31 July 2014

How downing of Flight MH17 might also harm LGBT Ukrainians

Study: Gay youth four times more likely to attempt suicide (UK)

Natassja Zielinski

to read more, go to:  http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2014/07/31/study-gay-youth-four-times-more-likely-to-attempt-suicide/

ezs note:  Are you or a friend feeling depressed?  Please, get help now.  We can bring this alarming statistic down!

Arizona 'gay camp' a summer refuge for LGBT youth

Jen Lebron Kuhney

to read more, go to:  http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix/2014/07/31/ariozna-gay-summer-camp/13411925/

30 July 2014

Arrest made in transgendered woman's murder, burning


to read more, go to:  http://www.abc-7.com/story/26154682/arrest-made-in-transgendered-womans-murder-burning#.U9lhJuNdXSk

ezs note:  GOOD.  The friends and family of Yaz'min Shancez must have a little peace now.  If you have any information on the beating, rape, or murder of a transgender person, contact the police NOW. 

Uruguay, Argentina Top Social Inclusion Index

Jacob Passy

to read more, go to:  http://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/uruguay-argentina-top-social-inclusion-index-n168821

Uganda's anti-homosexuality law could be overturned in the courts

Nina Porzucki

to read more, go to:  http://www.pri.org/stories/2014-07-30/ugandas-anti-homosexuality-law-could-be-overturned-courts

ezs note:  Cross yer fingers, people...

Gay couples to apply for Greenville marriage licenses

26 July 2014

CBC Pride Week: we'll help you get in the spirit (Canada)


Tita Aida - A community icon

Celeste Chan

to read more, go to: http://www.hyphenmagazine.com/blog/archive/2014/07/tita-aida-community-icon

A Mormon mom’s story of unconditional love for her transgender son

A decision on Louisiana’s same-sex marriage ban could come soon

Watch: Sun-kissed Oldham celebrates Pride in style (UK)

Emily Heward

to read more, go to:  http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/whats-on/whats-on-news/oldham-pride---watch-sun-kissed-7514025

Seinajoki, Finland

23 July 2014


Belinda Carroll

to read more, go to:  http://www.pqmonthly.com/belinda-carroll-obamas-big-gay-legacy/20225

Jewish groups praise Obama on LGBT worker rights expansion

Students praise Diversity Club (Canada)

John French

to read more, go to:  http://www.squamishchief.com/news/local-news/students-praise-diversity-club-1.1257516

Include 'third gender' children in schools, states advised (India)

Connecticut Child Advocate Criticizes DCF for Care of Transgender Teen


to read more, go to:  http://wnpr.org/post/connecticut-child-advocate-criticizes-dcf-care-transgender-teen

ezs note:  Feelin' a little heat, Joette?  Here's a hint - it ain't the weather.

22 July 2014

Northside creative space for LGBTI youth (Australia)

UNDP Administrator sees stronger role for lawmakers in eradicating AIDS (Fiji)

Justice Department Investigation Uncovers Routine Conduct Which Suggests Newark Police Are Racist Thieves

Kevin Gosztola

to read more, go to:  http://dissenter.firedoglake.com/2014/07/22/justice-department-investigation-uncovers-routine-conduct-which-suggests-newark-police-are-racist-thieves/

ezs note:  This is a lengthy article, but one well worth reading.  Newark residents, tell your police department to start acting professionally!!!

Growing up transgender: About this special report

GLAAD Studio Responsibility Index Reveals Hollywood Is Sucking with LGBT Representation

21 July 2014

African Anti-Gay Laws Challenge Health Care (Dubai)


to read more, go to: http://www.bignewsnetwork.com/index.php/sid/223997625

Bryan Fischer: Obama is ordering Christians to ‘drop dead’ by outlawing discrimination (UK)

Nick Duffy

to read more, go to:  http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2014/07/21/bryan-fischer-obama-is-ordering-christians-to-drop-dead-by-outlawing-discrimination/

ezs note:  Sorry I had two items simultaneously, but Bryan Fischer is such a foolish twit!

Gay, transgender workers gain US bias protection

20 July 2014

UNAIDS chief calls for end to 'hypocrisy' in fighting HIV-AIDS (India)

Seth Menachem Of 'My Son Wears Dresses' Blog Post Responds To Critics On HLN Weekend Express (Canada)

Joanna Adams

to read more, go to:  http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/07/20/my-son-wears-dresses-seth-menachem_n_5603993.html

A red light from the church (Canada)

Rachel Browne

to read more, go to:  http://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/red-light-from-the-church/

First inclusion alliance school to open

WATCH: The Trans Reporter Changing Turkish Society

19 July 2014

Transgender woman from S.A. gets her dream wedding

'Drag is political by its very nature’ (Israel)

Inside One Hobby Lobby Employee's Inspiring Fight for Equality

Vikings suspend Priefer for 3 games

President Obama To Sign Order Protecting Gay Employees

St. Louis, Missouri

Credit:  www.railfanmotels.com

18 July 2014

HRC Staff and Supporters Participate in Transgender Lobby Day

Jacob Tobia

to read more, go to: http://www.hrc.org/blog/entry/hrc-staff-and-supporters-participate-in-transgender-lobby-day

ezs note:  If you live in or near any of the 50 state capitals, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Marianas Islands, or Guam, don't be shy - lobby!  The only thing "professional" lobbyists get is the almighy dollar.  You can do it too!

U.S. appeals court rules Okla. same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional

Nicholas Riccardi

to read more, go to:  http://www.lgbtqnation.com/2014/07/u-s-appeals-court-rules-okla-same-sex-marriage-ban-unconstitutional/

ezs note:  Oh, this is soooooooooooooo sweet!!!

Not just here in Prince George (Canada)

Karen Brunette

to read more, go to: http://www.princegeorgecitizen.com/opinion/letters/not-just-here-in-prince-george-1.1211852

Stanton letter a warning that SB 1062 fight is not over

EJ Montini

to read more, go to:  http://www.azcentral.com/story/ejmontini/2014/07/17/hobby-lobby-sb-1062-center-for-arizona-policy-greg-stanton-cathi-herrod/12810101/

ezs note:  residents of Arizona - last year, you were justly proud that SB 1062 was defeated.  But the knuckledraggers are at it again.  Arizonans, fight back!!!

'Trans Bodies, Trans Selves': A Modern Manual By And For Trans People

17 July 2014

Do Better By Jane Doe


to read more, go to:  http://www.courant.com/news/opinion/editorials/hc-ed-jane-doe-transgender-girl-badly-handled-by-s-20140717,0,1420012.story

ezs note:  Editorial number two, Governor.   Are you listening yet?

Civilities: Steven Petrow and GLAAD's Tiq Milan on Transgender Etiquette

Steven Petrow

to read more, go to:  http://live.washingtonpost.com/civilities-201400715.html

Gathering here launches push for LGBT rights

Former UNC Player's Sibling Found Murdered


to read more, go to:  http://www.wfmynews2.com/story/news/local/2014/07/17/transgender-sibling-killed-baltimore-reggie-bullock-unc-former-player/12772323/

ezs note:  My condolences to Reggie Bullock and the entire family.  If you have any information regarding the murder of Mia Henderson, PLEASE GO TO THE POLICE!!!

16 July 2014

Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year Awarded to S. Chelvan


to read further, go to:  http://www.jdjournal.com/2014/07/16/s-chelvan-named-legal-aid-lawyer-of-the-year/?hvid=2KuKcE

ezs note:  Congratulations, Barrister Chelvan! 

Former St. Louis police officer admits harassing transgender man

Transgender Advocacy Group Returns to its Roots Following Wingspan Split

Vancouver Catholic schools introduce transgender policy after human rights complaint (Canada)


to read more, go to:  http://www.straight.com/news/687496/vancouver-catholic-schools-introduce-transgender-policy-after-human-rights-complaint

ezs note:  Congratulations, Tracey!

Police say 'Memphis' the pimp, wanted in Mississippi, busted in New Orleans

Ken Daley

to read more, go to:  http://www.nola.com/crime/index.ssf/2014/07/police_say_memphis_the_pimp_wa.html

ezs note:  to those transgenders who have been assaulted - take heart!  You probably think that his crime will be swept under the rug.  Well, Stephen 'Memphis' Carter is IN JAIL.  It happened because a brave transgender woman told her story.  Don't be afraid to tell yours.

EDITORIAL: Transgender teen Jane Doe doesn’t belong in Connecticut boys’ prison


to read more, go to:  http://www.nhregister.com/opinion/20140716/editorial-transgender-teen-jane-doe-doesnt-belong-in-connecticut-boys-prison

ezs note:  This is one of the most cogent articles I've read on the Jane Doe situation.  Ahem... are you reading, Governor?

Dimwits R' Us

To all LGBTs: It's good that so many are keeping up with the news.  It's a good thing. However, breitbart.com  is not a newsworthy, reliable source.  The best thing to do is to contact the WHO (World Health Organization) directly, followed by questions to a trusted, reliable, knowledgeable physician.

The WHO letter is at:   http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/releases/2014/key-populations-to-hiv/en/

15 July 2014

Unpopular referendum

US: Pansexual college student fundraises tuition after being cut off by family (UK)

Katie Dupere

to read more, go to: http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2014/07/15/us-pansexual-college-student-fundraises-tuition-after-being-cut-off-by-family/

ezs note:  C'mon, folks.  Help Katie out.  You  can afford 5 or 10 bucks.  (more would be great!)

Carlton: Hillsborough approaches a new day of rights for everyone

Millions watch UN music video on LGBT rights

Kerry Minton

to read more, go to:  http://www.14news.com/story/26027883/millions-watch-un-music-video-on-lgbt-rights

Hobby Lobby Is Now Discriminating Against a Transgender Employee

14 July 2014

Lawyer Says Transgender Teen Should Be Removed From DCF Custody

LGBT center’s 26-year-old 1st African-American chair faces racial hostility

Erin C.J. Robertson

to read more, go to: http://atlantadailyworld.com/2014/07/14/lgbt-centers-26-year-old-1st-african-american-chair-faces-racial-hostility/

ezs note:  Ranzeno, don't let the idiots get you down - you can do the job.  Best of luck!

Couple to marry at this year's Reading Pride Celebration

Video: Documentary explores what it’s like to be Mormon and trans (UK)

Joseph Patrick McCormick

to read more, go to:  http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2014/07/14/video-documentary-explores-what-its-like-to-be-mormon-and-trans/ 

Trans woman accuses Broadway Pagliacci of workplace discrimination

13 July 2014

A nice day to come out - thousands march for Bristol Pride 2014 (UK)

Jeffrey Tambor as a man who is facing a big change


to read more, go to:  http://www.newsobserver.com/2014/07/12/4001539/jeffrey-tambor-as-a-man-who-is.html?sp=/99/102/111/

Singapore pulls book about gay penguins from libraries

Collin Ruane

to read more, go to:  http://www.wftv.com/news/news/singapore-pulls-book-about-gay-penguins-libraries/ngfF2/?icmp=cmgcontent_internallink_relatedcontent_2014_partners5

ezs note: Gay penguins?  Oh, my, who will tell the children? 

Connecticut children's agency moves transgender girl to boys' facility after alleged assault

Transgender Women Claim Mistreatment at W.Va. DMVs

12 July 2014

LGBTI: Time to Stop the Snigger, World is Bigger (India)

WHO Supports PrEP, Media Bungles The Story With Hyperbole

Benjamin Ryan

to read more, go to:  http://www.aidsmeds.com/articles/WHO_PrEP_media_1667_25884.shtml

ezs note:  To read the WHO (World Health Organization) report, click on the following blog:  http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/releases/2014/key-populations-to-hiv/en/

Progress celebrated at Pride Alive festival

Rachel Minske

Women charged in transgender hate crime

David Ham

to read more, go to: http://www.kirotv.com/news/news/women-charged-transgender-hate-crime/ngd2c/

ezs note:  I'm very glad that Jackson has been arrested; now I hope that Marjorie Marple becomes her co-cellmate. If you know of her whereabouts, PLEASE call Seattle police now.

Transgender GFU student: 'My tax dollars are funding discrimination'

Redmond, Washington

Credit:  http://geek-news.mtv.com/

11 July 2014

Batgirl Will Have ‘More LGBT Characters Than Ever Before’

Rich Johnston

to read more, go to:  http://www.bleedingcool.com/2014/07/11/batgirl-will-have-more-lgbt-characters-than-ever-before/

ezs note:  Okay, I'm a sucker for comics/comix...

The Civil Rights Act’s unintended gift to transgender rights

Uganda: Ruling against LGBT activists violates rights

"I love my transgender brother"

Marsha Aizumi

to read more, go to:   http://www.sdgln.com/social/2014/07/11/i-love-my-transgender-brother#sthash.UbtBDKHZ.dpbs

'Gay men should take AIDS drugs - even if they're not infected': WHO suggests pills be used as a matter of course by at-risk groups (UK)


to read more, go to:  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2689094/Gay-men-AIDS-drugs-theyre-not-infected-WHO-suggests-pills-used-matter-course-risk-groups.html

ezs note:  If you are sexually active AT ALL, talk to your doctor about this IMMEDIATELY. If your doctor is unaware of WHO directives, be sure to make a copy.  Be safe!

10 July 2014

US: New law allows NYC transgender citizens access to gender-affirming ID (UK)

Rob Ford is the lone vote against LGBT homeless youth shelter proposal (Canada)


to read more, go to:  http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/rob-ford-is-the-lone-vote-against-lgbt-homeless-youth-shelter-proposal-1.2703174

ezs note: Wait-- did you say that nice Rob Ford???  (well, he's gotta buy that crack somehow...)

Baptist church ordains transgender woman

Transgender People Are Not Responsible for Educating You

Laverne Cox becomes first trans* Emmy nominee in history

09 July 2014

Colorado Marriage Ban Struck Down in State Court


*** click HERE for more ***

ezs note: Anybody up for a game of dominoes?  ;-)

Demi Lovato - Demi Lovato Voicing Support For New Marriage Equality Campaign (UK)


*** click HERE for more ***

New exhibit ‘Faces of Fairness’ on display at MAC

Jake Jarvis

*** click HERE for more ***

Very Modern Problems Set in a Navajo World


*** click HERE for more ***

Photographer Provides an Inside Look at the Stunning World of the Gender Non-Conforming

Eliel Cruz

*** click HERE for more ***

08 July 2014

You Can Still be Part of History: Get Your UNITY Sign


*** click HERE for more ***

Laverne Cox to Guest Star on Bravo’s ‘Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce’

Sebastian Torrelio

*** click HERE for more ***

LGBT groups pull support of ENDA

Patrick Saunders

*** click HERE for more ***

The Faces of Mental Illness Know, it's Time for ACT!ON Mental Health for 2014 (Canada)


*** click HERE for more ***

UN widens its same-sex marriage policy to include all legally-married staff (India)


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Anti-gay persecution abroad demands U.S. action

Elyse Frishman

*** click HERE for more ***

07 July 2014

How Bad Media Coverage Makes Things Worse for Transgender Victims of Violence

Nicole Pasulka

Don Carrigan remembers Charlie Howard's death


*** click HERE for more ***

Writer David Levithan on LGBT books for the young

Leanne Italie

*** click HERE for more ***

Anna University admits transgender in (English) course (India)


*** click HERE for more **

ezs note: Good luck, Grace!

Voices Of Trans* Pride Seattle 2014

John O'Brien

*** click HERE for more ***

Happy birthday, Mom!

Credit: http://jimpix.co.uk/

06 July 2014

Civilities: Do I introduce my child as my transgender son or daughter?


*** click HERE for more ***

Video: Sikh parents urge people to accept their gay children

Nick Duffy

*** click HERE for more ***

Sofia Gay Pride march chased away from Vasil Levski monument (Bulgaria)


*** click HERE for more ***

ezs note:  Here in the United States and in various places around the globe, Pride Day is celebrated, in cities big and hamlets small, in relative peace.  Sad to say, Bulgaria is not such a place.  I urge you to contact President Rosen Plevneliev to redouble the police force next year.  Thanks!

Laverne Cox, Ellen DeGeneres, Tom Daley Top World Pride Power List


*** click HERE for more ***

Denmark: Copenhagen quietly renames city centre ‘Rainbow Square’ (UK)

Nick Duffy

*** click HERE for more ***

05 July 2014

Bias against gays: It's bad for business — and us all

Angela Hughey

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Swedish Ice Hockey team unveils new Pride-themed kit (UK)

Nick Duffy

*** click HERE for more ***

Op-ed: AGT Seems to Believe Trans People Are Inherently Disgusting and Hilarious


*** click HERE for more ***

Revellers cram Madrid in top Pride parade (Pakistan)

Muhammad Iqbal

*** click HERE for more ***

Graphic video shows transgender woman being attacked

Carol Sbarge

*** click HERE for more ***

ezs note: If you live, work, or travel through Atlanta, and you believe you have seen some of the video in person, contact the police IMMEDIATELY!!! Don't let this vermin run free!

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Credit: upload.wikimedia.com

04 July 2014

Boston City Council’s Commission on the Status of Black Men and Boys

Justin Nash

*** click HERE for more ***

Native Gays Celebrated at West Hollywood Intertribal Pow Wow

Diego James Robles

*** click HERE for more ***

Tony Perkins: Obama is ‘exporting’ homosexuality around the world (UK)

Nick Duffy

*** click HERE for more ***

Terry Mattingly: Hope and division during the Anglican wars

Terry Mattingly

Vietnam Activists Regroup After Failure of Same-Sex Marriage Bid

Marianne Brown

*** click HERE for more ***

To all my friends in the USA, happy 4th of July!

Credit: blogspot.com

03 July 2014

Equal Rights Ordinance Opponents Submit 50K Signatures for Public Vote

Brandon De Hoyos

*** click HERE for more ***

ezs note: The people of Houston are good and decent folk, but they are woefully misinformed by the likes of "Reverend" Max Miller.  Please - lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, and allies - tell them courteously what the "transgender agenda" is really all about.  Like peeing.

Reeling from killings, trans community calls for understanding

Kevin Tsukii

*** click HERE for more ***

Quamar Edwards, suspect in transgender woman's slaying, turns self in


*** click HERE for more ***

ezs note:  It certainly is a terrible thing that he did, but Quamar Edwards certainly did the right thing by turning himself in.  If you have committed a felony, do the right thing and turn yourself in.  Remember, police all over this world are looking for you... and so are we.  

02 July 2014

Thailand: Major newspaper ‘parody’ describes gang-rape of LGBT activist and politician (UK)

Joe Lo

*** click HERE for more ***

ezs note:  If there is justice - any amount of justice at all - these "comedians" will be fired, posthaste. 

Desert cities proclaim LGBT equality, Transgender Day

Will Dean

*** click HERE for more ***

Africans! "wake up" and work to avoid "sinful" Western aid, says Uganda's president (UK)

Mike Pflanz

*** click HERE for more ***

ezs note:  Yes, President Museveni, I'm quite sure McDonald's hamburgers are the seed of the spawn of Satan...

On the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act

Max Rosenblum and Rabbi David Saperstein

*** click HERE for more ***

Arkansas Transgender Leader Speaks at Summer of Conversation Event

Andrea Zekis

*** click HERE for more ***

01 July 2014

Anti-gay group plans Salt Lake conference in 2015

Lisa Schencker

*** click HERE for more ***

US: Austin transwoman denied service at lingerie shop (UK)

Katie Dupere

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Family Values: Corn Syrup for the Mind

Katy St. Clair

*** click HERE for more ***

Marcus Brandon a voice for equality in NC


*** click HERE for more ***

Minimum wage increases to $9 and other new laws for California July 1, 2014


*** click HERE for more ***

ezs note:  If you live in California or were born there, see item number 8. 

Why I'm not voting for Dannel Malloy - and why I don't think you should either

Two words - Jane Doe.

When I voted in 2010, let me say up front that Dannel Malloy was not my first choice.  However, he seemed like a decent enough guy, so I voted for him anyway.  Over the years, I had my occasional pet peeves with him - but then again, who doesn't?  I voted for Barack  Obama twice, yet on occasion he'll do something that I regard as boneheaded.  I like what the late Ed Koch had to say on the subject:  "If you agree with me on nine out of twelve issues, vote for me.  If you agree with me on twelve out of twelve issues, see a psychiatrist."

Yes, there are blunders.  But then there are mind-numbing, jaw-dropping, super-blunders.  And these deserve our immediate attention.

For those of you not in the know, Jane Doe (not her real name since Jane is underage) is a transgender teenage female.  Simply put, her life has been crap.  Not "my daddy won't let me shop at Izod" type of crap.  I'm talking Mommy shooting heroin type of crap.  You get the picture.

She winds up going from place to place once her mother is found unfit, until she is found to be a "problem child" (!) So they do what any responsible caregiver would do.  They haul her ass to prison.  She didn't have to commit any prisonable offense.  Being "bitchy" is good enough for them, thank you.

She stayed in prison for three months. 

What, you say, is their problem? Didn't anybody shout from the rooftops?

Oh, yes, people knew.  Dannel Malloy knew.  Joette Katz (director of Department of Children and Families) knew.  They just didn't say anything.

While Jane Doe sat in prison, Malloy and Katz dithered.  Ultimately Jane Doe was released, but not until a horrific experience.

Malloy would have us believe that the system worked.  I'm sorry, governor, but it didn't.  The Orwellian system hasn't changed a bit.  Joette Katz works breezily along, destroying children and families as she goes.
You see, this isn't a transgender issue.  This isn't an LGBT issue.  This is an issue for every troubled child who is unsure where she or he will wind up.  In short, you aren't doing your job.

And that is why I won't be voting for you, Governor Malloy.