15 November 2016

‘The Trans List,’ Exploring The Lives Of A Diverse Group Of Transgender Americans, Debuts Dec. 5 Exclusively On HBO


Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/a8/33/4e/a8334e18b2b4778a63d37321527b5fd3.png

Transgender woman chased, attacked with hatchet at Charlotte park

Blake Hanson

Credit:  https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/c8594f42-7e51-473b-9b87-ff08dbc35930_1.2b5eb2526e79651248a3028b2a9aa333.jpeg?odnHeight=450&odnWidth=450&odnBg=FFFFFF

please press:  http://www.wsoctv.com

ezs note:  If you live in North Carolina, please urge that the two adults be charged to the FULLEST extent of the law, and the minor be charged as an adult.

TRANSGENDER TALK Transgender millennial reflects on the election (a guest post by Joel Johnson)

Joel Johnson and Byrgen Finkelman

Credit:  http://marketingland.com/wp-content/ml-loads/2016/01/politics-elections-republicans-democrats-boxing-ss-1920-800x450.jpg

13 November 2016

Orillia doctor embraces new life as a woman (Canada)

Frank Matys

Credit:  http://www.afarber.com/images/site/orillia%20signage.JPG

please press:  http://www.simcoe.com

ezs note:  Hi, Rick!  (You'd have to be a hardcore Hartford Whalers  fan to get that one...)

Goldust Says His Transgender Stepson Was Attacked Last Night

TWNP news.com


Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f7/3f/d9/f73fd9232fb2bd3fc79d764552b213bc.jpg

please press:  https://www.twnpnews.com

Transgender children: the parents and doctors on the frontline

Tim Adams
The Guardian

Credit:  http://cdn.theatlantic.com/static/coma/images/issues/200811/200/transgender-1.jpg

ezs note:  Please see the doctor in Boston in TED talk.

12 November 2016

Charlotte Transgender Minister to be Ordained Sunday

Vanessa Leon
Spectrum News

Rev. Dawn Flynn

please press:  http://www.twcnews.com

Swansea, UK

Credit:  http://i3.walesonline.co.uk/incoming/article2574109.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/swansea-bay-tidal-lagoon.jpg

ezs note:  Well, how'd you like to go to Swansea? Just click and you're there!  (Anyone willing to chip in an airline ticket would be most welcome...oy...)

09 November 2016

Cape Elizabeth schools embrace rights of transgender students

Kate Gardner
The Forecaster

Credit:  http://www.mainehomeconnection.com/image_display.php?editor=1&id=475

Speaker shows how to treat the transgender community

Melvin Mendez

Credit: http://static1.squarespace.com/static/55d73e90e4b0b5a1813a858a/55f09206e4b09919dcbdca37/56f9467a356fb09629ea2313/1459187668919/20120919-223190-college-tours-where-to-eat-near-indiana-university-logo.jpg?format=1000w

Trump's win will restore conservative Supreme Court majority

Lawrence Hurley

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/8f/15/52/8f15523e06cd57d672e4645399808ff3.jpg

please press:  http://wsau.com

Transgender Woman Shot to Death in Virginia

Trudy Ring

Noony Norwood

Credit:  https://thumbs.mic.com/NTFkY2FiZmU3NiMvUHdxQkt6eGdMZURIQjR3YTgtOGxCM2dRRjNVPS8weDk3OjE3NjV4OTk0LzEyODB4NjIwL2ZpbHRlcnM6cXVhbGl0eSg3NSkvaHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3BvbGljeW1pYy1pbWFnZXMvdGFuM21oOXpqYXdkaG5pdmlpbWU0OHBvaGxpZHpyeWF2ZGdoMHNkcm9hOHRpYjBteXRzb3E4c3podmtseHNuYy5qcGc.jpg

please press: http://www.advocate.com

Aw, crap...

Credit:  http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/southpark/images/c/c4/MoreCrap01.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100307192536

08 November 2016

Why Hillary Is the Only Choice for LGBTQ Americans

Diana Tourjee

Credit:  http://harboarts.com/shirtdesigner/jpg_design_exports/hillary-clinton-cartoon-lady-vector-graphic_template_1471273097311A5N.jpg

please press:  https://broadly.vice.com

Transgender Vet Says Trump Supporter Torched Her Truck

Neal Broverman

Credit:  http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2323065.1439392033!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/ohio.jpg

please press:  http://www.advocate.com

I voted today... DID YOU??

Credit:  http://www.wpclipart.com/holiday/election_Day/vote_word/vote_banner.png

07 November 2016

National Organization for Marriage Releases Anti-Transgender Ad

Noel Gutierrez-Morfin
NBC News

Credit:  http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3358/3526895478_fb6bb92830.jpg

please press:  http://www.nbcnews.com

Navy: No Exceptions to Fitness Standards for Transgender Sailors

Hope Hodge Seck

Credit:  http://bluewaternavy.org/navy2in3.jpg

please press:  http://www.military.com

Scruff Poll Results: Hillary by a Landslide; Users Also Love Pot

Tucker Berardi

Credit:  http://www.scruff.com/images/blog/scrufftistics_2016-04-ny-presidential-election-02.jpg

Now, what was that day again?

Credit:  http://us-legalsolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Vote-tomorrow-graphicshort.png

ezs note:  Um, just in case you've let it slip your mind, Election Day is 
In case you've let a few elections go by, or you've registered but not voted yet, you can find out where to vote here.

Election Day is tomorrow, Tuesday, November 8, 2016.  Please, please, please, don't this one pass by.

06 November 2016

Being LGBT At School In Vietnam — Viet’s Story

Jessica Lomelin
The Huffington Post

Credit:  http://image.insider-journeys.com/overview/vietnam.jpg

Colorado Springs unlikely candidate

Cheyenne DeChristopher
Met Media

Credit:  https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/PdKTpUSVxO5Xs6jT.V2RXg--/aD02ODc7dz0xMjM4O3NtPTE7YXBwaWQ9eXRhY2h5b24-/https://media.zenfs.com/creatr-images/GLB/2016-07-01/63095ad0-3fa5-11e6-909b-2b00c8575c8b_misty-plowright.png

please press:  http://mymetmedia.com

ezs note:  To find more about Misty Plowright's candidacy, please press the button here.

The Lady Chablis Remembered and Celebrated Saturday Evening

Andrew James

Credit:  https://dakiniland.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/socialfeed-savannah-icon-lady-chablis-has-died-e1473827549260.jpg?w=300&h=229

please press:  http://wsav.com

ezs note:  Rest in peace, The Lady Chablis...

Canadian school features awesome signs on its gender-neutral bathrooms

Chris Tognotti
The Daily Dot

Credit:  http://ichef-1.bbci.co.uk/news/660/cpsprodpb/47E2/production/_90920481_bb093c51-b018-4e0e-ac17-8dd563ef4037.jpg

please press:  http://www.dailydot.com

When Being Counted Can Lead to Being Protected: Pakistan’s Transgender and Intersex Activists

Kyle Knight
Los Angeles Review of Books

Credit:  http://www.operationworld.org/files/ow/maps/lgmap/paki-MMAP-md.png

05 November 2016

HRC Members Meet with Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen to #turnOUT the Vote


Credit:  https://ros-lehtinen.house.gov/sites/ros-lehtinen.house.gov/files/ilr_hi_res-NOBACKGROUND-25percent_1.png

please press:  http://www.hrc.org

ezs note:  Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen is one of those brave Republicans who is standing by her transgender son unabashedly in the halls of Congress.  Naturally, you have to look at her whole record, warts and all (who doesn't have them?)  but as far as her transgender record goes, she would put some Democrats to shame.

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Credit:  http://www.authenticoilersstore.com/UFiles/nhl/images/oilers_194.jpg

ezs note: Have you ever wanted to visit Edmonton?  Well, all ya gotta do is click!

04 November 2016

This Rock Star Is On A Mission To Donate LGBT Books To Prisoners — Here's How You Can Help

Kristian Wilson

Credit:  http://collegian.csufresno.edu/a/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/LGBTQ_books_full.jpg

please press:  https://www.bustle.com

Meet the transgender grocery store clerk running for the US senate

Gay Star News

Credit:  http://www.advocate.com/sites/advocate.com/files/2016/06/30/misty_facebookx750.jpg

Redraft Bill for transgenders rights protection, demands activists (India)


Credit:  https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.27850385.2632/poster,220x200,ffffff-pad,220x200,ffffff.u7.jpg

please press:  http://www.india.com

LGBTQ representation on TV hits record high, but there's still a way to go

Malcolm Venable
MS News Now

Credit:  http://image.masslive.com/home/mass-media/width620/img/entertainment/photo/19058182-mmmain.jpg

please press:  http://www.msnewsnow.com

From a transgender designer, clothing that fits you

Nicole Brodeur
The Seattle Times

Credit:  http://29secrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/o-ANDREJA-PEJIC-facebook-810x405.jpg

03 November 2016

02 November 2016

Voter ID Laws May Prevent 34,000 Trans People From Voting on Tuesday

Diana Tourjee

Credit:  http://15130-presscdn-0-89.pagely.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/voter-intimidation.jpg

please press:  https://broadly.vice.com

ezs note:  It's now less than a week until Election Day.  Especially if you live in one of these states which has problems, be prepared and informed.  Don't be one of the 34,000!!

Abigail Austen on her Trans American Road Trip: "fighting transphobia is now as big as the original battle for civil rights" (UK)

Sarah Carson
Radio Times

Credit:  http://www.runawayguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/RoadTrip.jpg

please press: http://www.radiotimes.com 

Mexican transgender man sues Indiana over not being able to change name

Michael Abella
Legal NewsLine

Credit:  http://courts.delaware.gov/lawlibraries/agency/img/law_main_header.jpg

please press:  http://legalnewsline.com

01 November 2016

How to Keep Trans Voters From Being Disenfranchised

Michelle Dennis

Credit:  http://southfloridagaynews.com/images/avol7iss42/SFGN_TransVotes.jpg

please press:  http://www.advocate.com

ezs note:  Especially if you live in one of the states colored red or blue, read the article not once but twice.

Transgender Day of Remembrance to be observed Nov. 20

Virginia Daffron
Mountain Xpress

Credit:  https://www.nps.gov/common/uploads/grid_builder/akr/crop16_9/190B1C45-1DD8-B71B-0B80D570F4CF3FBA.jpg?width=950&quality=90&mode=crop

please press:  https://mountainx.com

Understanding the derogatory power of the t-word

Season Cooper
The Review

Credit:  http://s1.ticketm.net/tm/en-us/dam/a/aad/bec423fd-2610-4aa0-95d0-8177566b4aad_4351_CUSTOM.jpg

please press:  http://udreview.com

Bearing witness (Canada)

Kristine Power

Credit:  http://transnews.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/uvic-trans-archive-virginiaprince.jpg

please press:  https://gazette.mun.ca

ezs note: If you are in the upper Washington (state) or lower British Columbia area before November 9, why not plan a visit to University of British Columbia in Victoria to view the archives?  Better yet, bring a friend!

Meet the Oprah of China, Who Happens to Be Transgender

Abid Rahman
The Hollywood Reporter

Credit:  http://nicoladavison.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/JX.jpg

31 October 2016

Transgender Muslim woman hacked to death in Russia days after marrying a man

Greg Hernandez
Gay Star News

Viktor and Raina

Credit:  https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh1wLAuGwCu7UJhmbNHl3tE6GT-m2yj6k-ct440DhcihmlLpnojqSY_w9AyoM5KgAt3Zu-FB7amySSIZSVjr54V0cEX3cNB3AiLrqBlLFiqxwUA7LTc-0VVUjQfp6csRk1yhI3CJtwcghA/s400/vush3.jpg

ezs note:  Yeah, things are a bit hairy in US-Russian relations right now, but if you write a respectful letter to Vladimir Putin today urging him to bring Raina's murder to the fullest extent of Russian law, it may help.  Thanks.

Tanzania suspends some HIV programmes for gay men, says health minister



Credit:  http://cdn.wanderlust.co.uk/contentimages/wanderlust/lists-7-things-you-must-do-in-tanzania.jpg?width=620&height=372

please press:  http://www.reuters.com

ezs note:  If you want to help, write a respectful letter or e-letter to President John Pombe Magufuli, urging him to give AIDS therapies to same-sex couples, and to release those who are imprisoned.  Thanks.