15 June 2016

To help the victims of the Pulse shootings...

There are many avenues that say they can help the victims of the shootings - some of them are bogus, unfortunately.  One trusted site belongs to GoFundMe.  You can trust this site.

Education board votes to ignore transgender decree

Huron (Mich..) Daily Tribune

Judge: ACLU can intervene in District 211 transgender lawsuit

Eric Peterson
Daily Herald

Transgender Operations Stall in Egypt

Heather Murdock

please press:  http://www.voanews.com  

This gym in Thailand is staffed exclusively by transgender men

Patrick Winn

please press:  http://www.pri.org

Omar Mateen Told Police He’d Strap Bombs to Hostages, Orlando Mayor Says

Frances Robles and Richard Perez-Pena
The New York Times

please press:  http://www.nytimes.com

ezs note:  Due to a glitch - which I hope to get fixed soon - I am unable to get pics with each blog.  In the meantime, I will blogging out once a day news reports as long as they remain current.  I promise I will use trusted news such as The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Slate, and other newspapers of good repute.  Uh, the Breitbart Times and other nutcases need not apply.  I hope this will keep you informed.

14 June 2016

A Transgender Transition in the Workplace

Rita Pyrillis

Credit:  http://www.dispatch.com/content/graphics/2013/08/01/transgender.jpg?__scale=w:660,h:727,t:1,c:ffffff,q:80,r:1

please press:  http://www.workforce.com

For Transgender Boy, Bathroom Fight Just Silly

Alexa Ura
The Gilmer Mirror

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/b1/9e/c8/b19ec8c5ba3ba9e0012b006335df7b64.jpg

Man sentenced to 22 to 44 years after pleading guilty to murder of transgender woman

Chris Caesar

Raheam Felton

Credit:  https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2015-05/19/13/enhanced/webdr02/longform-11779-1432055696-7.jpg

please press:  http://www.metro.us

Pakistan's Transgender Community Mocked by Most, Abhorred by Many


Credit:  http://dc-cdn.s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/dc-Cover-ej9nhmjcemrf0s9mjhi6hpoua5-20160614130540.Medi.jpeg

please press:  http://www.nbcnews.com

13 June 2016

For more information...

Credit:  http://www.linkcpa.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Important_information_logo1.png

ezs note:  Needless to say, (really) this has been a tiny, tiny sampling of truly tragic news on a single story.  For more information, you might want to try http://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out.  Thanks. 

'Rainbow vigil': Thousands turn out in Dublin to honour those killed in Orlando shooting (Ireland)

Jason Kennedy
Irish Times

Credit:  http://www.brilliantsworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Dublin-at-Night.jpg

please press:  http://www.independent.ie

What has the Orlando gunman's father said?

Tucker Reals

Credit:  https://heavyeditorial.files.wordpress.com/2016/06/screenshot-2016-06-12-at-1.jpg?quality=65&strip=all&w=780&strip=all

please press:  http://www.cbsnews.com

Orlando: Omar Mateen 'pledged loyalty to ISIL, others'


Credit:  http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/03039/Anbar-lions-flag_3039908b.jpg

please press:  http://www.aljazeera.com


ABC 11

Credit:  http://spellsforall.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/q2223ghbbb.jpg

please press:  http://abc11.com

Gun dealers, the blood is on YOUR hands

Credit:  http://nebula.wsimg.com/922fe31209c4cb313734587f3057027b?AccessKeyId=3A3A20786454E7750A37&disposition=0&alloworigin=1

12 June 2016

What it means to be transgender in a world that doesn’t always understand

Rachel Levine
Lancaster Online

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/b2/d9/99/b2d999ee86cbc7588eb0cc333c57f60a.jpg

Laverne Cox supports government tracking of the LGBT community

Edward Vkanty

Credit:  https://burritojustice.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/1940-census-housing-and-family.png

please press:  http://www.inquisitr.com

ezs note:  So, I e-wrote my Congressperson... DID YOU??

Manitoba author explores being a transgender dad in new book (Canada)

CBC News

Credit:  https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/2200615430/Trevor_headshot.JPG

please press:  http://www.cbc.ca

Connecticut Leaders React with Shock to Orlando Terror Attack

Kathleen McWilliams, Stephen Singer, and Mara Lee
Hartford Courant

reactions from Connecticut...

Credit:  http://www.christinejohnsonbooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Sad-Statue-300x239.jpg

please press:  http://www.courant.com

Mass Shooting At Orlando Gay Nightclub: What We Know

Merrit Kennedy and Emma Bowman

Pulse nightclub under attack

Credit:  http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/160612054737-orlando-nightclub-shooting-pulse-large-169.jpg

please press:  http://www.npr.org

ezs note:  I will definitely have current updates in tomorrow's blog. To all the friends and families, my sincere condolences. 

11 June 2016

10 June 2016

Premier League photographer becomes first transgender news anchor in Europe (UK)

Jimmy Nsubuga

Credit:  http://www.theargus.co.uk/resources/images/4606138/

please press:  http://metro.co.uk/

Louie Gohmert: Oppose Transgender Rights To Save Veterans' Lives

Brian Tashman
Right Wing Watch

Credit:  http://images.politico.com/global/2014/01/17/cartoon_605.jpg

ezs note:  Oh, Louie, you crazy ol' lunatic, I can't help but love you.  Without meaning to, you help the ACLU go on. (hint, hint)  Please, Louie... go right ahead!

Transgender Woman Shot in Back in Garden Grove; Expected to Survive

Anthony Kurzweil

Credit:  https://tribktla.files.wordpress.com/2016/06/gardengrove.jpg?quality=70&strip=all&strip=all
please press:  http://ktla.com

ezs note:  If you have any information regarding this shooting, please call the Santa Ana police department at 1-714-245-8665.  And to the victim, please reconsider - we all would feel safer if this vermin were arrested!

A mother’s view of transgender equality

Jen Slipakoff
Atlanta Journal-Constiution

Credit:  http://transgendersociety.yolasite.com/resources/Transgender%20Equality%20flag.jpg

  please press:  http://www.myajc.com

Judge: Transgender Inmates Must Have Access To Items That Match Their Identity

Celisa Calacal

Credit:  http://www.colormaker.com/images/cosmetics.jpg

please press:  http://thinkprogress.org

Gordie Howe, 1928-2016

Credit:  http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_liw0tdvl9R1qe1x8qo1_1280.jpg

When I was little, I really didn't care that much for sports.  Baseball, football, basketball... eh...  Then a teacher told me about her love for hockey.  She and her husband were hockey nuts.  What the heck, I said, I'll give it a try.  The New England Whalers were playing the Minnesota Fighting Saints. (Remember them?)  For the first time, I went absolutely bonkers!  To this day, I watch the Stanley Cup finals avidly.  A little later, three players, Mark, Marty, and the most famous, Gordie, came to play for the Whalers.  Gordie had scored the most goals ever - and now he was playing for us, the Whalers!  

I still remember the one game I saw him play.  The Whalers were playing in their new arena (the 'old' one had collapsed), and I had got a ticket to the brand new digs.  I was so happy!  Anyway, at some point in the game, Gordie got a penalty.  Two minutes went by - when you're young, time goes by so slowly.  When two minutes had passed, Gordie got out of the box - and the puck was right in front of him!!  He raced forward, took one shot, and scored!  Yay!

Gordon Howe died today.

My condolences to his children Mark, Marty, Murray, and Cathy. And my deepest thanks to whom you brought the love of hockey.  Rest in peace, Gordie.

09 June 2016

For Civil Rights Chief, Fighting For The Outsider Is Deeply Personal

Carrie Johnson

Credit:  http://www.tantalist.com/img/npr_logo.png

please press:  http://www.npr.org

How Many Transgender Americans Are There?

Samantha Michaels
Mother Jones

Credit:  http://america.aljazeera.com/content/ajam/watch/shows/edge-of-eighteen/articles/2014/10/3/trans-gender-discrimination/_jcr_content/image.adapt.480.low.trans_rights_03102014.jpg

08 June 2016

Stopping the Suffering of Transgender Immigrants

Adam Frankel and Bamby Salcedo
Human Rights Watch

Credit:  http://www.transequality.org/sites/default/files/styles/blog_770_325/public/2014/12/lgbt-rights-la-pride-parade-2013.jpg?itok=lie2N9Jx

please press:  https://www.hrw.org

Resolved: to affirm rights of transgender Jews

New Jersey Jewish News

Credit:  http://www.trbimg.com/img-563ba125/turbine/la-na-reform-jews-transgender-20151105

please press:  http://njjewishnews.com

Twitter chat: What’s the status of transgender rights in the U.S.?

Corinne Segal

Credit:  http://www.curvemag.com/images/cache/cache_1/cache_9/cache_f/transgender-flag-94d61f91.jpeg?ver=1461001937&aspectratio=1.4787430683919

please press:  http://www.pbs.org

Pentagon celebrates LGBT pride while changes to its transgender policy are stalled

Dan Lamothe
The Washington Post

Credit:  http://cdn.history.com/sites/2/2013/11/pentagon-hero-AB.jpeg

06 June 2016

Transgender woman attacked in north Houston

Joel Eisenbaum
Click 2 Houston

Montrose section of Houston

Credit:  http://www.texaswatchdog.org/files/montrose_0.jpg

ezs note:  Fortunately, we have the name of the suspect in this case.  It's Denzel Boone.  If you have any information regarding his whereabouts, please call the Houston police at 713-864-3131.  If you see him at this moment, do not try and restrain him - call Houston police emergency services at 911. Thanks.

Transgender teen's car vandalized in Stark County

Derick Waller
newsnet 5 (ABC)

Credit: http://image.shutterstock.com/z/stock-photo-graffiti-wall-with-vandalism-street-art-background-124477357.jpg

please press:  http://www.newsnet5.com

ezs note:  Hey, maybe it's not a huge deal, but by sending a message that harassment of transgender people will NOT be tolerated is a huge boon to any community.  If you have any information,  please call the Stark County Sheriff's Office at 330-430-3800.  Thanks!

Lawmakers differ on effective date of transgender proposal

Bristol Herald Courier.com

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c7/Massachusetts_State_House_(4752990233).jpg/1280px-Massachusetts_State_House_(4752990233).jpg

04 June 2016

Sorry, Conservatives, but Obama's Guidance on Transgender Students Is Based on 2 Decades of Case Law

Brynn Tannehill
The New Civil Rights Movement

Credit:  http://rwwcomplaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Case-Law-Updates.jpg

A historic transgender change in Sask. (Canada)

Theresa Simon
Moose Jaw Times Herald


please press:  http://www.mjtimes.sk.ca

ezs note:  As much as we tend our focus on New York City, Los Angeles, Toronto or Montreal, this is NOT where all the action is!  Sometimes little Kelliher (pop. 368) does the trick!  No matter where you live, you can make the difference - if you've got the guts to say your peace.