19 January 2018

President Trump's First Year Was an Affront to Civil Rights

Sherrilyn Ifill

Credit:  https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a5/35/27/a53527c5b533d19b5875d54dfc2a9304.jpg

please press:  time.com

Scottsdale calls on Arizona to handle LGBT non-discrimination protections

Yihyun Jeong

Credit:  https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhs1UtztTcUHFlfZS1ncwAuY2febNa3Zqba-ikFp7xJ1KuBpWAO19J92-QIn1aqRUlSF4Tyb9Boj-zi7_Cc6MkDB9phwR03MJB61NI0txy2ncqNfI8jfNhtMry3318yhs5llfa_9wm-VzA/s1600/I4DxWZG.jpg

please press:  www.azcentral.com

How Grey's Anatomy Introduced Its First Major Transgender Character

Jessinta Smith

Credit:  https://cdn1.edgedatg.com/aws/v2/abc/GreysAnatomy/showimages/cc0bc8069183df8b332e6152c61f3fd8/640x180-Q100_cc0bc8069183df8b332e6152c61f3fd8.png

please press:  www.popsugar.com

18 January 2018

Donald Trump Gets His Sanity Grades

Gail Collins
The New York Times

Credit:  https://www.usnews.com/dims4/USNEWS/a76c34b/2147483647/resize/1200x%3E/quality/85/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.beam.usnews.com%2F08%2Fa2%2F7941e604432aa424843840514b26%2Fthumb-2.jpg

please press:  www.nytimes.com

Russia - Russian propaganda outlet Sputnik mocks US ‘Tranny troops’

Nick Duffy
Pink News

Credit:  https://www.politico.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/russia-vladimir-putin-cartoon.jpg?w=640

please press:  www.pinknews.co.uk

Commentary: ‘Religious Liberty’ Is Not an Excuse to Deny Transgender People Medical Care

Steve Sanders


Credit:  https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhiLXN3i9WldzPY9jWfxbmA_PfmqClnbpWj82yMGrI8GmWPVrYC14uzS5rKHq8JjK0Mk3tj3O94DGdQH2BOILOwKn7-Dh9g82CgTPA0g9RxgfliEU9-66AeTBIQ39c_vzK73I_3j_q0R65q/s640/religious+bigotry.jpeg  

please press:  fortune.com

This LGBTQ office is first of its kind in N.J.

Taylor Tiamoyo Harris

Credit:  https://www.dhresource.com/0x0s/f2-albu-g5-M00-68-1F-rBVaI1lfPlaAZcOFAABWW0vbt2I884.jpg/600pcs-rainbow-flag-3x5ft-90x150cm-lesbian.jpg

please press:  www.nj.com

Suspect arrested in transgender drag queen sex assault case


Credit:  https://www.legalexpert.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Compensation-For-Assault-300x200.jpg

please press:  kxan.com

17 January 2018


Abigail Tracy
Vanity Fair

Credit:  https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bb/0b/58/bb0b58474d2a37683174c8a921795dee.jpg

please press:  www.vanityfair.com

Saudi Arabia - Saudi Arabia police arrest men over 'gay wedding' video


Credit:  http://voice.mainstreetmonroe.com/uploads/750/464400795.jpg

please press:  www.bbc.com 

2018: Stand Up

Gwendolyn Ann Smith

Credit:  http://worldhistoryconnected.press.illinois.edu/7.2/images/marley_fig01b.jpg

please press:  pridesource.com

Editorial: Ernst owes Iowans answers

Editorial board
Quad Cities Times

Credit:  http://www.trbimg.com/img-54c0889b/turbine/la-na-tt-joni-ernst-new-star-20150121

please press:  qctimes.com

Delaware's transgender students: Separate but equal?

Margie Fishman
delaware online

State Rep. Rich Collins (R-DE)
(oh, gawd, please let him be kicked out of office soon...)

Credit:  http://cdn-webimages.wimages.net/050853c69db11884312f38a69b0784f4eef1e-wm.jpg?v=3

please press:  www.delawareonline.com   

16 January 2018

Donald Trump - Golf, three TVs and Big Macs in bed: my week in the life of Donald Trump

Adam Gabbatt
The Guardian

Credit:  http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/129/066/575.jpg

please press:  www.theguardian.com

Pakistan - Pakistan's Transgender Women, Long Marginalized, Mobilize For Rights

Diaa Hadid

scene in Pakistan

Credit:  https://qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-afc1b1ca44a995559f2593aa65367a28

please press:  www.npr.org

Top statehouse Republican’s bill resurfaces controversy over LGBT advocate’s appointment by Colorado governor

Jesse Paul
The Denver Post

Credit:  http://blogs.denverpost.com/thespot/files/2011/08/Statesenatemap.jpg

please press:  www.denverpost.com

ezs note:  Colorado's 2nd State Senate district - granted, it's a long way off, but if you have a strong LGBTQ credential, have a good rapport with people (whether they agree or disagree with you), and, preferably, have a spot on a city or town council, perhaps it'll be time to take away Kevin Grantham's seat in the Senate.  In case you didn't know, he went to, ahem, 'school' at Liberty University, of airhead Jerry Falwell's starting.

Yeah, that's who you've got representing you in the 2nd District.  You can do better.

As I See It: Launching fight to preserve transgender rights in Massachusetts

Mason Dunn

Credit:  https://www.bbpest.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Peabody-MA-Pest-Control-300x251.jpg

please press:  www.telegram.com

Trump Admin To Transgender Kids: We Won’t Deal With Your Civil Rights Complaints

Rebecca Klein


Credit:  https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/uncyclopedia/images/7/7d/Ass-hole.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20080425192727

please press:  www.huffingtonpost.com

15 January 2018

Donald Trump’s Racism: The Definitive List

David Leonhardt, Ian Prasad Philbrick
The New York Times

Credit:  https://ak6.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/5503466/thumb/2.jpg?i10c=img.resize(height:72)

please press:  www.nytimes.com

Nepal - I Grew Up Trans in Nepal, Then Became One of Its LGBTQ Leaders

Manisha Dhakal
Daily Beast

scene in Nepal

Credit:  https://brightcove04pmdo-a.akamaihd.net/5104226627001/5104226627001_5339731547001_5334486754001-vs.jpg?pubId=5104226627001&videoId=5334486754001

please press:  www.thedailybeast.com

Samantha Bee Brilliantly Calls Out Racist GOP Congressman for Hypocritical Martin Luther King Jr Tribute

David Badash

Credit:  http://stmedia.startribune.com/images/1asack031617.jpg

Democratic candidates for Montana's U.S. House seat talk health care, other issues in Helena

Holly K. Michels
Independent Record

Credit:  https://www.brainscape.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/fa76e076b17687729b_2wm6ba75a.jpg

please press:  helenair.com

ezs note:  Montana residents - it may seem small, but your vote is just as important as any other - no more, no less.  Please remember to vote, and if you haven't registered yet, please do so NOW.  

'A monumental change': how Ireland transformed transgender rights

Libby Brooks
The Guardian

ruins in Ireland

Credit:  https://www.interrail.eu/sites/interrail.eu/files/styles/asset_image_images_slider_big/public/green_ireland.jpg?itok=Osly5eKx

please press:  www.theguardian.com

Martin Luther King Jr. day

Credit:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJhTUgyLncQ

14 January 2018

Donald Trump - A Racist in the Oval Office

John Cassidy
The New Yorker

Credit:  http://progressillinois.com/sites/progressillinois.com/files/styles/content_scale/public/pi-images/cartoon_of_the_day_6-8-16_-_trump_racism.jpg?itok=2Y26nWnR

please press:  www.newyorker.com

Taiwan - Group releases report on LGBTI rights policies in Taiwan

Christie Chen
Focus Taiwan

Taipei, Taiwan

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/69/Neihu_during_2015_winter_solstice.jpg/220px-Neihu_during_2015_winter_solstice.jpg

please press:  focustaiwan.tw

SPLC seeks to defend ban on conversion therapy challenged by hate group

Southern Poverty Law Center

Credit:  http://gayliberation.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Reparative-Therapy.jpg

please press:  www.splcenter.org

Psychologist at Vacaville state prison says transgender advocacy led to demotion

Ryan McCarthy
Daily Republic

Credit:  https://kpbs.media.clients.ellingtoncms.com/img/photos/2010/01/19/cell_block_taracs_t936.jpg?8ef0e6d5801a0df87bc4c9bf782e48aaa2ac8ad8

please press:  www.dailyrepublic.com

‘One Million Moms’ Is Furious That Scholastic Is Selling Books About Transgender Kids

Carol Kuruvilla

Credit: http://more-cliparts.net/images/qTBXLdn9c.png

please press:  www.huffingtonpost.com

13 January 2018

Donald Trump - Another porn star says she was invited to Trump's hotel room in 2006

The Guardian

Credit:  https://www.usnews.com/dims4/USNEWS/3472782/2147483647/thumbnail/970x647/quality/85/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.beam.usnews.com%2Ff2%2F17%2Fe91df7e1445799fc49fca0a5b489%2Fthumb-2.jpg

please press:  www.usnews.com

ezs note:  Here's a little snippet from The Guardian:

The money was reportedly paid to keep Clifford from talking about a sexual encounter she allegedly had with Trump in 2006, shortly after the billionaire’s third wife, Melania, gave birth to their son Barron.

Melania - why do you stay with this pig???

Thailand - The life of a transgender boxer in Thailand

Elianna Spitzer
The Week

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/18/Lanna_cuisine_starters.JPG/220px-Lanna_cuisine_starters.JPG

please press:  theweek.com

D.C. high school students plan and attend civil rights summit

Shira Stein
The Washington Post

Credit:  https://www.dcvote.org/sites/default/files/1_0.jpg

please press:  www.washingtonpost.com

New Jersey’s LGBT related laws rated in HRC index

Out In Jersey

Credit:  http://www.co.bergen.nj.us/images/pages/N164/New%20Jersey%20Incubators%20Map.jpg

please press:  outinjersey.net

Suspect named in murder of San Francisco transgender activist 'Bubbles'

Dion Lim

Anthony "Bubbles" Torres

Credit:  http://ww2.hdnux.com/photos/65/56/72/14085789/5/920x920.jpg

please press:  abc7news.com

ezs note:  San Francisco area - if you see Hieu Trung Nguyen, DO NOT attempt to subdue him, rather call the San Francisco Police Department at 415-575-4444.  Be a real hero.

Ankeny, Iowa

estimated transgender population:  340*
(rounded down)

Credit:  http://static.panoramio.com/photos/large/30753407.jpg

ezs note:  While my hometown has remained fairly stable, Ankeny, Iowa has grown by leaps and bounds!  Come see what all the buzz is about!

11 January 2018

Donald Trump - Trump says some immigrants from 'shithole countries' as he rejects bipartisan deal

Tal Kopan, Lauren Fox

Credit:  http://www.cartoonaday.com/images/cartoons/2017/01/Trump-best-cartoon-robot-598.jpg

please press:  www.cnn.com 

India - Gay Indian prince throws open palace doors to vulnerable LGBT people

Rina Chandran

Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil

Credit:  http://cin.h-cdn.co/assets/17/10/1489054934-prince-1.jpg

please press:  www.reuters.com

Williamston school board members who voted for transgender policy face recall effort

RJ Wolcott
Lansing State Journal

Williamston recall voter

Credit:  http://clipground.com/images/ogre-clipart-3.jpg

please press:  www.lansingstatejournal.com

Camp Rehoboth offers free counseling for community members

Justina Coronel
ABC 47

Credit:  https://res.cloudinary.com/simpleview/image/fetch/c_fill,f_auto,h_390,q_75,w_620/http://delaware.simpleviewcrm.com/images/listings/original_logo0.png

please press:  www.wmdt.com

CWHL's first transgender woman finds comfort, confidence in professional hockey

Katie Barnes

Toronto Furies

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/25/Toronto_Furies_logo.jpg

please press:  www.espn.com

ezs note:  From a lifelong hockey nut, go Toronto!

10 January 2018

Donald Trump Has Sold Out Family Farmers

Zoë Carpenter
The Nation.

Credit:  https://i.pinimg.com/736x/7d/52/c2/7d

please press:  www.thenation.com

Ghana - Human Rights Watch steps up campaign to legalise homosexuality in Ghana


Accra, Ghana

Credit:  http://buzzghana.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Kwame-Nkrumah-Memorial-Park-Accra-Ghana.jpg

please press:  www.ghanaweb.com

Unified settles transgender lawsuit

Terry Flores
Kenosha News

Kenosha, WI

Credit:  http://bestwesternwisconsin.com/img/metros/wi-cg-kenosha.jpg

please press:  www.kenoshanews.com

Delaware ranks high in survey of state LGBTQ laws

Christi Milligan
Delaware Business Times

Credit:  https://technical.ly/delaware/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2016/01/delaware-sign.jpg

Utah Supreme Court considers plight of two transgender people who want their IDs to reflect their ‘actual reality’

Jennifer Dobner
The Salt Lake Tribune

Utah Supreme Court (interior)

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bd/Utah_Supreme_Court_chamber_capitol_2010.JPG

please press:  www.sltrib.com

09 January 2018

Cream City Foundation awards grant to fund trans cultural competency training

Wisconsin Gazette

Credit:  http://www.coversresource.com/back_covers/Aalon-Cream-City-1977-Back-Cover-44289.jpg

please press:  www.wisconsingazette.com

Husband charged with grisly killing of transgender pageant founder

John Paul Brammer
NBC News

Christa Leigh Steele-Knudslien

Credit:  http://image.masslive.com/home/mass-media/width600/img/breakingnews/photo/2018/01/08/christa2png-5a41f86ec70ab5f2.png

please press:  www.nbcnews.com

08 January 2018

How Oprah Could Beat Donald Trump at His Own Game in 2020

Ryan Teague Beckwith

Credit:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiuOEVUtWGU

please press:  time.com

ezs note: Oprah '20? Hmmmmm... 👩

El Salvador - Trump Administration Issues Sadistic Order Targeting 200,000 Salvadorans

Gabe Ortiz

Credit:  https://i.pinimg.com/originals/75/4d/33/754d338c33f70d2b41f67a4124470da7.jpg

please press:  www.alternet.org

ezs note:  Ah, yes, Donald Dumbass is at it again.  Now he wants to deport 200,000 Salvadorans, which, incidentally, (or not...) has the highest has the highest number of transgender people fleeing this repressive regime. Please, call www.house.gov and urge him to do what your Representative can do to halt President Dumbass in his tracks.  Thanks.

Editorial: It’s time to prohibit gender identity discrimination


Credit:  https://i.pinimg.com/736x/2d/57/4d/2d574d78c4175ac04ed842ffe0db09e3--discrimination-quotes-diversity-quotes.jpg

please press:  www.fosters.com