09 July 2016

PLEASE let us learn to love one another!

Credit:  http://www.verybestquotes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Kindness-quotes-Never-look-down-on-anybody-unless-youre-helping-him-up.-Jesse-Jackson..jpg

Y'know, I don't have my fingers on current statistics, but damn, it sure feels like one of the worst holes we've ever been in.  First came the horrific Pulse shooting in Orlando, Florida - 102 killed or wounded in one night!  Then came the rapid police shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile , then the killing of five Dallas officers - Lorne Ahrens, Michael Krol, Michael Smith, Brent Thompson, and Patrick Zamarripa. 

This is far too much!!!

As I've said before, these might not be the best statistics, but if you think about it - even casually - you know that viscerally these deaths and woundings are very, very real.

This is for police officers and for those who are anguished by seemingly crass police pullovers.  

Remember, remember, remember that these are human beings!  They are not 'monsters'!  

If you feel that life is too much for you, please see a counselor or psychologist.  

Above all - and this goes for everyone - let us love one another.

04 July 2016

03 July 2016

Transgender British athletes set to make history at Rio Olympics (UK)

Jeremy Armstrong
Daily Record

Credit:   http://www.yeoldejournalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/transgender-athletes-to-be-allowed-to-compete-in-olympics-lgbt-933x445-777x437.jpg

Kochi police brutally attacks transgender people (India)

The Indian Express

Credit:  http://lh6.ggpht.com/_WPMKi5H2_0A/TQqMEYnSA5I/AAAAAAAAHfc/lwihWgvLOIA/kashmir-police-brutality_thumb%5B6%5D.jpg?imgmax=800

please press:  http://indianexpress.com

'Trying to deal with the pain': Orlando survivors face long road to recovery (Orlando shooting) (UK)

Richard Luscombe and Jessica Glenza
The Guardian

Credit:  http://media.trb.com/media/photo/2010-07/55143728.jpg
please press:  https://www.theguardian.com 

ezs note:  Please, give what you can to GoFundMe.  Thanks.

Elie Wiesel 1926-2016

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/1d/47/b8/1d47b891b6efd8045679f669b2ae7ebb.jpg

ezs note:  We remember also...

02 July 2016

‘Being denied what is integral to you’: The struggle for transgender rights (India)

Namita Kohli
Hindustan Times

Credit:  http://i.istockimg.com/file_thumbview_approve/80320001/6/stock-photo-80320001-delhi-queer-pride-2015.jpg

City releases mayor's texts from Pulse shooting (Pulse shooting)

Matt Grant
Orlando Sentinel

Credit:  http://cache3.asset-cache.net/gc/540683734-orlando-mayor-buddy-dyer-holds-an-orlando-gettyimages.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=X7WJLa88Cweo9HktRLaNXg%2FxJkp7I7H%2BxZfSSoOJp1p7Vl8UvBEdPplpdi712C23zmWIM6xrpJthfdvT8eEHqw%3D%3D

please press:  http://www.wesh.com

Rome, Italy

Credit:  https://i.ytimg.com/vi/h9fHP9IvbiI/maxresdefault.jpg

29 June 2016

Two transgender candidates — both named Misty — just made history by winning primaries

Amber Phillips
The Washington Post

Credit:  http://static1.squarespace.com/static/572e8665356fb0592515203f/t/5769bbbc03596e833238ad34/1463240833649/Misky+K+Snow+1.JPG?format=1500w

please press:  https://www.washingtonpost.com

ezs note:  Utah residents - to get information on Misty K. Snow, or to donate money to her campaign, please press www.mistyksnow.com. I read her campaign blog, and was quite impressed.  If you live anywhere else, but have friends who live in Utah, please pass this information along.  Thanks!

22 June 2016

House Democrats Stage Sit-In Protest To Urge Gun Bill Vote (Orlando shooting)

Kristina Peterson and Natalie Andrews
The Wall Street Journal

please press:  http://blogs.wsj.com

ezs note:  Finally - Democrats (and a few brave Republicans) are showing some balls by staging a sit-in!  My own Representative, John Larsen, is out there! You go!

21 June 2016

Israel’s first transgender army officer celebrates pride at embassy event

Ron Kampeas
Jewish Journal

Suspect in Kansas City transgender woman's death remains in Colorado

Springfield News-Leader

The Case for Superman’s Transgender Pal, Jenny Olsen [Pride Week]

Charlotte Finn
Comics Alliance

please press:  http://comicsalliance.com

Police arrest fifth suspect in transgender Burlington man's killing


please press:  http://www.wcvb.com

ezs note:  GOOD.

WATCH LIVE: Attorney General Lynch visits Orlando after mass shooting (Orlando shooting)

Eric Tucker and Mike Schneider

please press:  http://www.pbs.org

19 June 2016

New Employer Resource to Help End Transgender Employment Discrimination

Windy City Times

Turkish police fire rubber bullets, tear gas at LGBT parade

Associated Press
Boston Herald

State's restroom rule respects the privacy of all

Editorial Board

please press:  http://www.heraldnet.com

Transgender rights critical for the health of 25 million transgender people worldwide


The Unhinged Home that Raised Orlando Killer Omar Mateen (Orlando shooting)

Shane Harris and Brandy Zadrozny
The Daily Beast

18 June 2016

Florida Official Kenneth Lewis Suspended Over Anti-Orlando Facebook Post (Orlando shooting)

Elisha Fieldstadt

please press:  http://www.nbcnews.com

ezs note:  WHOA.  It just goes to show that you can get a law degree and yet be very, very, very stupid.  He might just qualify for asshole of the century.

Transgender patients face health-care discrimination, inadequate treatment (Canada)

Kas Roussy
CBC News

please press:  http://www.cbc.ca

Transgender Pride Parade security could double after Orlando shooting (Orlando shooting)

Gabe Cohen

please press:  http://komonews.com

Transgender community protests in Mumbai, demands equal rights (India)

ANI News

please press:  http://aninews.in

Man hit in back in Orlando shooting played dead to survive (Orlando shooting)

Jason Dearen

please press:  http://www.timesunion.com

17 June 2016

Transgender Students In Wisconsin Navigate Life Amid Politics, Debate

Laurel White
Wisconsin Public Radio

please press:  http://www.wpr.org

Transgender, Christian, and Tired (Orlando shooting)

Paula Stone Williams
The Huffington Post

Transgender teen growing up in spotlight talks about bullying, depression

Nara Schoenberg / nschoenberg@tribpub.com
Chicago Tribune

Philly schools pass sweeping policy protecting transgender students

Mensah M. Dean // deanm@phillynews.com

please press:  http://www.philly.com

Somber times in tourist haven after nightclub massacre (Orlando shooting)

Jay Reeves and Jason Dearen
The Washington Post

15 June 2016

To help the victims of the Pulse shootings...

There are many avenues that say they can help the victims of the shootings - some of them are bogus, unfortunately.  One trusted site belongs to GoFundMe.  You can trust this site.

Education board votes to ignore transgender decree

Huron (Mich..) Daily Tribune

Judge: ACLU can intervene in District 211 transgender lawsuit

Eric Peterson
Daily Herald

Transgender Operations Stall in Egypt

Heather Murdock

please press:  http://www.voanews.com  

This gym in Thailand is staffed exclusively by transgender men

Patrick Winn

please press:  http://www.pri.org

Omar Mateen Told Police He’d Strap Bombs to Hostages, Orlando Mayor Says

Frances Robles and Richard Perez-Pena
The New York Times

please press:  http://www.nytimes.com

ezs note:  Due to a glitch - which I hope to get fixed soon - I am unable to get pics with each blog.  In the meantime, I will blogging out once a day news reports as long as they remain current.  I promise I will use trusted news such as The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Slate, and other newspapers of good repute.  Uh, the Breitbart Times and other nutcases need not apply.  I hope this will keep you informed.

14 June 2016

A Transgender Transition in the Workplace

Rita Pyrillis

Credit:  http://www.dispatch.com/content/graphics/2013/08/01/transgender.jpg?__scale=w:660,h:727,t:1,c:ffffff,q:80,r:1

please press:  http://www.workforce.com

For Transgender Boy, Bathroom Fight Just Silly

Alexa Ura
The Gilmer Mirror

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/b1/9e/c8/b19ec8c5ba3ba9e0012b006335df7b64.jpg

Man sentenced to 22 to 44 years after pleading guilty to murder of transgender woman

Chris Caesar

Raheam Felton

Credit:  https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2015-05/19/13/enhanced/webdr02/longform-11779-1432055696-7.jpg

please press:  http://www.metro.us

Pakistan's Transgender Community Mocked by Most, Abhorred by Many


Credit:  http://dc-cdn.s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/dc-Cover-ej9nhmjcemrf0s9mjhi6hpoua5-20160614130540.Medi.jpeg

please press:  http://www.nbcnews.com

13 June 2016

For more information...

Credit:  http://www.linkcpa.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Important_information_logo1.png

ezs note:  Needless to say, (really) this has been a tiny, tiny sampling of truly tragic news on a single story.  For more information, you might want to try http://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out.  Thanks.