02 January 2018

Pakistan Calls Donald Trump's Tweet 'Completely Incomprehensible'

Kathy Gannon

Credit:  https://pics.me.me/as-my-artists-statement-explains-my-work-is-utterly-incomprehensible-27007882.png

please press:  time.com

Paraguay - Fears rise over LGBT discrimination in conservative Paraguay

Pedro Servin
FOX News

Credit:  http://cdn.history.com/sites/2/2014/02/kristallnacht2-AB.jpeg

please press:  www.foxnews.com

ezs note:  If you are planning a vacation, please, do NOT go to Paraguay - and tell them why.

The new Jim Crow targets LGBT Americans too

Irene Monroe
Out In Jersey

It’s an election year in Texas and LGBTQ candidates are flooding the zone

E.A. Crunden

 Credit:  https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/847590019120340992/r7jpW5JS.jpg

please press:  thinkprogress.org

ezs note: Texans -  I know it's early, but particularly if you live in one of the districts that are LGBTQ, you might want to consider making a donation.  Of course, you'll want to consider other areas, but if you're amenable to this person, even five or ten bucks will make a difference.

Judge refuses to order Palatine school district to suspend transgender policy

Chicago Tribune

Credit:  https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/tulsaworld.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/2/4d/24d75f30-700b-5af8-9440-58c9d39de1c6/5a3008f7e7b77.image.jpg?resize=1200%2C1360

please press:  www.chicagotribune.com

31 December 2017

South Korea - Korean superstar Kim Jong-Hyun 'trolled by far-right conservatives' for supporting LGBT fans before apparent suicide

Emmeline Saunders


Kim Jong-Hyun

Credit:  https://forevershiningshinee.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/5110.jpg

please press:  www.mirror.co.uk

Ashlee Marie Preston hopes to represent south Los Angeles in the California Assembly

Neal Broverman

area of Crenshaw (Los Angeles)

Credit:  http://www.corpforbetterhousing.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/DSC_0041F-Crop.jpg

please press:  www.advocate.com

Illinois law bars 'gay panic' defense

Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Illinois State Capitol (Springfield, IL)

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f8/Downtown_Springfield.JPG/1200px-Downtown_Springfield.JPG

please press:  www.nwaonline.com

Trump drops challenge to transgender troops in military, opening door to Jan. 1 recruits

Jayne O'Donnell
USA Today

Credit:  https://cdn.drawception.com/images/panels/2012/9-3/pwAcwyZeaB-2.png

please press:  www.usatoday.com

30 December 2017

Clovis, California

estimated transgender population:  618*
(rounded down)

Credit:  http://www.ci.clovis.ca.us/Portals/0/WebSitesCreative_Banner/3933/2d5e8449-cdb8-4e20-ad07-9c26a490d47f_resized.jpg

ezs note:  If you're visiting in the summertime, come and see "Old Town Clovis".  Anyhow, anytime's a good time!

29 December 2017

Former Army Secretary Fanning Slams Trump's Proposed Transgender Ban

Richard Sisk

Credit:  https://fthmb.tqn.com/x34l9m4fDJSrDwWYYybFtwgV1Ow=/768x0/filters:no_upscale()/Trump-Locker-Room-Cartoon-58b8fdb25f9b58af5cc8205d.jpg

please press:  www.military.com

28 December 2017

Cambodia - Push for LGBT rights

Pech Sotheary
Khmer Times

Credit:  https://www.cambodiadaily.com/cdfiles/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/cam-photo-lgbt.jpg

please press:  www.khmertimeskh.com

Sam's Club discriminated against transgender worker, lawsuit claims

Brooke Sopelsa
NBC News

Credit:  http://www.dailyherald.com/storyimage/DA/20170710/BUSINESS/170719886/AR/0/AR-170719886.jpg&updated=201707110931&MaxW=800&maxH=800&noborder

please press:  www.nbcnews.com

Mourning Ben Barres, The Transgender Scientist Who Changed Neuroscience

Matthew Herper

Ben Barres (1954-2017)

Credit:  https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2017/12/neuroscientist-ben-barres-dies-at-63/_jcr_content/main/image_0.img.620.high.jpg

please press:  www.forbes.com

Alabama Certifies Jones Win, Brushing Aside Challenge From Roy Moore

Alan Blinder
The New York Times

Credit:  https://www.usnews.com/dims4/USNEWS/64e60f7/2147483647/resize/1200x%3E/quality/85/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.beam.usnews.com%2F62%2F0f%2Fe715f6bf4518a02032918b88f00c%2Fthumb-4.jpg

please press:  www.nytimes.com 

24 December 2017

Joplin's only gay bar to shut down after New Year's Eve party

Gregory J. Holman
Springfield News-Leader

Joplin, MO

\Credit:  http://hobart-design.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/downtown-joplin-960x645.jpg

please press:  www.news-leader.com

Milfordian first transgender woman to skate across USA

Christopher Gavin
The MetroWest Daily News

Credit:  https://i.ytimg.com/vi/p3NXd3DhH08/maxresdefault.jpg

please press:  www.metrowestdailynews.com

23 December 2017

Iran - Transgender In Tehran: Arsham's Story

Masih Alinejad

Credit:  http://www.goldennews.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Iran.jpg

please press:  www.rferl.org

Poll: Arizonans would support LGBT non-discrimination law

Dustin Gardiner

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9d/Flag_of_Arizona.svg/1200px-Flag_of_Arizona.svg.png

please press:  www.azcentral.com

Where things start to get better: New Pride Group gives LGBTQ teens place to belong

Stephanie Dickrell
SC Times

St. Cloud, Minnesota

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/32/First_National_Bank%2C_St_Cloud_MN.jpg/250px-First_National_Bank%2C_St_Cloud_MN.jpg

please press:  www.sctimes.com

America’s First Transgender Suicide Hotline Is Now Live

Jesse Mechanic

Credit:  https://she.blogs.latrobe.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2016/08/keep-calm-because-help-is-here-1.png

please press:  www.huffingtonpost.com 

Cleveland, Ohio

estimated transgender population:  2238*
(rounded up)

ezs note:  Cleveland rocks!  Cleveland rocks!  Cleveland rocks! Let's all go to Cleveland, Ohio!

*Credit:  http://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/How-Many-Adults-Identify-as-Transgender-in-the-United-States.pdf

20 December 2017

Cambodia - ‘Rainbow couples’ fight for approval

Kong Meta, Leonie Kijewski
The Phnom Penh Post

Credit:  https://i.ytimg.com/vi/42Z5ODbUY5g/hqdefault.jpg

please press:  www.phnompenhpost.com

The Year The Religious Right Moved Into The White House

Miranda Blue
Right Wing Watch

Credit:  https://lefteyeonthemedia.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/religious-right.jpg

please press:  www.rightwingwatch.org

Andrea Jenkins on Her Remarkable Year Making and Preserving Trans History

Katelyn Burns

Andrea Jenkins

Credit:  https://www.continuum.umn.edu/continuum/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/andrea.jpg

please press:  broadly.vice.com

Transgender Jewish woman wins review of child contact case (UK)

Harriet Sherwood
The Guardian

Credit:  https://ka-perseus-images.s3.amazonaws.com/9c92f28462d37a24e83f314a098b182ef257da94.png

please press:  www.theguardian.com

19 December 2017

Namibia - Equality parade held in Swakopmund


Swakopmund, Namibia

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5c/NA_Swakopmund_Arcade.JPG/220px-NA_Swakopmund_Arcade.JPG

please press:  www.namibian.com.na

Who will be LGBTQ Nation’s 2017 Newsmaker of the Year?

Bil Browning
LGBTQ Nation

Credit:  http://image.oregonlive.com/home/olive-media/width620/img/living_impact/photo/newsmaker2jpg-6a38950a9a655293.jpg

please press:  www.lgbtqnation.com

Drag Queen Story Hour in Burlington shows children they can 'be anyone they want to be'

Brent Hallenbeck
Burlington Free Press

Credit:  https://www.dragqueenstoryhour.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/dqsh-lil-miss-hot-mess-3.jpg

please press:  www.burlingtonfreepress.com

Japan urged to end forced sterilization of transgender people

Sierra C. Jackson

Credit:  http://www.smh.com.au/ffxImage/urlpicture_id_1051876861842_2003/05/02/w3_trans_japan.jpg

please press:  www.nbcnews.com

18 December 2017

New report out on harms of legalizing discrimination in child services

Windy City Times

Credit:  https://buzzworthy.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Screen-Shot-2017-05-08-at-11.34.20-AM-948x546.png

please press:  www.windycitymediagroup.com

ezs note:  Of all the things listed, there are two which are very important.  They are two bills, misleading in character, which you should be against.  They are:

First Amendment Defense Act

Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act

This is doubly important if your Representative is a Republican who is sitting on the fence.  Call - do not e-mail - your Representative today.  If you are uncertain who your Representative is, or would like the phone number, click the address below:

After firestorm, CDC director says terms like “science-based” are not banned

Beth Mole
Ars Technica

Credit:  http://rs38.pbsrc.com/albums/e104/nybigtymer/stewie-victory.jpg~c200

please press:  arstechnica.com

ezs note: Uh-----huh.  "Mischaracterization", you say?  With MOTUS in the Oval Office, you'll forgive me if my heart isn't exactly warmed.

Botswana to recognise a transgender woman’s identity for first time after historic High Court ruling (UK)

Darin Graham

scene in Botswana

Credit:  https://d1ljaggyrdca1l.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Herd-of-Elephants-walking-while-guests-cross-channel-on-a-Safari-Game-Drive-in-Botswana-1600x900.jpg

please press:  www.independent.co.uk

17 December 2017

63 Percent Of Americans Believe Donald Trump Tried To Obstruct Russia Probe

Mary Papenfuss

Credit:  https://i.pinimg.com/736x/f1/6a/a7/f16aa7b0c6ec5c642d87a74340b42732--opinion-news-trump-clinton.jpg

please press:  www.huffingtonpost.com

ezs note:  If you are planning a visit to Sterling, Virginia on January 3, 2018, you might want to visit here.

Kenya - Kenya to conduct trial on new HIV prevention drug

Elizabeth Merab
Daily Nation

Credit:  https://s-i.huffpost.com/gen/1430227/images/o-AFRICAN-AMERICAN-VACCINE-facebook.jpg

please press:  www.nation.co.ke

A true step forward for civil rights


Credit:  http://www.step-partnership.co.uk/sites/default/files/imceimages/step-forward-big.gif

please press:  www.fosters.com

Pastor Blasts Supreme Court’s Gay Wedding Cake Case In Unhinged Rant

Curtis M. Wong

Credit:  https://img.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://img.washingtonpost.com/news/comic-riffs/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2016/11/RESIST-chast-original.jpg&w=1484

please press:  www.huffingtonpost.com

Once a spy who fought WMD proliferation, this transgender woman is running for Congress

Katerina Ang

Credit:  https://www.ktuinsider.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/YourVoteMatters.770x460_0.jpg

please press:  moneyish.com

16 December 2017

Virginia Senate candidate E.W. Jackson "regrets" anti-gay rhetoric

John Riley

Chesapeake, VA

Credit:  https://localtvwtkr.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/58dee381f0694.jpg?quality=85&strip=all&w=2000

please press:  www.metroweekly.com

Word ban at CDC includes 'vulnerable,' 'fetus,' 'transgender'

Jessica Ravitz

Credit:  https://bookquotemonster.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/bravenewworld-covfin.gif

please press:  www.cnn.com

ezs note:  As soon as I read this article, I e-mailed Mayor Shari Cantor of West Hartford and urged her to place the transgender flag below the American flag as a form of protest.  Now, I am urging you to do likewise.  Please, send an e-mail to your Mayor, politely asking this be done.  Thanks.

Canyon, Texas

estimated transgender population:  88*
(rounded up)

Credit:  http://www.afltriptalks.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/DSCN0569-Palo-Duro-Canyon-TX.jpg

ezs note: Wow... as you can see from the photo above, Canyon, Texas has some of the most beautiful land around.  So, come on down for a visit!

Doubting the intelligence, Trump pursues Putin and leaves a Russian threat unchecked

Greg Miller, Greg Jaffe, Philip Rucker
The Washington Post

Credit:  https://www.pushtrumpoffacliffagain.com/assets/twitter_card.jpg

please press:  www.washingtonpost.com

15 December 2017

Ukraine - Transgender woman working to ease lives of Ukrainians like herself

Mariya Kapinos

Credit:  http://cryptocurry.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Ukraine-Announces-Amazing-News-For-Bitcoin-Users-This-2017.jpg

please press:  www.kyivpost.com

As A Physician, Here’s Why I Stand In Solidarity With The Transgender Community

Aletha Maybank

Credit:  http://aharpharma.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/physicians.jpg

please press:  www.huffingtonpost.com

‘Insult to the process.’ Judge who wouldn’t hear gay adoptions skips disciplinary hearing

Greg Kocher
Lexington Herald-Leader

Credit:  http://2w6kxc22rrr9mabqt1mglgait6.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/dur-brain-insult-abuse-small.jpg

please press:  www.kentucky.com