29 November 2017

State denies plan discriminates against transgender members

Jonathan Ellis
Argus Leader

Credit: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/0f/bc/e9/0fbce9d2dd449598e55522d61fa5497b--quotes-about-liars-pathological-liar.jpg

please press:  www.argusleader.com

28 November 2017

Bermuda - Gay people more likely to suffer addiction

Jonathan Bell
The Royal Gazette

Credit:  http://neverfearfailure.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Addiction.jpg

please press:  www.royalgazette.com

Why transgender rights are the civil rights thermometer no one can afford to ignore

Karen Fratti
Hello Giggles

Credit:  http://workshed.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/LIng-Quote.png

please press:  hellogiggles.com

Park Hills to Consider Human Rights Ordinance

Ron Newsdesk
The River City News

Credit:  https://i.pinimg.com/736x/4a/99/d9/4a99d977174b343f8d9e9393a140484f--proud-of-my-daughter-my-sister.jpg

please press:  www.rcnky.com

New Generation Of Transgender Americans Wants To Change Laws, Not Just Minds

Martha Bebinger

Credit:  http://www.azquotes.com/picture-quotes/quote-it-may-be-true-that-the-law-cannot-change-the-heart-but-it-can-restrain-the-heartless-martin-luther-king-86-80-37.jpg

please press:  www.npr.org

(video) Cass Sunstein - Impeachment: A Citizen's Guide

Credit:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOq2s7_8K3o

27 November 2017

At a Navajo veterans' event, Trump makes 'Pocahontas' crack

Dan Merica

Credit:  http://editorialcartoonists.com/cartoons/CurryT/2016/CurryT20160531_low.jpg

please press:  www.cnn.com

ezs note:  If you happen to be in Holyoke, Massachusetts on November 9, perhaps you should be here.

China - China has published its first study of transgender people and it’s exactly as worrying as you’d expect

Josh Milton
Pink News

Credit:  http://www.chinadiscovery.com/assets/images/travel-guide/maps/china-river-map.jpg

please press:  www.pinknews.co.uk

The many ways Alliance Defending Freedom is fighting against transgender student equality

Rebecca Damante, Brennan Suen
Media Matters for America

Credit:  http://www.womenofgrace.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/70124305_s.jpg

please press:  www.mediamatters.org 

Kentucky Baptists threaten to kick out churches that think it's OK to hire 'practicing homosexuals'

Grace Schneider
courier journal

Credit:  http://rmnetwork.typepad.com/.a/6a00e550255d3c8833017eeb04ad29970d-pi

please press:  www.courier-journal.com

Study: Atheists, More Than Any Religious Group, Accept Transgender Identities

Hemant Mehta

Credit:  https://image.spreadshirtmedia.com/image-server/v1/compositions/1025052619/views/1,width=300,height=300,appearanceId=2,backgroundColor=fff,version=1503002519/atheist-acronym-mens-t-shirt.jpg

please press:  www.patheos.com

26 November 2017

Donald Trump is 'furious' with Ivanka for Roy Moore comment (New Zealand)

Valerie Edwards
New Zealand Herald

Credit:  http://www.mercurynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/sextoon091.jpg?w=620

please press:  www.nzherald.co.nz

ezs note: If you plan on being in Washington DC anytime between December 6 through the 9th, perhaps it would be a good idea to be here.

Colombia - Mystery on a Colombian mountain: the story of Señorita María

Richard Emblin
The City Paper Bogota

Boavita, Colombia

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f0/Foto_de_la_iglesia_de_Boavita.jpg/250px-Foto_de_la_iglesia_de_Boavita.jpg

please press:  thecitypaperbogota.com

How a Colorado cake shop could erode civil rights for LGBTQ Americans

Lucia Graves
The Guardian

Credit:  https://static1.squarespace.com/static/58b9df1cbe6594678ddee022/t/58ef4cd13e00beca82fa5594/1504177243780/Charity+Maurer+Photographysoho63.jpg?format=500w

please press:  www.theguardian.com

Portland school officials craft transgender policy

Noel K. Gallagher
Portland Press Herald

Portland, ME

Credit:  http://c8.alamy.com/comp/CWX80B/bar-at-waterfront-lobster-restaurant-on-long-wharf-portland-maine-CWX80B.jpg

please press:  www.pressherald.com

UK transgender rights row intensifies as book fair is cancelled (UK)

Ben Quinn, Dulcie Lee
The Guardian

Credit:  http://teachinginhighered.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/STRUGGLE.png

please press:  www.theguardian.com

25 November 2017


Calyn Thompson

Rochester, MN public library

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/97/Rochester%2C_Minnesota_Public_Library.jpg

please press:  www.kimt.com

Drexel University starts medical fellowship for transgender surgery training

Isiah Denby
Washington Examiner

Credit:  https://img.webmd.com/dtmcms/live/webmd/consumer_assets/site_images/articles/health_tools/preparing_for_sugery_asa_slideshow/getty_rf_photo_of_surgery_in_progress.jpg

please press:  www.washingtonexaminer.com

Bridgewater Township, NJ

estimated transgender population:  261*
(rounded up)

Credit:  https://cdn20.patch.com/getty/22871539/20171122/025400/styles/T600x450/public/processed_images/gettyimages-107540963-1510763464-2361-1511379373-5913.jpg

ezs note:  Ho, ho, ho!  So, where you gonna get a tree?  Well, Bridgewater Township, New Jersey always has some on sale this time of year!

24 November 2017

Bombshell report reveals new details about Trump's Oval Office meeting with Russians after he fired Comey

Eliza Relman
Business Insider

Credit:  https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b8/29/42/b8294223c9bb18d0c01912409d3ccc9f--us-politics-us-government.jpg

please press:  www.businessinsider.com

ezs note:  Do you plan on being in Middletown, Connecticut on December 5? Then you might want to plan on this


Braden Keith
Volley Mob

Credit:  http://www.camelvolleyballcamps.com/images/resSlider16-1.jpg

please press:  volleymob.com

Are trans service members winning?

Karen Ocamb
Los Angeles Blade

Credit:  http://i.quoteaddicts.com/media/q1/830332.png

please press:  www.losangelesblade.com

AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin and the Fight Against HIV

John Jahn
Shepherd Express

Credit:  https://st2.depositphotos.com/4082775/8319/v/950/depositphotos_83196980-stock-illustration-hiv-aids-ribbon.jpg

please press:  shepherdexpress.com 

ezs note:  This is a scholarly, well-written article, including the origins of the AIDS virus from SIV (Simian Immunodeficiency Virus).  This is far more than the stock AIDS article, even though it is written for a general audience.  Please read it if you can.

MILITARY UPDATE: In halting transgender ban, judges hint U.S. has fool for client

Tom Philpott

We remember those Egyptian friends who died...

Credit:  https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2395/2541905328_ef997169f1_b.jpg

To all my US friends, happy belated Turkey/Tofurkey Day!

Credit:  http://www.cartoonaday.com/images/cartoons/2015/11/thanksgiving-cartoon-turkey-598.jpg

22 November 2017

Italy - Gay rights under the spotlight at LBGTI meet in Rome

The Statesman

Rome, Italy

Credit:  https://www.rome.info/metro/rome_metro.gif

please press:  www.thestatesman.com

Walk remembers transgender victims of violence

Angie Holland
The Oskaloosa Herald

Oskaloosa, IA

Credit:  http://sjcook.com/trains/cbq/depots/IAoskaloosa/cbq0001.jpg

please press:  www.oskaloosa.com

Battenfeld: In 3rd District, a run at history

Joe Battenfeld
Boston Herald

Credit:  http://www.townsendgop.org/images/MA-3-cong-district.gif

please press:  www.bostonherald.com

In transgender ruling, another judge finds Trump credibility gap

Derek Hawkins
The Washington Post

Credit:  http://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/170427182543-09-100-day-trump-cartoon-super-169.jpg

please press:  www.washingtonpost.com

21 November 2017

Donald Trump appears to back Roy Moore: 'Look, he denies it. He denies it' (UK)

Ben Jacobs
The Guardian

Credit: http://www.mercurynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/mooretoon01.jpg?w=620

please press:  www.theguardian.com

ezs note:  Do you plan on being at New Haven, Connecticut on December 2?  Well, plan on being here.

other note:  Well, my.  Donald Trump has such impeccable credentials, Roy Moore must be telling the truth.

Uh, you don't believe this crap... do you?

Transgender professor awarded $1.1M after school denied her tenure and fired her

Tara Fowler
ABC News

Credit:  https://www.usnews.com/img/college-photo_2419.jpg

please press:  abcnews.go.com

Wrangell group in solidarity with global transgender day of remembrance

June Leffler

Wrangell, AK

please press:  www.kstk.org

Health Care System Fails Many Transgender Americans

Neda Ulaby

Credit:  https://i.pinimg.com/736x/3c/4d/36/3c4d3663ca1a81c71b6b046c34200fe8--stupid-people-beds.jpg

please press:  www.npr.org

20 November 2017

On Transgender Day of Remembrance, the Screams That India Ignored

Vishnu Gopinath
The Quint

Credit:  https://thumb9.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/172514374/666460276/stock-vector-zipper-mouth-emoji-666460276.jpg

please press:  www.thequint.com

Anti-Gay 'Family Values' Former GOP State Senator Guilty of Child Sex Trafficking After Being Found With Teen Boy

David Badash

Credit:  http://www.fridaymash.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Seeking-a-higher-position.jpg

‘Vile bigot’ Republican deletes herself from social media after backlash to anti-trans tweet

Eric W. Dolan
Raw Story

Credit:  https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1276/0865/products/SmileyFYourself-001_large.jpg?v=1466730720

please press:  www.rawstory.com

A message of hope: Transgender community gathers in Norfolk to remember the lives of those lost to violence

Amir Vera
The Virginian-Pilot

Norfolk, VA

Credit:  http://ea550746b2e04b9b38db-3a6ba95bdfbfe96b2ed779a8c851df82.r98.cf1.rackcdn.com/lps/assets/u/downtown-norfolk-waterside.jpg

please press:  pilotonline.com

19 November 2017

Trump sexual misconduct allegations 'remain very disturbing': Republican senator

Ellie Smith
ABC News

Credit:  https://i.pinimg.com/originals/51/06/5d/51065d77548dcbdd89d05bfc856d59f2.jpg

please press:  abcnews.go.com

ezs note:  If you are planning on being in Northampton, Massachusetts on December 2, perhaps you'd enjoy this.

Germany - Germany’s New Gender Legislation

Morgan Dagincourt
The Skidmore News

Credit:  http://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/151106113751-gender-sexuality-intersex-super-169.jpg

please press:  skidmorenews.com

2017 has been the best year for trans people; it’s also been the worst

Jarrett Lewis

Credit:  https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3160/2757851927_838e959e76_b.jpg

please press:  www.salon.com

Becoming a 60-year-old Transgender Activist

Stephanie Mott

Kansas counties

please press:  www.huffingtonpost.com

Review: Two voices tell a deeply human transgender story 'As One'

John von Rhein
Chicago Tribune

'As One' opera

Credit:  http://www.sandiegomagazine.com/images/cache/cache_b/cache_4/cache_4/as-one-san-diego-opera-0304944b.jpeg?ver=1506726829&aspectratio=1.4971428571429

please press:  www.chicagotribune.com

18 November 2017

Sexual Misconduct Allegations Are Toppling Powerful Men. Why Not Donald Trump?

Nancy Benac, Calvin Woodward

Credit:  https://s3.amazonaws.com/lowres.cartoonstock.com/none-donald_trump-gop-republicans-presidential_candidates-hillary_clinton-jran365_low.jpg

please press:  time.com

ezs note:  Let's not forget that Donald Trump fondled, groped or outright raped 12 - 12 - 12 women.

That we know about. 

El Salvador - How Two Trans Salvadoran Migrants Found Peace in Tijuana

Amanda Ottaway, Meghan Dhaliwal, Gabriela Martinez

Credit:  https://mipatria.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/mapa-el-salvador-con-departamentos1.jpg

please press:  www.vice.com

A new high in gay politics: Palm Springs will usher in an entirely LGBTQ city council

Javier Panzar
La Crosse Tribune

Credit:  https://news.berkeley.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/lgbtq-pride-graphic-750.jpg

please press:  lacrossetribune.com

Jacksonville’s Youth Crisis Center to add area’s first LGBTQ emergency shelter

Beth Resse Cravey

Credit:  https://images1.apartments.com/i2/DqLwNxyBCmgiIG7aBBuNUHowrDmBBwoeKmEjMLLmKnk/110/downtown-jacksonville-jacksonville-fl-foto-del-barrio.jpg

please press:  jacksonville.com

Methodist Church appoints first transgender minister (UK)

Olivia Rudgard
The Telegraph

Credit:  https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71WAKTSufUL._SY355_.jpg

please press:  www.telegraph.co.uk

Tallmadge, Ohio

estimated transgender population: 102*
(rounded up)

Credit:  https://tallmadge-ohio.org/ImageRepository/Path?filePath=%2Fdocuments%5CIntranet%5C24%2FOld+Town+Hall.jpg

ezs note:  The unique spoke design is quite remarkable, so come on over to Tallmadge, Ohio to see the view!  

17 November 2017

Donald Trump believes women (when it is politically beneficial to him)

Clayton Purdom
The A.V. Club

Credit:  http://www.mercurynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/20160330_092328_trumptoon03.jpg

please press:  www.avclub.com

ezs note:  If you are going to be in Rochester, New York on December 1, you might find this helpful.