainly between the thirty and below and those who are forty and above.  Liberty faculty are scratching their heads.  It's not that the Bible doesn't play a central part in their lives.  It clearly does.  It's just that they are no longer looking at Jesus as a hectoring figure, a  sheep-or-goats dichotomy (mainly Revelation), to looking - closely - at what he actually said and did with his life.  (Mainly, MatthewMarkLuke, and to a lesser extent John) In other words, Jack Chick's screeds need apply no longer.

Now, looking at me through the ethers as you do, you have no way of seeing me.  Well, knowing me as well as I can, I am mainly white. (I say "mainly" because my grandmother told a story about a Kickapoo princess marrying a white ancestor, but without evidence, it will remain the stuff of legend.)  But intersectionalities have their way of creeping in, don't they?

Yeah, I'm a white woman, but I'm a white transgender woman. Also, at age 39, I experienced a stroke which essentially left my right limbs severely compromised.  (No tears, please)  I get around in a wheelchair quite nicely.

I remain quite fascinated by intersectionalities.  And those that remain, they have gone from an intrinsic part of my being (mainly my parents, but especially my maternal grandmother) to a useless appendage.  Eh, so I'm white. Big fat fucking deal.

And isn't that what humanity is all about?



11 October 2015

Guest column: Transgender people should be more fairly accomodated

Marjorie C. Decker
Wicked Local Cambridge

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/52/44/1d/52441d3c7db3674670f589ba1bd27f67.jpg

Hillary Clinton Makes 10 Promises to LGBT Americans, But Will She Really Keep Them?

Carolyn M. Brown
Black Enterprise

Credit:  http://www.usnews.com/dims4/USNEWS/c33834f/2147483647/thumbnail/766x511%3E/quality/85/?url=%2Fcmsmedia%2Fa4%2F13%2Ff3c33e5545bfad17f7ec599e10f3%2Fthumb-2.jpg

How 4 Black Lives Matter activists handle queerness and trans issues

Deron Dalton
The Daily Dot

Credit:  http://s3.amazonaws.com/totem_production/assets/logos/10/original/dailydot_nameplate2.png?1307127424

please press:  http://www.dailydot.com

Kroger to extend health benefits to transgender employees on Anthem

Anne Saker

Credit:  http://b-i.forbesimg.com/clareoconnor/files/2013/07/kroger2.jpg

please press:  http://www.cincinnati.com

10 October 2015

How you can help!

Credit:  http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/blue-letters-twelve-bubbles-inside-them-34945600.jpg

Here's how you can do it:  if you notice that the letters which form the reporter's name are blue, this is your opportunity to reach the reporter immediately via e-mail!  Hey, most reporter's names are black, but when you see a blue one, why not speak out?  Position your arrow on the reporter's name, and click away!  Wheeeeee!

Transgender bill raises concerns

Jen Zettel

Uh... say what?

Credit:  http://beforeitsnews.com/mediadrop/uploads/2015/16/cf33e8d3673b38feb13a171f59dcbd53b8c41a57.png