18 May 2016

Large-scale HIV vaccine trial to launch in South Africa

National Institutes of Health

Credit:  http://drugdiscoveryopinion.com/images/aids.jpg

please press:  https://www.nih.gov

ezs note:  We have to be careful - after all, it won't be until 2020 that we receive the results - but it could be that this vaccine is promising.  In the meantime, please use medicines that are useful NOW.

17 May 2016

Read the freakin' document!!

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/ab/0c/87/ab0c870ffd359072d82d6c86d98e6fcf.jpg

An awful lot of press has gone forth - governors mostly - spewing forth what 'terrible'' things portend their innocent students - but have you actually read the document?  You can do so here.

Georgia Governor Blasts Transgender Student Order

Kathleen Foody
ABC News

Credit:  http://www.redstate.com/uploads/2016/02/facepalm-shutterstock.jpg

please press:  http://abcnews.go.com

Canada Moves to Ban Discrimination Against Transgender People

Ian Austen
The New York Times

Credit:  https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgzzqGM0qWl7MRJMpfBB7KV2JwJp2Y_ajC_SBEZijKO0pALT3gaLfZZLZhU4EtvIU7RV5fGmtNfUC7ZZVEjBD3YrmPX8rNKmxrFY_bUM7WyfqbdUiI57dnEMQIJlqhdmwTO5DDlBpqlinWh/s1600/canada-beaver.gif

please press:  http://www.nytimes.com

ezs note:  Congratulations, Canada!  Now , if only we were able to get your neighbor to the south to behave likewise... AHEM...

15 May 2016

Jewish Groups Cheer Obama’s Transgender Protections

Ron Kampeas

Credit:  http://images.mic.com/gcw4bf35gwy3lbpgsxm1ouhxrzufxsitattnnafkkn3lqa0eb1vmdvpuiitbosy4.jpg

please press: http://forward.com

A Republican Congresswoman Has Personal Stake in Transgender Debate

Lizette Alvarez
The New York Times

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Ileana_Ros-Lehtinen.jpg

please press:  http://www.nytimes.com

ezs note:  It goes to show you that what is needed in Congress is not a label, such as Democrat, Republican, Green, Independent, what have you - what is needed are thoughtful, compassionate, intelligent people.  Thanks, Ms Ros-Lehtinen!

14 May 2016

Denmark to become first country not to define being transgender as a mental illness

Simon Robb

Credit:  http://vocational.nsh.nsanpete.k12.ut.us/all_pages/students/pages/Teacher_Pages/pages/web_design/final_site/Brecken_Chase_Final/denmark3.jpg

please press:  http://metro.co.uk

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick Can’t Explain What Transgender Means, Has a Total Meltdown: WATCH

Sean Mandell

Credit:  http://images.dailykos.com/images/245744/story_image/image.jpeg?1461940118

please press:  http://www.towleroad.com

Transgender mafia boss found dead in 'execution-style' killing (UK)

Harriet Sinclair

Credit:  http://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/41/590x/murder-451752.jpg

13 May 2016

Donald Trump Says Transgender Bathroom Issue Should Be Left to the States. Will That Be Enough for Social Conservatives?

Eric Levitz
Daily Intelligencer

Credit:  http://stmedia.startribune.com/images/ows_14371740658543.jpg

please press:  http://nymag.com

Little Rock Nine’ Student: Transgender Bathroom Debate Is Part of Civil Rights Fight

Katie Reilly

Credit:  http://www.history.com/s3static/video-thumbnails/AETN-History_VMS/21/202/tdih-sept25-HD_still_624x352.jpg

please press:  http://time.com

Arkansas governor recommends schools 'disregard' Obama's transgender directive

Sarah Chaffin

Credit:  https://malenadugroup.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/very-funny-humor-cartoon-jokes-on-ignorance.jpg

please press:  http://katv.com

U.S. Directive on Transgender Access Intensifies Debate

Richard Perez-Pena and Jack Healy
The New York Times

Credit:  http://www.m-surgery.com/images/bind%20justice.gif

please press:  http://www.nytimes.com

04 May 2016

One more hurdle for transgender rights effort

Frank Phillips / phillips@globe.com
Boston Globe

Credit:  http://www.picgifs.com/sport-graphics/sport-graphics/hurdle-race/sport-graphics-hurdle-race-083631.gif

Alabama City Council Recalls Anti-Transgender Bathroom Law

Dominic Holden / dominic.holden@buzzfeed.com

Credit:  https://cdn.meme.am/instances/500x/57135398.jpg

please press:  https://www.buzzfeed.com

Students sue suburban school system over transgender locker room access

Duaa Eldeib / deldeib@tribpub.com
Dawn Rhodes / cdrhodes@tribpub.com
Chicago Tribune

Credit:  https://www.offthemark.com/image/data/cartoons/2013-08-01B.gif

This 25-Year-Old Transgender Woman Is Responsible for That Viral Bathroom Selfie

Lauren Duca
Teen Vogue

Credit:  https://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_1484w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2013/03/24/SocialIssues-Religion-Immigration/Images/616074_10151094725172199_182704715_o1364159221.jpg?uuid=x80LhJTGEeKVyt1D5__unA

please press:  http://www.teenvogue.com

03 May 2016

01 May 2016

North Carolina transgender bathroom law prompts boycotts as anger grows (UK)

David Usborne
The Independent

Credit:  http://i0.wp.com/fusion.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/NCtranslaw1.png?resize=752%2C762&quality=80&strip=all

ezs note:  Oh, I couldn't help but noticing what Lt. Gov. Dan Forest said in a speech the other day:  "If a corporation wanting to do business in North Carolina does not see the worth of our children in the same light, then I wish them well as they do business somewhere else."  See?  He would welcome your leaving.  

That means you, Hurricanes... Hartford would welcome you!

30 April 2016

Backlash, praise for Target's position on transgender issue picks up steam

Kavita Kumar

Credit:  http://www.griffinshoney.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Target-logo.jpg

ezs note:  To those who wish to petition in FAVOR of Target, please go to moveon.org. Also, if you wish, buy a few items from Target.  Thanks!

Why we must learn to live with the elephants

Credit:  http://lifeasahuman.com/files/2012/02/4_MG_0317-sm-550x365.jpg

Because they are among the most humane creatures on earth.

Because they only eat grassland.

Because, as they roam the savanna, you are awestruck by their beauty.

In order to keep your humanity alive, you must do your part.

That is why.

29 April 2016

Group starts petition opposing transgender policy at New London-Spicer schools

Carolyn Lange
The Bemidji Pioneer

Credit:  http://img.memecdn.com/ignorance_o_2061509.jpg

Feds list schools that sought exemption from discrimination statute

Tim Devaney
The Hill

Credit:  http://www.glaad.org/sites/default/files/images/2014-04/120229112209-us-department-of-education-building-sign-story-top.jpg

please press:  http://thehill.com

Ted Cruz, Attacking Donald Trump, Uses Transgender Bathroom Access as Cudgel

Trip Gabriel
The New York Times

Credit:  http://f.tqn.com/y/politicalhumor/1/S/h/a/6/Cruz-Likability-Problem.jpg

please press:  http://www.nytimes.com

28 April 2016

27 April 2016

B.C. court intervenes in parental dispute over transgender child (Canada)


Credit:  http://i.cbc.ca/1.2983949.1425608416!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/prince-george-b-c.jpg

please press:  http://www.thestar.com

ACLU Considers Legal Challenge To Anti-Transgender Restroom Law In Alabama

Dominic Holden

Credit:  https://cdn.meme.am/instances/500x/54399327.jpg

please press:  https://www.buzzfeed.com

Transgender girls at B.C. legislature to back human rights code bill (Canada)

Winnipeg Free Press

Credit:  http://www.bcadventure.com/adventure/explore/island/cities/tourismvictoria/victoria_bc_capital.jpg

How other stores are handling transgender bathroom policies

Hadley Malcolm
USA Today

Credit:  https://cdn.meme.am/instances/500x/56966039.jpg

please press:  http://www.usatoday.com

26 April 2016

An HIV Prevention Pill for Transgender Persons

Scott LaFee and Lisa Loeb Stanga
UC San Diego Health

Credit:  http://newshour-tc.pbs.org/newshour/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/107091580-1024x652.jpg

please press:  http://health.ucsd.edu

ezs note:  As always, before you take Truvada, talk with an experienced physician about the benefits and contraindications.  Also, refrain from sex before beginning treatment.  Thanks!

Iranian Transgender Youth Reveal Parents Reaction to Their 'Inner Disorder'

Sputnik News

Credit:  https://cryptome.org/info/iran-protest/pict2.jpg

please press:  http://sputniknews.com

Transgender teen fights back after suspension for using 'wrong' bathroom

Emanuella Grinberg

Credit:  http://wmbf.images.worldnow.com/images/16608003_BG1.jpg

please press:  http://www.cnn.com

I voted today... DID YOU?

Voting is in Connecticut, Maryland, Delaware, Rhode Island, and Pennsylvania

Credit:  http://www.unitedvoices.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/vote_today.jpg

24 April 2016

How Gov. Daugaard navigated his way to big decisions

Bob Mercer
Rapid City Journal

Credit:  http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/9065941e142eb769bb76794c742e08d1e14ee558/r=300/http/www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/9065941e142eb769bb76794c742e08d1e14ee558/r=300/http/www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/5a96d2d4d73ac5a3265f01c6be98e82fc219de46/c=0-40-1499-1539/local/-/media/2016/02/12/SiouxFalls/B9320872976Z.1_20160212122000_000_GF2DEKBV0.1-0.jpg

New police appeal after missing Leeds transgender woman is captured on CCTV (UK)

Yorkshire Evening Post

Credit:  http://www.movehub.com/sites/default/files/main_images/leeds.jpg

ezs note:  I know it's a long shot, but if you live, work, or travel in the Leeds/Yorkshire UK area, and have information regarding the disappearance of this woman, please contact the Yorkshire police.  Thanks.  

Chris Wallace destroys myth of transgender predators: ‘This is a solution in search of a problem’

David Edwards
Raw Story

Credit:  http://cdn.quotationof.com/images/chris-wallace-2.jpg

please press:  https://www.rawstory.com