05 October 2016

04 October 2016

Person of interest jailed, questioned in shooting of transgender woman

Carol Robinson

Credit:  http://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/hpenews.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/4/0f/40f31c6c-8436-11e6-a108-0736c8ffbd68/57e99d4f4d787.image.png

please press:  http://www.al.com

Mark Seliger takes on the unsung in book of trans portraits

Leanne Italie

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b9/Schild_Christopher_Street.JPG

Trump Slammed for Controversial Response to Trans Military Question

Mary Emily O'Hara

Credit:  http://image.syracuse.com/home/syr-media/width960/img/post-standard/photo/2016/03/18/-c8b35a8c76790b94.jpg

please press:  http://www.nbcnews.com

Intersex—seeking the beauty in difference

Martha Henriques
Medical XPress

Credit:  http://image.slidesharecdn.com/intersexpeople-110617140631-phpapp02/95/intersex-people-12-728.jpg?cb=1308319894

please press:  http://medicalxpress.com

ezs note:   This is a long but worthy piece.  If you are intersex or know someone who is, I urge you to read this.

Pope Francis urges pastoral care for transgender people, draws line between ministry and ‘indoctrination’

Nicole Winfield
The Washington Post

Credit:  http://blogs.denverpost.com/opinion/wp-content/blogs.dir/85/files/2013/09/pope-cartoon-bagley-495x357.jpg

03 October 2016

Oklahoma City man arrested for kidnapping, sexual battery of transgender woman

K. Querry

Credit:  https://localtvkfor.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/kfor-logo-wide-with-site.jpg?quality=85&strip=all&w=1200

please press:  http://kfor.com

New suicide prevention strategies for gay, transgender youth

Science Codex

Credit:  http://www.speakingofsuicide.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/wordle-transgender-300x204.jpg

Defense Department Issues Transgender Handbook

Amy Bushatz

Credit:  http://dailysignal.com/wp-content/uploads/509pentagon-1250x650.png

please press:  http://www.military.com

Atlanta trans pioneer Cheryl Courtney-Evans dies

Matt Hennie
Project Q Atlanta

Cheryl Courtney-Evans
Credit:  http://www.projectq.us/atlanta/atlanta_trans_pioneer_cheryl_courtney_evans_dies?gid=18032

please press:  http://www.projectq.us

ezs note:  What an amazing life!  Rest in peace, Cheryl...

02 October 2016

A different Drum's beat


Credit:  http://queermusicheritage.com/camp/drum1.jpg

please press:  http://www.philly.com

Gambia fails to heed UN warnings on deteriorating human rights (Gambia)

Amnesty International
The Salone Monitor

Credit:  https://static1.squarespace.com/static/52cead95e4b0ef6095373e2c/t/53614bbae4b0317988aeb789/1398885314948/front+GWF.jpg?format=1500w

Faith and equality community dialogue to be held in Concord

Independent Tribune

Credit:  http://www.firstchurchtempeucc.com/uploads/2/0/7/7/20776246/6096398.jpg?303

Governor hopefuls distancing themselves from Clinton, Trump

Colin Jeffery

Credit:  http://s3.amazonaws.com/content.washingtonexaminer.biz/David%20Fitzsimmons.jpg

please press:  http://www.ktrs.com

Hope, Relief for Transgender Military Families in New Policy

Ben Finley

Credit:  http://www.educationnews.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Image-for-Gender-change.jpg

please press:  http://abcnews.go.com

01 October 2016

Gay Catholics test Poland's conservative church

Michel Viatteau
Digital Journal

Credit:  http://www.easyjet.com/en/holidays/shared/images/guides/poland.jpg

Trinity PRIDE: On being an ally

Abigail Wharton
The Trinitonian

Credit:  https://www.wealthengine.com/sites/default/files/styles/case_study/public/image/trinityu-logo-cs.png?itok=5v7b8kpL

US top judge ousted over gay marriage stand (Ghana)


Judge Roy Moore

Credit:  http://image.shutterstock.com/z/stock-vector-crying-baby-118795444.jpg

please press:  http://starrfmonline.com

Transgender's 'uncomfortable' transit at Abu Dhabi airport (United Arab Emirates)

Ashwani Kumar
Khaleej Times

Credit:  http://www.abudhabiairport.ae/english/media/ADIA-Homepage-3-EN_tcm13-2357.jpg

Thai expert picked for first-ever LGBTI role (Thailand)

The Nation (Thailand)

Credit:  http://www.operationworld.org/files/ow/maps/lgmap/thai-MMAP-md.png

Cranston, Rhode Island

Credit:  http://sos.ri.gov/virtualarchives/archive/files/coal-mine-crn-187b-1_114e9bf166.jpg

ezs note:  Are you interested in visiting Cranston, Rhode Island?  All ya gotta do is click!

29 September 2016

New Report Finds Voter ID Laws Disenfranchise Transgender Community

Hayley Miller

Credit:  http://marketing-assets.avvo.com/uploads/sites/3/2012/09/Vote-Denied.png

please press:  http://www.hrc.org

ezs note:  This is all the more reason to register early.  If at all possible, go to the place where voters are registered, and explain your situation to them.  This is doubly important if you have moved, changed your gender, or even changed your looks.  If the election official looks crabby or complacent, ask for a written statement with their signature on it

North Delta's Crossroads United Church officially recognized as an ‘affirming’ ministry (Canada)

James Smith
North Delta Reporter

Credit:  http://lh6.ggpht.com/_bbCVnA_5z9I/SkKrmI4jeUI/AAAAAAAAB78/jgRzhFEHROc/logo%20sharp.png

28 September 2016

How I'll vote

Credit:  http://www.elections.saccounty.net/PublishingImages/MainSlider/vote-banner.jpg

President/Vice President:  Hillary Clinton (D) vs. Donald Trump (R), Gary Johnson (L), and Jill Stein (G) 

This race is, of course, the big kahuna.  Now, you might assume that I just fell in love with Hillary, just itching to vote for her.  Uh...no.  I would have loved to have voted for Elizabeth Warren (Massachusetts) with a very strong second for Bernie Sanders (Vermont).  Uh, Hillary came in third, folks.  And it took me a great while to warm up to her.  However, having seen her nomination speech, and her first debate performance, I gained a reasonable liking for her.  Not a swoon, mind you - but a healthy liking.  

Now on to Trump.  In case you haven't figured it out yet, he's f***ing nuts.  One quick example:  during his nominating speech, he said kind words to the LGBT cause.  Well, that's perfectly reasonable, said our friends in the Log Cabin sub-party.  However, a few days ago, he picked Rick Santorum as an adviser!   Sorry, Log Cabin, you can pick a candidate on principle - but you can't smooch their ass.

Gary Johnson is an interesting candidate.  He, like Clinton, has a strong LGBT advocacy.  He has a strong appeal with me for decriminalizing marijuana.  However, he has two strong strikes against him.  One is his absolute cluelessness when asked about the problem in Aleppo (it's in Syria, folks).  The other is his belief in the static nature of the Constitution.  Uh, sorry, Gary. The words changed - albeit just a bit - from the time you started taking the oath to the time you finished it.  Now, this may seem like mere semantics - but when you apply them to the Constitution, suddenly the meaning takes on a whole new import.

Next, Jill Stein.  When Ralph Nader took on the mantle, he looked very promising.  (For awhile, I belonged to the Green Party)    Sadly, the party has taken on a bunch of lunatics.  Now, mind you, half of the party's platform looks very promising and exciting.  The other half, however, deserve to be locked up in rubber rooms - for their sake as well as ours.

We often hear how this particular election is 'important'.  However, this one really is, and for those reasons, I endorse Hillary Clinton.

(to be continued)

27 September 2016

‘Strut’ Star Isis King Is Exposing Mainstream America To Transgender Models

Zara Barrie
Elite Daily

Isis King

Credit:  http://www.stylenotes.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Transgender-model-Isis-King-to-launch-fashion-line.jpg

please press:  http://elitedaily.com

Transgender boy, 12, delivers powerful speech to school board... (UK)

Daily Mail

Credit:  https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2016-09/14/17/asset/buzzfeed-prod-fastlane01/sub-buzz-22047-1473890054-4.jpg?resize=625:417

"Modern Family" First Show to Feature Transgender Child Actor

Suyin Haynes

Credit:  http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/modernfamsfour133.jpg

please press:  http://time.com

26 September 2016

ICYMI: Donald Trump Adds Rick Santorum as Adviser


Credit:  https://ih0.redbubble.net/image.199656696.4443/flat,800x800,070,f.u3.jpg

please press:  http://www.hrc.org

ezs note:  Oh yeh... Santorum will make a great advisor... NOT!!!

How Mumbai’s red light district and transgender community ‘haunted and inspired’ Anosh Irani (Canada)

David Chau
National Post

Credit:  https://dynamic.indigoimages.ca/books/0345816749.jpg?altimages=true&width=260&quality=85&maxheight=400&lang=en

Pridelines intergenerational conference shines light on HIV prevention

Christian Portilla
Miami Herald

Credit:  https://images.trvl-media.com/hotels/1000000/30000/23200/23141/23141_311_b.jpg

How a supercomputer helped give a Nepali trans activist a voice of her own (UK)

Nick Duffy
Pink News

Credit:  http://cdn.phys.org/newman/gfx/news/hires/2014/edisonelectr.jpg

please press:  http://www.pinknews.co.uk

25 September 2016

2016 Banned Books Week is Here!

Kelly Konrad
Chicago Now

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/d7/c4/37/d7c43760c6faaee2bd8f8e470f0fbc06.jpg

please press:  http://www.chicagonow.com

Tom Crawford: At least we're not North Carolina

Tom Crawford
Savannah Now

Credit:  http://jokideo.com/wp-content/uploads/meme/2014/06/Reaction-Pic---Shocked.jpg

please press:  http://savannahnow.com

"Growing Up Coy" (UK)

Clare Clark
The Panoptic

Credit:  http://growingupcoy.com/uploads/websites/1721/146719024957738be96196a.png

please press:  https://thepanoptic.co.uk

Police stop Uganda’s gay pride parade a month after a bar raid

Rodney Muhumuza
LGBTQ Nation

Credit:  http://scaredmonkeys.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Idiot-of-the-Day.png

U.S. Supreme Court has reasons to duck transgender rights fight

Lawrence Hurley

Credit:  http://www.commdiginews.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/supreme-court-gap.jpg

please press:  http://www.reuters.com

24 September 2016

Social Justice Lecture Series at Michigan Tech


Credit:  http://www.michigantechhuskies.com/sports/wvball/2011-12/photos/YGQUMUOHMOJQJVF.20110914125912.jpg

please press:  http://www.upmatters.com

This transgender teen was allegedly fired from McDonald's after getting media attention

Matthew Rodriguez

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/dd/51/75/dd51752b12fd4c323cf2ad095bac8934.jpg

please press:  https://mic.com

Transgender women refused entry at Hong Kong International Airport (UK)

Meka Beresford
Pink News

Credit:  http://www.hok.com/uploads/2012/04/09/hkia-chep-lap-kok-asia02.jpg

please press:  http://www.pinknews.co.uk

Wethersfield, Connecticut

Credit:  http://www.silaswrobbins.com/Images/HouseDayT.jpg

ezs note:  Looking to visit Wethersfield, Connecticut?  Just click here to visit!

23 September 2016

Please, don't vote!

Credit:  https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjYbTsMyDXkPM0bTdqvmjY2fzb6GZzYNJ5HZ46d7pDbKzp_nh_euMCFNqr7NWT9onmxLW_XnXgH8Kf_PAgCyB74hV1f779msnGBVmKdPRiR1ZWmSnaqi6aDtJQg7ABxNUUkfjdNLUkWLgjE/s1600/id.jpeg

So you're not gonna vote this election.  Hey, I understand.

So what if Yaz'min Shanchez were killed and burned - it's not like it's anybody fault, is it?

So what if a brave little transgender girl took to the streets to the streets to proclaim loudly her cause.  Eating potato chips is so much more important - isn't it?

Then again, just do it. VOTE.

Election Day is November 8.  Register early and vote.  Thanks.

22 September 2016

Jury finds Brady guilty of transgender woman's murder

Stacey Deffenbaugh

Credit:  http://az616578.vo.msecnd.net/files/2016/06/08/636009457470207208-37059248_DOJ-ITN-corner.jpg

please press:  http://www.nbc-2.com

ezs note:  GOOD.  Rest in peace, Yaz'min...

Transgender woman raped by male cellmate is suing a New Orleans jail

Claire Lampen

Credit:  http://az616578.vo.msecnd.net/files/2016/06/10/636011165941200372802644261_423275-rape.jpg

please press:  https://mic.com

AP PHOTOS: Barcelona pageant celebrates transgender women


Credit:  http://justglobetrotting.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/barcelona-1080x675.jpg

please press:  https://www.yahoo.com

21 September 2016

20 September 2016

Officer disciplined for reportedly calling transgender woman 'he-she'

Joe Sneve
Argus Leader

Credit:  http://www.thelistcafe.com/wp-content/uploads/stupid-police.jpg

Pentagon to pay for ‘medically necessary’ sex-change operations for active transgender troops

Corey Dickstein
Stars and Stripes

Credit:  http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user3303/imageroot/20160607_trans.jpg

please press:  http://www.stripes.com

Homeless shelters facing new transgender rules

Tim Devaney
The Hill

Credit:  https://static01.nyt.com/images/2013/12/03/us/03homeless1/03homeless1-master1050.jpg