20 September 2017

LaVare’s House Is a Much-Needed Durham Haven for LGBTQIA People in Addiction Recovery

Sam Peterson
Indy Week (NC)

Credit:  http://www.raleighrealtyhomes.com/uploads/Durham-NC-OGI.jpg

please press:  www.indyweek.com

Trump judicial nominee said transgender children are part of 'Satan's plan', defended 'conversion therapy'

Chris Massie, Andrew Kaczynski

Credit:  http://cdn1.gomoviesgo.com/episodes/1230121955-south-park-season-10-episode-11.jpg

please press:  www.cnn.com

ezs note:  Jeff Mateer is an assistant attorney general in Texas. He is also a nominee for a federal judgeship.

He is also an asshole extraordinaire.

Unlike Trump, who is in office either four or eight years (gawd, let it be less than that) Mateer, if nominated, will be behind the bench for life.  Go to www.senate.gov and say NO to Mateer's nomination.  And say no to both Senators (remember, there are two from each state).  Thanks.

19 September 2017

The Madness of Donald Trump

Matt Taibbi
Rolling Stone

Credit:  https://www.usnews.com/dims4/USNEWS/acdbd85/2147483647/resize/1200x%3E/quality/85/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.beam.usnews.com%2Fc1%2F70%2F9a91d2f34124b3c67a6e31180356%2Fthumb.jpg

please press:  www.rollingstone.com

Civil Rights Commission tables request to include LGBT community in anti-discrimination law

Lauren Gibbons


please press:  www.mlive.com

Charlotte police release shocking details about the murder of transgender woman

Bil Browning
LGBTQ Nation

Derricka Banner

Credit:  http://cdn-img.essence.com/sites/default/files/1505492590/derricka-banner-595x360.jpg

please press:  www.lgbtqnation.com

When football players join in to mock transgender people, Kansas high school students protest with a sit-in

Cindy Boren
The Washington Post

Credit:  https://i.pinimg.com/736x/a7/81/18/a78118c65d7c1353f2464e6010c1ebe6--congratulations-card-my-boys.jpg

please press:  www.washingtonpost.com

On transgender ban, Trump, listen to your generals

Gayle Tzemach Lemmon

Credit:  http://49m47r1ce5b927clot3yajgk.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/24187257860_55cd0e1b14_k-840x420.jpg

please press:  http://www.cnn.com

18 September 2017

Indonesia’s Only Transgender Islamic School Quietly Running Again

Krithika Varagur

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8f/Indonesia_Ethnic_Groups_Map_English.svg/360px-Indonesia_Ethnic_Groups_Map_English.svg.png

please press:  www.voanews.com

9 Transgender People Share How They Chose Their Names

Kasandra Brabaw
Refinery 29

Credit:  https://herschelian.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/name_cartoon.jpg

please press:  www.refinery29.com

Happy birthday to, well, me!

Credit:  https://i.pinimg.com/236x/95/90/60/9590607cae654aa0e0151226bfa7e179--happy-birthday-friend-quotes-happy-birthday-cards.jpg

17 September 2017

Stop acting surprised, America: Donald Trump is a white supremacist

Chauncey DeVega

Mayor Ed Lee Pleas for Help in Solving Homicide of Transgender DJ Fatally Shot in Tenderloin

NBC News San Francisco

Anthony "Bubbles" Torres

Credit:  http://ww2.hdnux.com/photos/65/56/72/14085789/5/920x920.jpg

please press:  www.nbcbayarea.com

Michigan board may declare LGBT discrimination unlawful


Credit:  http://static-20.sinclairstoryline.com/resources/media/834ddf97-7924-46bf-a5ff-4c398ad62509-large16x9_lfdfiQxp.JPG?1455579974865

please press:  www.petoskeynews.com

Gender option could be added to Washington (state) birth certificate

Craig Sailor
The Seattle Times

Credit:  http://www.impactprogram.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/MAP.png

please press:  www.seattletimes.com

Transgender activist Gauri Sawant on how motherhood has changed her (India)

Seema Rajpal
edex Live

Credit:  http://i.huffpost.com/gen/2157016/images/o-MOTHERHOOD-facebook.jpg

please press:  www.edexlive.com

16 September 2017

'He cut your heart out': Trump's anger proves memorable

Dan Merica, Karen Liptak

Credit:  https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5a/a7/bf/5aa7bf8d39d061fc53924be51fa74d27.jpg

please press:  www.cnn.com

State of Connecticut Provides Guidance on Changes to Education Records of Transgender Students

Robinson + Cole
JD Supra

Connecticut Department of Education

Credit:  http://www.wiltonbulletin.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/30/2016/06/wilt-connecticut-department-of-education.jpg

please press:  www.jdsupra.com

Canberra's Hannah Mouncey wants to be first transgender player in AFLW (Australia)

Eamonn Tieman
Camden Haven Courier

Credit:  http://www.austadiums.com/stadiums/photos/canberra1.jpg

please press:  www.camdencourier.com.au

Pa.'s public schools must protect transgender students | Opinion

Cooper Toothman
Penn Live

Defense Secretary Mattis says current transgender troops can re-enlist, for now

Tara Golshan

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis

Credit:  https://cbsnews1.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/2017/02/15/3ea5e55e-d310-47dd-a2c3-075b36f31dec/jim-mattis-promo-2017-02-15t161446z.jpg

please press:  www.vox.com

Forreston, Illinois

estimated transgender population:  5
(rounded up)*

Credit:  https://c1.staticflickr.com/7/6164/6182024979_9e581f54d4_z.jpg

ezs note:  Just a short (relatively) distance from the gargantuan city of Chicago is one of the tinier towns, Forreston, Illinois.   Come see what this town has to offer!

*Credit:  UCLA  

15 September 2017

The Loneliest President

Michael Kruse

Credit:  http://www.mercurynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/trumptoon09.jpg?w=620

please press:  www.politico.com

ezs note:  Michael Kruse's article is fairly long, but there is a piece, very short, that says it all:

"You remind me of Howard Hughes," a friend told him.

"Thanks," Trump said.  "I admire him."

Ahem...THAT says it all.

Parents’ Coalition speaks against Decatur Schools transgender policies during meeting

Gabriel Owens

A member of Parents' Coalition speaks forth

Credit:  https://c1.staticflickr.com/7/6081/6062558813_7ceefa0f19_b.jpg

please press:  www.decaturish.com

John McCain is co-sponsoring a new bill to block Trump transgender military ban

Travis J. Tritten
Washington Examiner

John McCain (R-AZ)

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e1/John_McCain_official_portrait_2009.jpg/220px-John_McCain_official_portrait_2009.jpg

Judge: Calling Someone Trans Isn’t Defamatory Because There’s Nothing Wrong With Being Trans

Anthony Michael Kreis

Kent College of Law
(Chicago, IL)

Credit:  http://i.ytimg.com/vi/pKu1V5UTjUQ/mqdefault.jpg

please press:  www.slate.com

20 transgender people have been killed this year

Casey Quinlan
Think Progress

Derricka Banner

Credit:  http://www.epgn.com/images/2015/10-11/trans-victim.jpg

please press:  thinkprogress.org

14 September 2017

Transgender bathroom policy is flash point in Fairfield school election

Mackenzie Ryan
The Des Moines Register

Fairfield, IA

Credit:  http://www.eastern-iowa.com/wp-content/uploads/bpfb/2_0.880786001389927390_banner_iowa-fairfield1.jpg

please press:  www.desmoinesregister.com

13 September 2017

'The Daily Show' Compared Donald Trump to Miss America Contestants. Guess Who Seems More Presidential?

Marissa Martinelli

Credit:  http://media.cleveland.com/darcy/photo/30darcy-trumpjpg-abb2bfa9bb7dc472.jpg

please press:  www.slate.com

The Pentagon Can’t Stop the Trans Ban. Now It’s Time for Congress and the Courts to Act.

Jan Thompson

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/f/f3/American_Civil_Liberties_Union_logo.svg/1280px-American_Civil_Liberties_Union_logo.svg.png

please press:  www.aclu.org

ezs note:  If you haven't yet joined, please consider joining the ACLU.  They're a worthy organization - and they fight for YOU.  

Transgender patients with diabetes may not be adequately treated for risk factors


Credit:  https://img.webmd.com/dtmcms/live/webmd/consumer_assets/site_images/article_thumbnails/quizzes/type2_diabetes_rmq/493x335_type2_diabetes_rmq.jpg?resize=400px:*&output-quality=50

please press:  www.eurekalert.org

Trump taps Delawarean to lead military health care amid transgender controversy

Karl Baker

Colonel Dr. Dean Winslow (Ret.)

Credit:  https://cap.stanford.edu/profiles/viewImage?profileId=7083&type=square

please press:  www.delawareonline.com

'The personal is the political': Model Teddy Quinlivan reveals transgender identity

Clive Martin

Teddy Quinlivan

Credit: http://www.rockandfiocc.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Teddy-Quinlivan-MJJ_6197.jpg

please press:  www.cnn.com

12 September 2017

Will Donald Trump Destroy the Presidency?

Jack Goldsmith
The Atlantic

Edith Windsor, Whose Same-Sex Marriage Fight Led to Landmark Ruling, Dies at 88

Robert D. McFadden
The New York Times

Edie Windsor (1929-2017)

Credit:  http://cdn.danspapers.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/EdieWindsor-cropweb.jpg

please press:  www.nytimes.com

ezs note:  Rest in peace, Edie.  You will always be remembered.

Busting the transgender barrier (Cambodia)

Khmer Times

Credit:  http://www.sbs.com.au/topics/sites/sbs.com.au.topics/files/styles/body_image/public/img_2312_1.jpg?itok=qraSmLH3&mtime=1478063059

please press:  www.khmertimeskh.com

Are transgender military members more suicidal than others? A careful look at the data puts that in doubt.

Michael Flynn
The Washington Post

Credit:  http://s3.amazonaws.com/libapps/accounts/42644/images/worldpop.png

please press:  www.washingtonpost.com

Christian couple blasted by outraged mum of transgender child in furious This Morning row (UK)

Neela Debnath

Credit:  https://www.toonpool.com/user/589/files/the_potato_heads_546695.jpg

please press:  www.express.co.uk

11 September 2017

A History Of Donald Trump’s Tasteless Comments About 9/11

Marina Fang

Professor conducts study regarding transgender teens

Ian Craddock
The Panther

Credit:  https://www.chapman.edu/about/_files/visit-chapman/Memorial-Lawn-slider.jpg

please press:  www.thepantheronline.com

How the LGBT movement came together to fight Trump’s transgender military ban

Eric van der Vort
The Washington Post

Credit:  http://strongdisciple.com/wp-content/uploads/R-fight-the-good-fight-FB-COVER.jpg

please press:  www.washingtonpost.com

Pair of senators submit amendment to delay Trump transgender ban

Jordain Carney
The Hill

Credit:  https://washington-org.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/styles/gallery_full/public/chiekashi16-us-capitol-dome-american-flag-on-clear-blue-day.jpg?itok=De8bHxNw

please press:  thehill.com


Megan Molteni

Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery at Mount Sinai

Credit:  http://inside.mountsinai.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/14/2016/0

please press:  www.wired.com

10 September 2017

Donald Trump Hasn’t Faced a Single Climate Change Question Since Hurricanes Hit

Sam Stein
The Daily Beast

Credit:  http://www.mercurynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/climatetoon04.jpg?w=620

please press:  www.thedailybeast.com

Mona Ahmed, transgender & photographer’s muse, dies at 81

Sonya Lakhani
The Indian Express

Mona Ahmed (1935-2017)

Credit:  http://w.ndtvimg.com/elc/2017/06/06143307/1024_1.jpg

please press:  indianexpress.com

ezs note:  Rest in peace, Mona...

Transgender activist shot and killed outside Tenderloin strip club

Michael Barba
San Francisco Examiner

San Francisco, Tenderloin district

Credit:  https://assets.vice.com/content-images/contentimage/131607/dude%20getting%20arrested%202.jpg

please press:  www.sfexaminer.com

ezs note:  San Francisco residents (particularly those in the Tenderloin section) - if you have any information about the murder of Anthony Torres (Bubbles) please call the San Francisco Police Department at 929-9446.  Thanks. 

Sharon Police answer suit filed over transgender shooting death

Mike Gautner

Sharon, PA

Credit:  http://gallery.walkwithwallace.net/d/87-2/Sharon.JPG

please press:  www.wfmj.com