11 January 2016

Bowie an enduring role model to young trans people

Azure Gilman
Aljazzera America

Credit:  http://static.highsnobiety.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/david-bowie-0.jpg

please press:  http://america.aljazeera.com

ezs note:  Rest in peace, David Bowie...

'The Danish Girl' Banned In Qatar Over The Supposed ‘Moral Depravity’ Of Its Transgender Themes

Tim Isaac
Big Gay Picture Show

Doha, Qatar

Credit:  http://cdn.greenprophet.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/skyscraper-rotating.jpg

Ben Carson: 'Abnormal' LGBT People Shouldn't Get 'Extra Rights'

Miranda Blue
Right Wing Watch

Credit:  http://themoderatevoice.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/170572_600-2.jpg

Transgender scholar C. Riley Snorton to speak on ‘Jorgensen’s Shadows’

Joan Brasher
Vanderbilt University

C. Riley Snorton

Lawsuit dismissed against Planet Fitness for transgender-friendly locker room policy

Bob Johnson

Credit:  http://vector.me/files/images/7/1/712303/planet_fitness.png

please press:  http://www.mlive.com

ezs note:  Good!  I'm glad to see that this judge threw this daffy woman's suit out of his court.  

Seattle Times Reporter Echoes Bogus Attack On Transgender Bathroom Access

Rachel Perceley
Media Matters for America

Credit:  http://rlv.zcache.com/quotes_to_invent_false_charges_is_never_difficult_tshirt-rbab14dc369b041a5bc4c7889eebc0f01_804gs_512.jpg

please press:  http://mediamatters.org

10 January 2016

BRIAN HOWEY: A time for Gov. Pence to lead

Brian Howey

Credit:  http://media.cagle.com/83/2015/03/31/162003_600.jpg

please press:  http://www.nwitimes.com

At least 10 transgender children living in Northern Ireland say they are living in the wrong body (Northern Ireland)

Jilly Beattie
Belfast Live

 Credit:  http://belfastbutterflyclub.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Sparkle-1.jpg

Heard on Beacon Hill

The Sun

Credit:  http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/45/99/f5/beacon-hill.jpg

Legislative Issues Set To Include Abortion, Ethics And Hemp


Credit:  https://lgbthealthwellness.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/transgender-rights.png?w=474&h=270

please press:  http://www.keloland.com

ezs note:  South Dakotans - It's listed about halfway down, but moronic legislators are trying to force transgender students to use their biological bathroom in school, no matter how uncomfortable it makes them.  Tell your legislators to say NO to this idiotic bill.  Oh, and turn Reps. Fred Deutsch and Jim Bolin out on their ear in November!

Region’s pro sports teams to back transgender bill

David Scharfenberg
The Boston Globe

Credit:  http://cdn1.theodysseyonline.com/files/2015/11/01/635819930459570377121403910_boston%20spoorts%20logos%20copy.jpg

09 January 2016

‘Mahu’ demonstrate Hawaii’s shifting attitudes toward LGBT life

Jon Letman
Aljazeera America

Credit:  http://sdgln.com/files/hawaii-33612.jpg

Auckland Grammar responds to gay and transgender students' concerns (New Zealand)


Credit:  http://www.parnell.org.nz/images/AucklandGrammarHall490x250.jpg

please press:  http://www.stuff.co.nz

Religious right targets St. Paul charter school over transgender inclusive policies

Andy Birkey

Credit:  https://s3.amazonaws.com/sa-assets-production/logos/33042fbf-00f4-11e3-9a0e-4040757706bd/original/Nova_Logo1_Final.jpg?1376055451

please press:  http://thecolu.mn

Davina Ayrton: transgender woman raped teen girl before transition, sentenced to men's prison

Aaron Homer
The Inquisitr

  Credit:  http://static1.squarespace.com/static/53714acce4b0bb13e3c90e93/537264d3e4b04835e33db007/54ac4face4b04f1bf4dcef6b/1421340709732/?format=1500w

please press:  http://www.inquisitr.com

ezs note:  All around the world, transgender men and women are simply trying to get on with their lives.  They don't need this crap.  Granted, Ayrton had a troubled life, but she deserved to be JAILED for her actions.

Changing perceptions through social media (Thailand)

Corry Elyda
The Nation (Thailand)

Credit:  http://topholidays.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/4.jpg

Berlin, Germany

Credit:  http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/11/17/2329380B00000578-0-image-5_1416234708529.jpg

08 January 2016

Transgender found murdered (India)

The Hindu

Credit:  http://media.gettyimages.com/photos/in-this-photograph-taken-on-may-6-an-indian-transgender-mourns-after-picture-id472833124

please press:  http://www.thehindu.com

ezs note:  Yes, India is a very large country, but if you were in Bhadrachalam (ENE from Hyderabad) and you spotted this crime, please  call your local police or INTERPOL.  Thanks. 

Are Feminism and the Transgender Movement At Odds?

Isaac Fornarola
The Huffington Post

Credit:  http://www.grassrootsfeminism.net/cms/sites/default/files/trans%20feminism%20cover.jpg

Letter - Let transgenders go to appropriate bathrooms

Kelly End

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/eb/4a/25/eb4a251789e4b716793db188d0cbc9f4.jpg

please press:  http://union-bulletin.com

Surrey film tackles transgender issues (UK)

Serena Pattar
The Leader

Credit:  https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2311/2131706910_6fe9332c2b_b.jpg

07 January 2016

Discrimination Against Transgender Women Seeking Access to Homeless Shelters

Caitlin Rooney, Laura Durso and Sharita Gruberg
Center for American Progress

Credit:  https://cdn.americanprogress.org/wp-content/uploads/logos/CAP-logo-small.png

Anti-transgender bills threaten people’s ability to fully participate in society

Timothy Wang and Sean Cahill
The Hill

Credit:  https://globalgenes.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/The-Hill-01.png

please press:  http://thehill.com

Transgender person shot: ‘Hospital staff laughed whilst they bled’ (UK)

Michelle O'Toole
Pink News

Credit:  http://i.perezhilton.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/pll-trans-scandal__oPt.jpg

ezs note:  This is an absolute, utter disgrace.  The police and hospital staff in this case should be FIRED, immediately, and authorities should look into the case to see if any additional punishment is warranted.  Especially if you are traveling to Pakistan, see if the local ambassador is following through.  Thanks.

Jo-James's story: calls for more support for transgender people in rural communities (UK)


Credit:  http://c8.alamy.com/comp/B39BXW/stoodley-pike-monument-calderdale-west-yorkshire-uk-built-to-celebrate-B39BXW.jpg

please press:  http://www.itv.com

The History of the Khmer Rouge; Transgender Women in Men’s Prisons

Khathayra Um, Kris Schreier Lyseggen and Ashley Diamond
KPFA 94.1

Credit:  http://freestone.com/kpfa/folioproto2.jpg

please press:  https://kpfa.org

06 January 2016

Statue to pay tribute to transgender victims of violence

Mauricio Pena
The Desert Sun

Credit:  http://www.publicsculpture.com/blog_images/911_memorial_blog_01.jpg

please press:  http://www.desertsun.com

Sonu Nigam launches India’s first transgender band ’6-Pack Band’ (India)


Credit:  http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/thumb/msid-50469478,width-400,resizemode-4/50469478.jpg

please press: http://www.india.com

Transgender veterans diagnosed with significantly more mental and medical health disorders

Steve Lee
LGBT Weekly

Credit:  http://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/collegiatetimes.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/5/0c/50c8d2b4-3fa3-11e4-b7bb-001a4bcf6878/541b951cbfb18.image.jpg?resize=300%2C265

please press:  http://lgbtweekly.com

Beauty queen hopeful launches campaign to change the rules about transgender (UK)

Siofra Brennan
Daily Mail

Gateshead, UK

Credit:  http://www.johnmacstravelandphotography.com/UK-Galleries/The-North-Of-England-UK/Dunston-Gateshead-UK-2014/003-Dunston-Gateshead-UK-2014/i-QprK3Q2/0/L/188%20-%20%20Wellington%20Road%20(The%20Old%20Co-oP%20Building),%20Dunston,%20Gateshead,%20Tyne%20%26%20Wear,%20UK%20-%202014.-L.jpg

Transgender locker room rules prompt outcry at state Capitol

Melissa Santos
The Bellingham Herald

Credit:  http://editorialcartoonists.com/cartoons/LopezA/2015/LopezA20150701_low.jpg

05 January 2016

Transgender Activists Denounce ESPA

Byrgen Finkelman

Credit:  http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2010/04/07/nyregion/07tran1-cityroom/07tran1-cityroom-blogSpan.jpg

Once A Prisoner In Cuba, A Transgender Cuban Vows To Never Return

Nadege Green

Credit:  http://www.juliengoldstein.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Cuba00004.jpg

please press:  http://news.wgcu.org

When Christian Schools Make Campuses Less Safe

Eliel Cruz

Credit:  https://jerbearinsantafe.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/wpid-wp-1398619271035.jpeg

please press:  https://sojo.net

Join our incredible transgender columnist on her amazing journey (UK)

Juno Dawson
Glamour (UK)

Credit:  http://homegrownhospitality.typepad.com/.a/6a00d834518f7769e20133f59475f8970b-320wi

Meet Allyson Robinson, the first openly transgender Baptist minister (UK)

Carey Lodge
Christian Today

Allyson Robinson

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8a/Allysonr-head3.jpg/200px-Allysonr-head3.jpg

04 January 2016

Transgender 'Madam Phung's Last Journey' At Atheneum

Susan Dunne
The Hartford Courant

Credit:  http://img.cdn2.vietnamnet.vn/Images/english/2014/12/25/13/20141225133822-1.jpg

please press:   http://www.courant.com

Cathedral City will get gender-neutral restrooms Jan. 8

Mauricio Pena
The Desert Sun

Credit:  http://api.ning.com/files/Wmplu1XRZrm2usl4TNWo*qkw19GsPI2DrCI*pYGckkMf7H4Xz0gnuggKbCmVAdJfBsBTe0nZG77-pCn*DYKNZqskkXg*6e4y/AllGenderRestroomNSchoolBanner.jpg

please press:  http://www.desertsun.com

New Georgia School to Target Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender

Tony Potts
Coosa Valley News

Credit:  https://gayguidetocambodia.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/201502_lgbteducation_01.png?w=350&h=200&crop=1

03 January 2016

Two Men To Stand Trial For Murder Of Argentine Transgender Advocate

On Top

Credit:  http://i.ndtvimg.com/mt/2014-10/filipino_death_candle_vigil_AFP_650.jpg

please press:  http://www.ontopmag.com

ezs note: GOOD.

Nashville LGBT Chamber announces newly elected board members

Brian Sullivan
Out & About Nashville

Credit:  http://www.emporis.com/images/show/385437-Large-exterior-looking-northeast-from-legislative-plaza.jpg

JNU considers granting extra points to transgender admission seekers (India)

Aranya Shankar
The Indian Express

Credit:  http://cdn.htcampus.com/cmsmedia/cache/260x200-2/uploads/files/jawaharlal-nehru-university-jnu-make-administrative-work-paperless/JNU1.jpg

please press:  http://indianexpress.com

02 January 2016

As a Caseworker I Witnessed the Nightmarish Traumas Foster Care Presents for LGBTQ Youth

Ryan Berg

Credit:  http://www.autostraddle.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Screenshot-2014-09-30-14.30.25-640x543.png

please press:  http://www.alternet.org

Law column: Transgender issues in the workplace

Wilford H. Stone
The Gazette

Credit:  https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh2PKtUguVhz-oLZv4uj9gtby961HqlShd1FioRjJa_oe76bqBBULriDcFM1b6zYFbno3hXQ-SCKkLZmXQz2YGvw2CfXHc4P4asl-0pQTP0DK0lo2JAAxJ-ZzcF4m2BNR1MVh5kxbQovu0/s1600/trans_rights2.jpg

please press:  http://www.thegazette.com

Passports and driving licenses shouldn’t say whether you’re male or female, says senior MP (UK)

Harry Readhead

Credit:  http://www.floridanofaultinsurance.info/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Florida-driver-license.jpg

please press:  http://metro.co.uk